Abortion in Europe | DW Documentary

In Europe, the right to abortion is not universal. Poland is the scene of vociferous protests against some of the continent’s strictest abortion laws. Further south, in Italy, some doctors refuse to terminate pregnancies - even in medical emergencies.

Valentina should still be alive, Salvatore Milluzzo is sure of that. His daughter died in 2016. Pregnant with twins, she was taken to a hospital where doctors refused her an abortion for idealogical reasons, despite the acute danger to her life. This resulted in the deaths of both the unborn babies and the 32-year-old mother. Many women wishing to have an abortion in Italy meet resistance: 70 per cent of doctors there refuse to participate in surgery to terminate a pregnancy, even if the law permits it.

Poland has effectively moved to ban all abortions. For months now, Marta Lampert has been organizing protests against the government and the ultra-conservative Christian lobbyist organization Ordo Iuris. She rejects the paternalism of the church: "Our movement is the reaction to a patriarchal culture, to a patriarchal, fundamentalist state that treats women especially badly.”
In Spain too, Christian fundamentalists are trying to torpedo the statutory right of pregnant women to have an abortion. There are frequent reports of expectant mothers being deliberately deceived about the health of their embryo in a bid to "force” them into giving birth to a severely disabled child.

In Germany too, women seeking an abortion still face considerable hurdles, particularly in rural regions. In the Catholic city of Münster, few doctors are willing to carry out the procedure. Gynecologist Kristina Hänel runs a practice in Gießen. For years, she’s been embroiled in a high-profile legal battle. Anti-abortionists and public prosecutors say her website is breaking the law. At issue is a controversial paragraph of the criminal code prohibiting doctors from advertising their abortion services.

The pro-choice lobby is heartened by the new coalition government’s plan to scrap the offending "paragraph 219.” But this change in the law won’t necessarily make it easier for doctors to inform patients about abortions, let alone carry them out. After all, fanatical anti-abortionist voices are unlikely to be silenced. Consequently, many doctors simply decide not to offer the service at all.

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コメント (21)
  • Ending a pregnancy by delivery to save a woman's health/life is basic medical care. If the babies had any chance of survival they would have done an immediate cesarean on them. Instead they allowed her to die while waiting for them to die. They should be in prison and banned from medicine.
  • @jp4431
    The fetus would not survive, so I'm gonna make sure the mother goes along for the ride. -my moral grounds
  • That is disgusting literally letting that woman die when you know the births will not come to term is inexcusable. They should be thrown in jail!
  • Refusing to abort whilst knowing the babies wont survive anyway. And in the process not treating a life threathening issue. How is that compliant with the hippocratic oath and makes sense?
  • There should be law to list doctors who are conscientious objectors on moral ground for abortion that can be publically access, so consumers/patients can choose their doctors correctly. Make it as consumers protection, consumers has right to choose their service providers.
  • I had no idea abortion was illegal in Germany, even if just technically. Why hadn't that law been changed?
  • It find it monstrous & horrific that DOCTORS who are meant to SAVE lives, just stood around and let a beautiful young lady die. Man that is so VERY wrong. SICKENING.
  • Got to sue these doctors for malpractice for letting their patient die. If they don't want save her then send for someone who will . Just don't let her die. I wonder what these doctors do if the patients are their wives or daughters.
  • What kind of moral grounds do you have to fucking wait out the guaranteed deaths of two stillborns? What the hell? At best that's prolonging the suffering of all involved. And in the case of Valentina they saw the worse possible outcome. Absolutely ridiculous.
  • Abolishing reproductive rights and refusing to perform an abortion to save the mother's life is the murder part...
  • On a finite planet, with dwindling resources and growing inequality, how many more poor children do we need? There are millions of children without the possibility for a good education, healthy food and job opportunities and they are just supposed to "be".
  • This is heartbreaking. Barbaric. That poor woman taking so long to die..in a hospital, surrounded by the doctors and equipment that could have saved her life and her suffering in minutes. This is nothing to do with ' moral' objections, this is rampant misogyny.
  • @Johan.V10
    Every case were the mother will be in danger or incest should be able to have a abortion.
  • @MrsLauren
    I appreciate DW for highlighting these issues. In the case of the Italian woman, I don't understand why she wasn't at least given oral if not IV antibiotics which are commonly prescribed during pregnancy including any range of penicillins, cephalosporins, or clindamycin. If I'm following the logic of these conscientious objector physicians and ultra conservative Catholic beliefs, then any medical intervention would be contrary to God's plan for the individual in question. If you have a heart attack, then you only get paracetamol/Tylenol. If you have a stroke, you only get paracetamol/Tylenol, etc.
  • I don’t understand why Valentina’s doctors didn’t treat her pain or sepsis.
  • So let's see Catholicism, anti abortion, probably anti birth control....what could possibly go wrong? 🤔👹
  • @oguz8795
    as someone living in Turkey, it even surprised me. why do i say like this? Because Turkey is a secular country but turkish people is mostly conservative but abortion did not ban in turkey, or rather there is not high demand in this issue. Europe countries were very liberal in my sight. Yes, conservatives are in every country, i know but even so i'm surprised that the things I heard.
  • Women simply won't be willing to get pregnant at all. This has happened in poland
  • @8bennaboo
    Let's drop the pretense that this is about babies. If males were the ones with uteruses, I bet you anything nobody would try to ban abortion.
  • Wow. I would never have guessed that the situation was so backward in Europe!! Even Germany! It’s appalling!