A Revelation - Walking Into The Unknown

Welcome to my youtube channel, my name is Anakin and I am grateful for your presence, Namaste.

This is a timeless collective message channeled with love and light.

My goal is to add to your day, your week, your month, and your life. Whether you watch for fun or are looking for spiritual guidance.

If you would like to book a personal reading, please send me a message at [email protected]

If you have a personal message that you would like to send me please send it to [email protected]

If you are feeling generous and would like to support or tip as a thank you, please send it to one of these two places.




20 minute pre-recorded personalized reading - $80

My readings are sent out after payment is received within 5 working days

Due to the nature of these readings, I will be taking on 25 readings from 7/15-7/22

コメント (21)
  • What I have seen so far Anakin, is that your very own confidence is increasing. It's a beautiful thing to watch. 'Let the beauty we love, be what we do.' - Rumi
  • Pretty freaking powerful readings, dude. You are like spot on day by day. I can’t even put into words what I’m feeling in my reality, to actually feel and understand sovereignty, selfishness with love and self love. So much excitement to see what doors are opening for me. I can feel it in my chest. Something big. You’re doing great things! Super thankful for your channel. 🙏🏼
  • Thank you, Anakin for sharing your gifts and the confirmations you channelled in this transmission. Blessings to you and everyone here. Shine on.. 🙏💜
  • I always joke that someone else took over my body the first year of my awakening 🤣 Seriously, I felt like I was in the back seat and someone else was driving. INSANE!! Now, four years later, I am on the precipice of something BIG! Do I know what it is? HELL NO! But I'm not scared. That's how I know this is it! It's here! 🎉 Way to knock it out of the park, Anakin! It felt like a personal reading for me. The energy from this reading today was very supportive. It made me feel strong, capable, and powerful 💪 So thanks for that! Keep doin' what you do & namaste my friend!! ✌️❤🌈
  • I just want to pick you up and give you the biggest bear hug. SO GRATEFUL spirit directed me to your channel! Thank you for all that you do. You are INCREDIBLE! Thank you! 🙌✨💖💕🙏💕💖✨
  • Thank you brother from the stars. All the gratitude for our tribe that's spread about the lands.
  • I also felt that surge of energy last night!!! Intense! We are living in an incredible time! 🎉❤ Thank you for your reading!!
  • 3 Big Takeaways for me from this reading! "whatever I'm scared of doing (but know I need to do) is what I need to develop more confidence in"......"when I heal myself I give others permission to heal themselves"......and....."being love rather than begging for love = loving myself = higher vibration = more authenticity!" I think Anakin that you are a very advanced Spiritual Activator! You energy and love is mighty! Thankyou so much for being here for this collective at this time!! Gratitude & Respect to you!🙏😃
  • A beautiful and powerful confirmation of the new path I am embarking on 🙏🏻❤ I paused the reading early on to write something about a person I've been struggling with. Giving lots of love and getting very little in return. I wrote that he's missed the train. I'm on a bullet train towards abundance and greatness and he slept in... and then you say "this person missed the boat" 🙌🏼😅
  • I love your delivery because it’s helping me piece this mystical world together lately I’ve been feeling so lost and been having increased amount of panic attack symptoms but I cherish them now because I know it means I’m growing into myself my path and purpose ❤❤❤your videos empower me
  • @thothmark
    The Book of Five Rings (五輪書, Go Rin no Sho) is a text on kenjutsu and the martial arts in general, written by the Japanese swordsman Miyamoto Musashi around 1645. Many translations have been made, and it has garnered broad attention in East Asia and throughout the world. In his book the 5th element is the void. Where you see the ying yang power of love in its true essence. Like the movie "Fifth Element".
  • I love this uplifting and awakening read! 🌟⭐️ Thank you Anakin for all your support and encouragement 🙏🩷 Sending love and light✨
  • Yes my story - could smell the energy again last night... it's the 2nd full moon in Capricorn - to do with karmic's - so glad I could let it go forever - it was a difficult path of 16 years, but worth it!! - full of learning lessons; my worth, value and boundaries. What lies ahead is beautiful and is worth every step❤❤😊 Namasté
  • Thank you, I needed to hear this. It is the one last fear to rid myself of you have said it in the right way for me to understand. Self love never had it or confidence to love me , only negative feed back my whole life. Thank you for your gift LOVE AND LIGHT to you and yours, I am grateful, thankful and blessed Thank you God in your sons name I pray.😊❤
  • You are so precious Anakin! Your light is shining like the Sun. I look forward to your readings. You are one of my Guides in this 3D realm. I am grateful for you. ❤❤❤😊
  • Thank you so much Anikan for yet another wonderful reading. I am always truly touched by your readings and am blessed to have your videos in my life.
  • Anakin you are my messenger. You appear at the most synchronicity time . With on point, timely words. You are an oracle my friend.
  • You are right. Had my most tremendous weekend in life spiritually and thereby emotionally and physically well being❤🎉
  • @isilko34
    YOU ARE UNBELIEVABLE!!! Thank you!! ❤❤❤