The Consequences of Marrying Your First Cousin (Family Inbreeding Documentary) | Real Stories

Published 2018-03-04
This powerful documentary reveals the tragic health problems suffered by children born within first cousin marriages and explores the controversy surrounding this cultural phenomenon. A disproportionate number of rare recessive genetic disorders occur amongst those of South Asian and especially Pakistani descent and the programme investigates the science, political and social consequences of marrying your first cousin.

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Produced by Chameleon Television
My Parents Are Cousins (Family Documentary) - Real Stories

All Comments (21)
  • @ChiliHorse27
    You know you’re doing something wrong when ALL 3 OF YOUR KIDS have the same extremely rare genetic disorder 🤔
  • @Xariah
    Incest should be illegal. I don't care if it's 1st, 2nd, 3rd cousin etc. it's sickening
  • @steggles667
    The Mother blaming the doctors for 3 of her kids being disabled instead of her choice of marrying her first cousin is just unbelievable. She should be thankful that the doctors and British tax payers are carrying the burden of looking after her whole family. Some people never want to take responsibility for their own stupid decisions.
  • @Tam...
    The man said: Why wouldn't you want to marry your first cousin??...I literally 🤢... The thought of marrying my cousin makes me sick to my stomach🤮
  • @naheem
    Cousin marriage isn't a religious mandate. It is a cultural problem, which needs to be addressed through education.
  • @amaree8420
    Not only is incest completely disgusting but I think that it’s child abuse that they keep producing offspring knowing the circumstances. They should be prosecuted.
  • @cl1212
    I'm Canadian and my parents lied and they are 1st cousins. The disabilities and struggles I had and still do in not fair! I think its disgusting and not right as the kids suffer!
  • @MagpieTimes
    My parents are from South India. My mum comes from a small town. Some time ago, she told me that her mother, my grandmother, never forgave her for not marrying me to my first cousin. Thankfully, my mum is well-read and well-travelled, so she never even entertained the idea. I was so grossed out when she told me about this. My cousin is a good decade younger than me and I used to carry them around and hand-feed them when they were a baby.
  • @2tuff_nuke
    The fact that she had one child and saw how he turned out but kept having more boiled my blood.
  • @tinaharnack3704
    I am a child of incest. My mother married her nephew and gave birth to me. I was fortunate that I had no mental or physical abnormalities. What this did to me mentally has been difficult. I am 60 years old, but this is still a stigma I deal with.
  • @Eowyn126
    When the mom said her children’s disease was the fault of the doctors it just made me sad. That’s strong denial, and I’m sure it’s reinforced by other members of the family. It would be difficult to accept that declining health in your kids is due to a choice you made, especially when you had no knowledge of it when you made that choice (as I assume she didn’t). I do hope someday she can accept it and I wish her luck in caring for her children
    Tazeen Ahmad passed away in 2019 of cancer. I found based on some research that she was a good person. Rest in peace Tazeen
  • @kcmn0089
    Just because something has been going on for centuries, doesn't mean it has to be followed blindly.
  • @reddyify
    What is more saddening is that the parents are not willing to accept the medical evidence. Rather, they blame their fate!
  • Absolutely outrageous to see people defending cousin marriages in 2020 even while living in a developed country with access to internet, education, etc. Extremely appalling to see such behaviour
  • @SadrinaNAli
    I'm tremendously disappointed to witness such negligence by these parents. Despite knowing the probable outcome, they continued to bring more children into this world.
  • @bellafiori4077
    the boy crying out in the beginning absolutely broke my heart.he’s suffering so much because of his own parents selfish choices and he doesn’t know why
  • @mir-jan3496
    A law must be implemented -NO MARRIAGE BETWEEN COUSINS.
  • @marisaera2353
    The cost of this to the British public is astronomical.
  • @ryanfelder5983
    I grew up in Toronto. The most multicultural city in the world. I have lived in different areas in the city. I lived in a predominantly brown part of the city (Pakistanis, Afghans ) and I have never seen so many mentally handicapped children in my life.