Is Eating Insects Good For You? | Earth Science

Published 2016-09-01
Can you eat insects? Greg Foot explains whether or not you could survive on an insect diet. Subscribe to Earth Science:

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All Comments (21)
  • @IndigoXYZ18
    The reason for him saying that eating insects do not have many of the ethical concerns of eating animals, is that insects do not appear to posess the neurological complexity to feel pain; they do not limp on injured limbs or seem to notice whether or not they are missing, they have been seen to continue eating with crushed stomaches, and continue eating whilst themselves being eaten, and generally have a similarly identical robotic to all stimuli they encounter regardless of whether or not it damages them.
  • @ArdalanHamann
    The referencing in description of videos is such a constructive habit . . . please never compromise that
  • I've eaten mealworm stir-fry, crickets, and a grasshopper. The Montreal Biodome had chefs experiences in cooking insects come and do a special event where people could try. My observations? Insects add texture to the food you eat and generally take the flavour of whatever you are cooking them in. The mealworm stir-ry tasted like regular stir-fry but with the added texture similar to having Rice Crispies added.
  • @RobGMyMX5
    I think if insects were turned into processed food like burgers or sausages then people would be more inclined to eat them. I think it's the idea of eating a whole insect, legs and tentacles and all that puts people off
  • @weskos
    I find the idea of eating ants, grasshoppers/locusts, crickets and some kinds of beetles, absolutely without issue. But the notion of eating large grubs, cockroaches, or spiders is nigh on unthinkable. Where the double standard comes from, I can only speculate.
  • @TheDuckofDoom.
    Pressed maggot meal seems like wasted effort. My chickens go bonkers when they find a live maggot.
  • @Hacky2447
    They also forgot to mention the insect amount allowed in peanut butter.
  • @Steaphany
    I eat bugs by letting my back yard Chickens and Turkeys eat the bugs, I eat the eggs, Chickens, and Turkeys. :)
  • @GenuinelyJake
    I'd snack on some crickets, or mealworms I suppose.
  • @RavenHeadInn
    I lived in Hong Kong as a kid in the 80's , went on holiday to Thailand & i used to love the sticks with about 7-8 insects on them covered in a dark brown sauce. Couldnt tell you what insects they were , but they were dam good.
  • If you ever want to get adventurous an try insects, here's my suggestion. Do NOT get those freeze dried insects that are sold for novelty. Those things are awful and all they do is turn to gross powder in your mouth. Find a place that actually cooks them fresh. The only way to really eat them is go cook them fresh, in a recipe and often it's best to eat them at a place that knows how to cook them right and in a recipe that they properly go in.
  • @killslay
    i got a bag of roasted seasoned insects to eat, my dog scoffed the lot before i got near it. he seemed really pleased with himself though
  • @RuiApostolo
    The fact that the spider drawings have 10 eyes instead of 8 bugs me more than it should...
  • I have imagine trying to swallow live ants and how they would be crawling around in your throat
  • @shroomyesc
    Tbh insects are delicious and considering how horrible for the environment cattle farming is, if a culture was to be built from the ground up i think replacing regular animal farming with insect farming would be the best option.
  • @erdvilla
    As a child I used to eat ants, until one day I turned out with severe red bumps all over the body, and red swollen fingers. And no, it wasn't an allergic reaction, I simply ended up on top of a huge giant red ant colony mound XD I don't know how are they called, but they look like the fire ants but are like 20 times their size, and the soldiers have huge jaws that they use to cut skin and spray it with acid. So yeah, after that I stopped my wild gourmet tastings.
  • @adrianmaier9698
    Hi Brit Lab😄 What if instead of a tombstone, we planted a tree on top of the buried body? Then the molekules of the body would end in the tree so you could really visit your dead relatives. Also it would be a big environmental benefit. (Sorry for bad english. Danish here)