How to find AGATES at the beach.

Published 2023-03-12
Some of my favorite rockstars join me at Oceanside Oregon to hound and share the top 5 tips for finding agates on the beach. Whether you here in the pacific northwest, or seaside somewhere else in the world, keep these tips in mind. All of us get super lucky and have an amazing day of finds: carnelian, chalcedony, some great jasper pieces, and some gorgeous-rare blue agates!

In addition to the beautiful Oregon setting and stones, you'll also note some of our gear. When hounding in waters, I recommend a good pair of rain boots, and a scooper can come in handy, especially if you spot something just out of reach, at a depth, or you just need to stop bending over so much as you go for something you've spotted.

There are lots of "How to" tips, but these are the top 5 I suggest you start with. Thanks for joining us here in Oregon, and hope these tips help you on your rockhounding journey.

All Comments (13)
  • This trip to Oceanside Oregon made the perfect opportunity to share my top tips for rockhounders. My narration is drowned a little bit at the end, but I promise you won't want to miss the "show'n'tell" of all our finds after the best day of agate hunting we've ever had! Hope you enjoy it!
  • Fantastic tips!!! You guys sure did have a great day out and your finds are gorgeous, great video!! Thanks for sharing 😁
  • @Laura-ld5sb
    Good pointers. And I'm all for taking a sick day to go!
  • best video friends, how to find agate on the beach, usually on the beach there are lots of beautiful agate. good luck finding friends.
  • Wow very beautiful beach beautiful finds thanks for beautiful sharing 👍
  • This year I'm finding agates and jade , fossils and all kind of killer stuff. I'm scoring stuff where there not supposed to be found or not even known to be. This is because of the huge storms we had out in Cali on the coast. The rivers swelled and emptied tons of rock debre . You can find agates on pretty much every beach from so cal to Oregon and Washington. It's going off this year out hear. I wish I knew when I was in Michigan about the gems out there on the lakes. Now I know
  • Do you think we're making a difference in taking the agates from the beach. Like taking diamonds and deepleting them. Or the earth is consistently making them so it doesn't make a difference
  • @chocolateandbooks
    Where did you find your scoops? I can't find any that look like yours and I'm thinking of asking my neighbor to build me one. LOL, I've been looking for these for 3 weeks and searched many times on Amazon. My neighbor asked me to send him links on what I was looking for. I sent him your video and then I went to Amazon to send him ones that you can't expand or collapse as an example, but wanting one I could reduce down smaller to make it easier to travel with. I think I found yours then. Is that where you guys bought them?
  • My years of collecting agates . I used to think there wouldn't be nice ones in the big debree. Like in the hand size rocks. In those piles u will find the big ones , in the little pebbles you will mostly find the smaller ones
  • Fort kronkhite beach in Marin county has the best cornelian on the west coast. You wouldn't believe it. No agates just cornelian.