FIND YOUR PURPOSE - When You Feel Depressed & Lost, LISTEN TO THIS! | Neale Donald Walsch

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Read Neale Donald Walsch's book: Conversations with God

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Neale Donald Walsch has written 39 books on contemporary spirituality and its practical application in everyday life. With an early interest in religion and a deeply felt connection to spirituality, Neale spent most of his early adult years thriving professionally yet searching for greater meaning in life. He has said that this yearning led to a series of deeply personal spiritual encounters, which he experienced as direct exchanges with the Divine. A series of books titled Conversations with God emerged from those moments and has been translated into 37 languages. Seven books in the series reached the New York Times bestseller list, Conversations with God-Book 1 remained there for over two-and-a-half years.

Books in the With God dialogue series, in their order of publication, include: Conversations with God-Books 1-3, Friendship with God; Communion with God; The New Revelations; Tomorrow’s God; Home with God in a Life That Never Ends, and Conversations with God-Book 4.

In order to deal with the enormous global response to the writings in the Conversations with God body of work, an internet platform has been created at Conversations with God, where the scope and breadth of the CWG messages may be explored in audio, video, and written form, and where readers may get answers directly from the author to any questions they may have about the material.

0:00 - Episode Teaser
0:30 - Neal's Spiritual Journey
17:13 - What was it like having your life portrayed on screen?
20:31 - What motivates Neal when he was homeless?
26:25 - The incredible formula of getting out of any bad space.
35:20 - The God's Solution
44:41 - How can we change our paths towards destruction?
48:24 - What is happening right now?
56:58 - Mission in Life
58:17 - Ultimate Purpose of Life?

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コメント (21)
  • “Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know absolutely nothing about. Be kind. Always.” -Robin Williams
  • Never judge someone who asks for money on the streets, you have NO IDEA of the circumstances that led that person to beg for money. It is not your duty to judge, but to show compassion, especially to a perfect stranger! It's a real honor to hear you speak, Neal Donald Walsh! I've known you since the movie "The Secret" came out. You are a beautiful spirit, I see you, namaste.🙏💫💜
  • This story is almost exactly my story. Getting hurt, wife left me saying she didnt love me anymore after being married for 20 yrs 3 children moving on with there life n leaving me abandoned. . . So I felt. 7 yrs being homeless going thru everything a homeless person does isolation depression addiction n more. Untill I was finally Awakened. Acceptance without resistance, forgiveness without resentment unconditional love for myself n others. No longer looking for happiness outside of myself. Not blaming anything or anyone . After this realization my life was transformed . Every part of my life came into alignment. I was blessed with spiritually awakened ppl that came into my life n explained what this experience was all about. 2 yrs later n my life is 180° turned around. I am living my best life on this spirtual Awakened path. Helping others thru these catalyst. I am truly grateful for that experiance of being homeless n alone. It showed me why I am here in the first place. Really love ur channel I continue to learn about this reality n the other ones to come. This channel is bringing so Much light for those that are looking! Fantastic content thank you❣ Love & Light brother
  • An angel went through my line at a grocery store I worked at, I was in a horrible mood. I don't remember the whole conversation, but the angel said Danielle nothing matters in this world but love.
  • I'm so grateful for this. I'm definitely the most lost I've ever been. It hurts so bad
  • When you actually hit the bottom, that’s the time when you find your real purpose, because at that time you feel like you have nothing to loose coz you already lost everything. When I started thinking I have nothing good in my life and probably I can’t do anything good, this video showed up and wow, God actually talk with you through everything you can imagine. Never loose your hope, miracle happens everyday. Thank you so much Alex for this video. God bless everyone who are reading this comment. Smile and believe in the higher power.
  • @keix
    conversations with god was the book that triggered my awakening, amazing hearing from neale
  • If my ex husband was in that position I would give him shelter. I can't imagine. I loved your movie Neale!!
  • I am a Catholic and I agree with this man I had so many questions about our religion I argued with my mom a few times and said it just doesn't make sense and I refuse to believe God is so cruel in my world he is a kind forgiving God, I love this man story he made me cry and I am so thankful he shared his story and I will be buying his first book.
  • @Analahoe
    Yesterday I thought “I wish Alex would interview NDW” and here you are today. The interview lit up my soul. Magnificent! ❤
  • @loisk7879
    Am going through this season in my life now. Feeling lost without purpose but trusting God help
  • My my I just left my therapist, have fibromyalgia. Two cancers. Abdominal surgery coming up...and..fighting depression. Medication resistant. This is amazing to find this interview, and I have heard of his Conversations with God. I was a Catholic once. I feel just like this man. What am I going to do with the rest ofy life. Will read his book, thank you, thank you. Thank you.
  • Omg I was listening till he said the title of his book- I read it in my 20ties!!! Unbelievable !! Who knew after all these years I will be able to see him speaking on You tube- we are talking 1996! No internet!!! No nothin, no google... So happy to see him "in person"!
  • Man is God asleep, God is man awake. Love you NDW. Love this page. Thanks for shining the LIGHT. ❤️
  • @jsweevil
    When you give money to someone, you won't be judged by how worthy they are of the gift, but rather you will be judged by how willing you are to give it away. If I have any money at all, I will give to others who are in need.
  • @mizb.9170
    His ex wife should have taken him in to help him, the father of her children. His words have healed me when I lost everything bless his soul.
  • Amen! I always tell others they cannot wear my shoes because it's not their size. No one knows how hard someone's life has been. Treat others with love we are all the body of Christ! In Jesus name! 🙏❤️🌈🪽🕊️🐦💞
  • I basically devoured the Conversation w. God books in the bookstore while being a university student and, at the time, very depressed and very lost. Those books helped me survive back then, as they showed me what actually mattered to me - being one on one with God every day, every moment. Twenty years later that's still the only thing that truly matters to me. But I'm also still depressed at times... despite all the progress I have made on my individual journey, the world has only gotten rougher and I still find it hard to cherish the dark and harmful agents within creation as a very necessary part of the game. I can understand that they are necessary, but the fact remains painful for me.
  • I found CWG whilst I was at uni at the age of 18. I went past that book about a dozen times, desperately inspired to buy it and every time my ego popped up saying “what will the cashier think?? Just read a bit here and there in store…” Eventually the voice was so loud I bought it, took it back to my flat and read it in one sitting. In floods of tears. Finally answered. Finally. I went straight back and bought the entire trilogy/whatever was there. Read all of that in one sitting too. Bigger floods of tears. Read it twice over. And that was the beginning. Neale is in my heart, deep in my heart. I always felt it, walking past those who were homeless, even before his books. But since his books and … everything else… every other spiritual book I’ve discovered… well you all know. You know. I was walking into the supermarket few days ago and saw a homeless lady just sitting there in the sun. Smiling softly. And I was mesmerised by that smile… wondering to myself… would I? Would I be smiling softly like that in her place? Anyway I walked out again after my shopping and had already checked what was in my purse, finding an old twenty pound note. I’d tried to change it in store long before, but they refused. And so it just sat there doing nothing for who knows how long. When I came out, I spoke to her, her name is Nicky. And she told me she had bad toothache. And almost immediately as I was looking at her, I was also paying attention to my inner talk. My ego. “I think she must be a drug user… look at the state of her teeth… maybe she’s smiling because she doesn’t care…” etc etc etc etc all the lovely charming typical ego self-chatter. I ignored it, chose not to take it seriously. The more I’m watching it objectively, the more preposterous it is appearing to me. It attacks myself more than anyone else, so what chance did she have? Right? So I got down on the floor with her and just decided to have a conversation. Human to human. Find out who she was, a little bit about her. She lost two children out of four. And my ego popped up again wondering if it was because of drugs or child neglect. I’ve worked with substance users as a counsellor for a few years… so I’ve been made aware of certain life situations etc. Anyway… again, I just deliberately chose to ignore that voice and just… for God sakes… just look into this woman’s eyes. And see myself in her. See everyone in her. See God in her. And I found myself eventually trying not to ball into tears as I connected with her. Gave her the twenty and told her to go to the post office to get it changed. You have no idea what anyone has been through for them to end up where and how they are in life. None. You don’t know their fears, their experiences, what they have been forced to endure and at what age and just how much, you don’t know what their breaking point is compared to yours, you don’t know how many times they have tried to break through their personal hell and fog and fallen down before giving up, you just don’t know. We can’t judge correctly without every single piece of the puzzle. And guess what? No one, not one of us, not even the person themselves has every piece of the puzzle. Only God/Source. That’s why you don’t judge yourself and you don’t judge others. Just be kind. Express the highest version of your true self in every moment. It is the ONLY thing you will be “taking” with you when you re-emerge into non-physical…. Who cares? Who cares what anyone does with the kindness you choose to share with another? It is YOUR kindness and your light to share in that here and now moment. What another does with it, is what they do with it. Stay in your lane- the clear path. It’s not your business to go with your ego into the wilderness and the weeds. Just stay on the path of light, that’s it. It’s really not that complicated.