Как я плавил алюминий в домашних условиях.

He melted aluminum cans, a pipe and other scrap metal, thus obtaining billets. In the future, it is planned to make an open steering wheel for a scooter out of one of them.
And from the square billet, I’ll try to make an ear for fastening the Honda Dio engine, which was broken off and lost by the previous owner of the engine.

Instagram: samodel_workshop

コメント (21)
  • I like the simplicity of it nice work. My first smelting project i used a large steel bucket with refactory cement and wool worked good. Then my partner got mad as I striped the Dyson vacuum down reversed the plurality on the motor and used it as a blower for the coal smelter/forge it worked awesome made my first bronze with it long story short slept in the workshop that night 😆 🤣 😂
  • Very cool, cant wait to see what an inventor like you would do with this
  • Голь на выдуки хитра.Без нытья,соплей,и поучений.Браво мужики!
  • Ты молодец , красавчик без лишних слов и пустой болтовни. Делаешь своё дело 1000 лайков .
  • Nice, simple. I love your handle already on your crucible.
  • @MIKEH.777
    Thank you for sharing and showing me how to melt aluminum cans 💯👍👍👍
  • Nice job. Those aluminum pieces turned out very nice and solid. If I could do that at home I would make my own aluminum bass drum beaters.
  • I love watching these videos of pouring molten metals for the first time.. they always pick up the ingot and admire it like they just made Gold from beer cans. It is a fascinating science. Its even more intriguing when you crush rocks from your back yard and melt them to see what kind of ore they contain.
  • I had so many questions, then I heard what sounded like Russian, that answered all of my questions.
  • Thank you for the videos.May God bless you for your intelligence.And God bless Malaysia.
  • Very cool! I would totally do this at my apartment if I wouldn't get in trouble lol.
  • @kk-xn5pp
    with a lot of intelligence you can invent extraordinary things ... although you don't have his technological tools ... but the best thing is that you never throw anything away ... on the contrary, you repair and improve it
  • Thanks Bro, Now I can finally get this going. Im talking about the idea of making the.crucible , so simple but very effective. Thanks again!
  • I'm a metallurgist. You achieved 650 Celsius. I' ll explain how to achieve 1550 Celsius the melting point of steel. Get a 40 litre steel garbage bin, line inside with steel rods, coat with refractory cement, leave hole for burner. Make lid same way but leave a 10cm diameter hole for gas to escape. Next make burners out of 8mm dia copper tubing . Burner end is steel pipe of 15mmdia. The jets need to be made accurately. Use LPG (liquefied petroleun gas) as fuel. Use bottom end of steel fire extinguisher for crucible. Use a hair dryer to supply air I melted lead 325, zinc 550, aluminium650, copper1080, and finally the crucible which was steel at 1550. The secret is keeping the heat in. Used 9litres of LPG in about 1.5 hours. If I used another 9litres of LPG I would achieve higher temperature of about 2100.
  • great job I was wondering if this could be done when cold out and now i know Thanks!!