How We Learned ASL - Deaf & Hearing Couple

Both of us share our stories about how ASL came into our lives, with Ben being born deaf and Ro being immersed in the community and inspired to learn this language.

コメント (21)
  • Hey! We'd love to hear your story about how you learned ASL! If you haven't yet, we would love to help you get started! Let us know what questions you might have and we'd be happy to answer :)
  • I started learning ASL by myself in High School and loved it, now I am in my 3rd year in college and taking ASL classes to hopefully become a ASL interpreter in the future! love your videos, hope you and your families are safe during this crazy time :)
  • Thanks for sharing this. I grew up with 2 deaf cousins. I spent a ton of time with one and know some basic signing, but he read my lips really well and so I didn't have to learn much. I went to a school for the deaf he attended and got separated from him. Noone there was able to hear so for the first time table's were turned and I understand how he must have felt his whole life. Very very eye opening experience.
  • You two are adorable! Thanks so much for sharing your story! God is good and faithful!
  • @yelnats61
    Here’s a tip: I find myself replaying parts of the video to catch all the signs. Then I had the idea to slow down the playback speed. It works great.
  • Your story is so relatable! I had a Deaf classmate growing up and learned to fingerspell and some basic signs. The fingerspelling stuck with me into adulthood and when my daughter (hearing) was a baby I taught her some signs and she picked them up really well. Fast forward about ten years and I discovered the show Switched at Birth and I was hooked! I loved the focus on Deaf culture and ASL on the show really renewed my interest in Deaf culture and ASL, as well as my daughter's and she started reading about it, doing projects at school and learning more A couple years after watching the show I met a guy at a party. I had been noticing him all over town and on social media. He was always looking at me, but never said anything to me. Finally at this party he interacted with me by typing a message on his phone and showing it to me. In that moment I realized he was Deaf and it made sense why he hadn't tried talking to me until then. I used my fingerspelling skills to communicate a bit and we immediately sparked a friendship. His name was Steve and I told him I was interested in learning more ASL, so we started working on it together and that's when it happened. When you're inches away from someone, looking into their eyes and communicating with your hands, if there's any chemistry at all, that's when you'll find out... And we did! We fell in love and after we started dating my daughter started learning more ASL too. Steve and I have been together almost 2 years now and learning ASL has been a highlight of my life and our relationship. It's even inspired my friends to learn to sign, so we're all learning together. Steve grew up as the only Deaf person in his hearing family and unfortunately none of his family or friends has learned to sign, so my daughter and I learning ASL has been such a wonderful thing for him. I believe the Universe brought us together for a reason and I'm so grateful to have him in my life and to have ASL, too. It's been life changing!
  • @yelnats61
    My aunt was deaf, who died 10 years ago. I took some sign classes to be able to communicate better with her, although she read lips well. I also enjoyed approaching anyone I saw signing, and introduced myself. Sometimes they knew or remembered my aunt from the deaf community. Now, in my work, I occasionally encounter deaf people, so I’m grateful to know some sign language. They are always patient and appreciate my signing effort, and help me improve. They seem to know what I want to say and help me sign. Now with Covid, and no lipreading, it can be harder for me. Keep this channel going! Good luck.
  • YAY! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS!!!! I was born hard or hearing in both ears, then i lost all of my hearing in Jr. High in my left ear becoming completely deaf in my left ear, i recived a cochlear implant and it has been amazing help. I enjoy both worlds for sure, and especially the deaf world because it feels home. Love it! I too served a mission, i served in the South Dakota Rapid City Mission where i was able to sign to alot of people there (Sioux Falls had a school for the deaf there, and alot of deaf people- blessings)! I love our world! I am happy to meet you both! Keep up the amazing videos! ♡♡♡
  • Please create more content. I really enjoyed this video. I'm self taught so I heavily depend on You Tube to practice, learn and closely watch how deaf people sign and interact (body language etc) just don't stop signing as you speak that is how I learn. God bless you both🤲🏾❤
  • I’m excited to take my first ASL class next semester 🥳 I’m hard of hearing but never really been exposed to ASL besides looking up phrases and watching videos online. I know maybe 15% at the moment and really wanna learn more !
  • Ive always been passionate about the Deaf community and when my son was 4 he became friends with our friend Zach who was 3 and deaf. Long story short Zach’s MLM and I have been best friends for 27 years and we all sign, teach ASL and enjoy doing life together! God really has an incredible sense of humor putting us all together and I am forever greatful for that! Thanks for sharing your story. Oh and I am blessed to share ASL with the homeless community. They are under served so I am blessed that I can help them with resources!
  • @sujinahh
    Love to see how God has brought you guys together <33 May he bless you guyss
  • First off you guys are so cute!! I love your story almost as much as I love you guys! It's so cool how it all came together. <3
  • I'm a new subscriber and love your videos! Please keep them coming! I just started learning ASL.
  • Hey Alex, I watched you growing up with my step daughter. I didn’t know that you got into relationship with Ben and you know my son Ben is deaf too. I was surprised to see you on this video I thought I recognized you I was waiting for your comment about your hometown. I knew it! It was you ! Miss you!
  • Just found you guys, love the video and stories! I'm learning ASL now 😊