Insane Revolution of Russian Tanks During the Ukraine Conflict

Published 2024-07-19
The conflict in Ukraine has exposed the vulnerabilities of tanks and armored vehicles, including those of Russia. Images of destroyed and captured tanks from Russia's powerful tank units have raised a crucial question: can Russia adapt its tank fleet to meet the demands of modern warfare?

Russia's tank arsenal primarily consists of Soviet-era stockpiles. These tanks, designed for a different era, were mainly intended to counter artillery. However, warfare has evolved. While artillery and anti-tank missiles once posed the greatest dangers on the ground, tanks now face a more complex threat from the sky: loitering munitions.



All Comments (15)
  • Western weapons against militants armed with ak47,rpg :-🗿 🗿 Western weapons against russia :- 🤡🤡
  • Пускай смеются над танками-черепахами! Но когда они выполнят боевую задачу, то врагу будет не до смеха... Есть такая старая русская поговорка: "хочешь жить - умей вертеться"
  • الروس صبورون للغاية ،لكنهم يحققون أهدافهم دائماً ، مهما كانت حالة الطقس ، فهي من تقاليدهم. أبن دولة اليمن مر من هنا 🇾🇪
  • @WARS_3169
    Сначала говорят что Сетки не помогут Но сами уже вовсю Сетками свою Технику расставляют
  • Cages had nothing to do with FPV drones or Javelin etc, it pre-dates the war by many months. I think it was about how Turkish drones completely destroyed Armenian army in Karabakh. And Ukraine has them too so Russian command was testing what could work against these drone munitions. They have fragmentation warheads not heat so a cage wouldn't make a lot difference but better than nothing i guess..
  • @Lao_Tccin
    Российские потери военноей техники - 16706, из них: уничтожено: 12083, повреждено: 755, брошено: 952, захвачено: 2916 .oryxspioenkop