Vanessa's CFS and severe POTS recovery story (after 10 years)

Published 2021-10-31
Vanessa shares powerful insights from her 10-year healing journey from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, severe POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome), chronic pain, chronic migraine, IBS, and more. Chat starts: 0:24. Interview starts: 1:31 TIMESTAMPS:

Vanessa from Canada landed her dream job in law enforcement and was newly engaged. Outwardly she was in peak health and strength in her 20s. Then she was hit by a unique pathogen and didn't recover (she'd later learn there was more to it). She had ups and downs, but over 7 years in ended up bed-bound in the hospital. And that is when she discovered a new approach.

I appreciate her genuine nature and her encouraging words, particularly those who are in a more severe state and/or who have tried neuroplasticity and have taken longer to heal. She is the real deal.

Friendly reminder:
Nothing is medical advice and nothing is meant to be "one-sized-fits-all." We are just sharing our stories.

- 1:31 Intro
- 2:06 This is Vanessa's reason for sharing her story
- 3:15 Life before chronic illness
- 4:06 Where she was before the fall
- 5:23 The unique pathogen that triggered Vanessa's onset with chronic illness
- 7:53 How her loved ones came to her support
- 8:56 Her former symptoms and diagnoses - 9:06 I made a list
- 10:04 Experience with doctors
- 11:01 The chance encounter with her neurologist in the hospital that gave her an answer
- 12:43 Things she tried that didn't lead to lasting improvement
- 14:26 This popular diet gave her pancreatitis (and the list of things she tried)
- 15:20 Considering this was a deeper nervous system issue - and what she came across Googling from her hospital bed
- 16:13 Her lowest point
- 17:50 Overview of her functionality levels throughout her journey and the storm within the storm
- 19:33 How it took her longer than most -- some very encouraging words!
- 20:48 What coincided with her decision to try a neuroplasticity program (I love her compassionate and practical advice to others at 23:27)
- 25:08 The next phase of her journey: healing unresolved trauma
- 26:48 Why traditional talk therapy did NOT work for her
- 27:45 How Dr. Sarno's approach, the Curable neuroscience-based app for chronic pain, and a Flip N' Shift coach helped her
- 32:26 How Vanessa dealt with setbacks along the way
- 35:07 Being real - the myth of 100% and the reality
- 36:38 Listening to our bodies instead of doing THIS (I want to frame her quote at 37:02)
- 37:47 Vanessa's life on the other side and the most IMPORTANT thing she can now do (38:38 hit really close to home!!)
- 39:36 Final words of wisdom (love what she says at 41:04)
- 43:52 How Vanessa is now helping others on their healing journey (note: she is independent from any program)
- 47:50 We loop back and talk about how gratitude has played a role in her healing journey and continued wellbeing (her Instagram, after all, is @yourgratefulguide)
- 49:54 Aside 'real-talk' chat we had and goodbyes

Transcript coming soon:

How to reach Vanessa (I have gotten to know her and have heard wonderful things about her coaching):

DNRS (the Dynamic Neural Retraining System - neuroplasticity program):
Curable mobile app:
Flip N Shift:
Dr. Sarno and TMS:

For more health recovery inspiration:

Please subscribe! More stories coming soon.

*New: CFS Recovery Programs Guide by Heal With Liz & Lindsay Vine* (A detailed review of DNRS and 22 other lifestyle & nervous system regulation programs is included)



We actually recorded this interview August 3. I got busy with a new side job and the fundraiser I'm doing with my friend Raelan Agle.

We're getting closer to our target of raising $40,000 for an exciting and validating ME/CFS research project that could lead to a diagnostic test - please help us get there so the researchers can have their desired sample size - your gift will be matched! (deadline May 1, 2022):

Many thanks for your support!

All Comments (21)
  • @HealwithLiz
    I am so excited to finally share Vanessa's powerful and inspiring story. She is the real deal. I included Timestamps in the Video Description for easy viewing and links to some of the things she mentioned in our chat. Hope you appreciate our interview!
  • i would also like to say thank you for giving coverage of POTS as I think this often gets underrepresented in the chronic illness world in terms of people healing.
  • @hadar8900
    One of my favorites from you:) she is so authentic and REAL. Loved how when she had dips this told her that her Limbic system was really pushing against the healing she was attaining- proof of her achievements. That was my favorite part:)
  • Sweet Liz, I enjoyed this so much!!! You are such a bright light in this community and it was an honor to do this with you. Keep shining!✨✨✨
  • @evelinel.9827
    Great interview! I love that Vanessa brought up Dr. Sarno and the emotional work as that has been huge for me on the journey and I don't think that I would be where I am without it.
  • What a beautiful inspiring interview!!! It gives me more hope and faith in my healing journey. It helps tremendously to know I'm not alone, that others have been where I'm at and are now thriving!! Both of you are amazing, strong and incredible women!! I admire both of you. Thank you, thank you!!
  • @andylopez6411
    Wonderful interview Liz!! Keep them coming, your page is becoming a place of comfort and safety for all of us ✨
  • I am mind blown by this interview and filled with hope because I have battled afib since 2002. Actually prior to that, i had some afib but that was when it started to become an issue. And in 2004 it became chronic. In 2010 in had two afib strokes. I was fortunate in that they were transient and didn't cause permanent damage. But during the stroke there was moments of forgetting how to walk etc. After the hospital stay and tests from the strokes, the Flecainide and coumadin did a number on my nervous system and depleted my GABA which was already low. That brain neurotransmitter that keeps one calm. This caused the afib to skyrocket worse and led to angina and edema in my feet. In 2015 in had a series of minor heart attacks that didn't cease till I got much better at an anti inflammatory diet, consuming only omega 3s in the form of chia seeds, avocado, walnuts ect. But heated fats, roasted nuts, and blood thickening or platlet clumping fats were out of the question or I'd have these artery spasms at 2 am. Nitric oxide became my life saver in the form of beets, raw in the vitamix blender. With a pithy lemon [lots of the white part left on to heal damage to the heart] bioflavanoids are powerful at strengthening vascular walls. The beets fill the endothelial cells that line the arteries with nitric oxide which opens the arteries, supplies oxygen and helps blood flow. Throughout my afib journey I have had POTS symptoms many times. The intense pain in the heart when I would go to stand up, then the rush of blood to my head and so intense it felt like I was in danger of an aneurysm or stroke and at the same instant being lightheaded, short of breath and seeing stars. This happened often during afib episodes. Then the worst came last October when I suffered a dementia like stroke at 2 am. I was in great confusion and like my brain was not my own. It was what doctors call a low oxygen or silent stroke because there is no numbness. Then two weeks later I had another. It was shorter but that time I woke up not knowing who I was. I just screamed and it lifted. Another parallel to my story is that for years I have resonated with the turtle or tortous and the rabbit allegory. Because if I ever forgot to pace myself physically or socially my nervous system and electrical system would crash and I'd have a very long and dehibilitating afib episode. I'm 52 now and my first afib episode was at age 27 so I guess I've been going at a turtles pace figuring this healing journey out. So grateful for finding you today and your message is exactly what I need and so many others. Thank you!
  • @patrickhall7884
    I've come back to relisten and wow still picking up gems from this! Didn't hear the first time the bit about taking videos and making an album to look at as a reference. Such a basic but great idea to keep positive that healing is happening . Thank you again Vanessa xx
  • @ceciliamac4283
    Wonderful as usual!! Thank YOU both for sharing !! <3 <3
  • @sandrag6500
    Wow, what a powerful message from Vanessa. Thank you ladies! Needed to hear symptoms are not a sign of failure but can be a sign of healing. I will be listening again. So much info here.
  • @RK-qk7ow
    Two beautiful open hearted ladies, thank you 💕
  • I love this interview. What a beautiful soul Vanessa is and her transformation journey. Thank you Liz for this inspiring interview :)
  • @janegelberg2003
    Wow, what a lovely way to spend an hour. Helpful, hopeful, thanks to you both :)
  • @Benswinger
    I loved this, Liz. I follow Vanessa and she’s amazing. I love that she talked about trusting the program you’re doing but if needed, there are other modalities that are also beneficial to healing (um, yeah…). Appreciated all the honesty. Loved that. Yeah, life changing and very hard stuff but these conversations remind you what could be on the other side. And that self care continues. Honestly, if I’d known that I would not be here for the 2.0 version. I didn’t know. Thanks, Liz. -Anne