Rebecca Tolin's CFS recovery story - TMS success story

Published 2021-11-12
Rebecca Tolin was an award-winning Bay Area news reporter until Chronic Fatigue Syndrome knocked her down. She was initially bed-bound, then mostly housebound for 13 years. Here is her full recovery story. Starts 0:24 TIMESTAMPS:

Rebecca tried countless treatments to get better until she discovered a new approach. She shares her full 13-year recovery story and wisdom from her powerful journey. She is now living a vibrant life with renewed purpose.

Her former key symptoms included post-exertional malaise, insomnia, extreme fatigue and weakness, chronic body and joint pain, migraines, 24/7 flu-like feeling, digestive issues, hormone imbalance, and many more (full list in our interview).

About this channel:
I share all types of CFS recovery stories. I kept hearing Dr. Sarno's name mentioned (who coined the TMS approach) and was honored to interview Rebecca Tolin about her story.

TIMESTAMPS coming soon:
0:28 Intro: Meet Rebecca
1:23 Rebecca's life before CFS as a TV news reporter & the traumatic event
2:18 Rebecca's onset with CFS
3:07 Rebecca's key CFS symptoms (4:27 Chart of her Key Symptoms)
4:45 Experience with doctors and getting a diagnosis, different things she tried
6:17 Her experience with IV antivirals for elevated EBV antibodies
7:17 Holistic things that helped her
8:50 The power of sitting in nature
9:54 How things some doctors said made her WORSE
12:45 Rebecca shifts her approach - turning point
15:22 Finding our OWN healing path
16:14 Book rec - I loved this book, too!
16:33 The online writing class & the phone call that CHANGED her life
18:19 Intro to TMS (Tension Myositis Syndrome), Dr. Sarno's work, and neuroscience behind it
19:46 Why she was READY
21:18 She describes her approach of applying TMS knowledge
22:17 The fifth piece & why taking "baby steps" were ESSENTIAL
24:36 How Rebecca felt her emotions - she breaks it down
26:06 How TMS is DIFFERENT than talk therapy - Rebecca explains "somatic tracking" and what she actually did
29:30 Personality traits not helpful for healing (not meant to be self-blamey!)
32:23 We talk about the deeper invitation of CFS
35:09 Rebecca talks about the length of her upward trajectory & her renewed purpose
36:44 Rebecca's lists her mentors including Dr. Howard Shrubiner, MD.
39:07 I love what Rebecca says here about what's going to help your symptoms (very thoughtful words, friendly reminder: nothing is medical advice)
39:35 Diets Rebecca tried and what actually worked
43:49 Reassuring words for people who ask "What about my weird symptom?" (friendly reminder: not medical advice)
44:57 What routines and recovery practices does Rebecca STILL do today
48:13 How friends and family reacted to Rebecca's major life change, and did she lose friends along the way?
49:13 Putting the ego aside (and a pic of her old Emmy)
53:32 Rebecca's POWERFUL words of wisdom & encouragement
55:22 Resources you can find on Rebecca's website & what specifically she helps people with
56:52 Rebecca's life now & activities, I can't believe her actual age!!
58:20 Rebecca hopes that her story doesn't detract from others who healed differently - love her thoughtful words here
59:10 A new tide!

Rebecca's new Be Your Own Medicine program:…

Rebecca's YouTube:
   / @rebeccatolinmind-bodycoach  

Unlearn Your Pain by Howard Schrubiner (her mentor):…

Written transcript of our chat:…

Follow me on Instagram for more health recovery inspiration:

All Comments (20)
  • @evelinel.9827
    So glad you have Rebecca's recovery story on your channel! Such a great interview! Dr. Sarno's approach and emotional work has been huge for me in my own recovery from CFS and Fibromyalgia (I am 90-95% recovered). I have done a ton of somatic meditation/somatic tracking and I highly suggest it. There are a couple somatic tracking and emotional tracking videos on Jim Prussack's YouTube channel called "Healing Chronic Pain- The Pain PT" if anyone is interested.
  • @FreshAgenda
    Rebecca rocks! She is a recovery super star in my recovery sky!
  • @CodStars1231
    One of my favourite recovery interviews. Thank you. So much wisdom
  • Liz, you did such a beautiful job conducting and editing this interview! Thank you for all the love and attention you put into every detail. I know the graphics, photos and edits take a lot of time, and you make every interview sing. Your compassion, open-mindedness and joy are healing in themselves! I loved talking with you and your viewers. Thank you for all you do and give to this community!
  • @vivscottow1269
    Another great interview Liz. Rebecca shares her experiences of her journey in such a lovely, calm manner that it made easy to listen to and I also really enjoy your enthusiasm and smiley face!
  • @patrickhall7884
    Again, another video that knocks it out of the park for us on the recovery road! A million thanks to you Liz and Raelan for all of your hard work. It doesn't go unnoticed. Every single video has another gem and strengthens me for my recovery. This video and its tools are spot on! Hearing the part about how Rebecca went into remission for a short period has answered a very long lingering question that I've had on how I went into a 2 week remission when I went onto SSRIs, Benzos and a 2 week holiday.. I know it gave me the ability to sleep properly again for those 2 weeks, but it must have shifted my ANS too. I didn't have the knowledge and these tools at that time so I kept pushing myself with physical exercise and stress, and of course the ME symptoms came right back. But from watching this video it now confirms that I wasnt just imagining that remission period and that it can happen.
  • @gut_spiller
    Very articulate woman, another great interview Liz
  • @ezza1236
    This video was really good, so many good points . I can’t believe I haven’t seen this till now. I’ve watched all of Rebecca’s videos. This one was amazing too
  • @Naturesrhythm44
    Amazing recovery story, thank you both! Love the facial expressions Liz, they always give a smile :-)
  • @merlinazz
    Just found your channel and love the way you do the interviews.
  • @bcbigassair
    Amazing, thank you for this inspiring story!
  • This was a great interview. The tips on writing your emotions, "lovingly talking to your amygdala", and honoring what gives you peace were all very helpful. I am watching videos from your channel and Raelen, one a day, for my encouragment. (trying to not get sucked into the list to the right of YT suggestions). Hugs to you, hope you are well, haven't seen you in a few weeks. ~Dee
  • @sandrag6500
    Very helpful and confirming what I know is my next step. Really appreciate Rebecca sharing her journey. Gives me hope. . Liz, the facial expressions are priceless.
  • Can all of this apply to protracted benzodiazapine withdrawal? The reason I’m asking is because not everyone who tapers off benzos has years of withdrawal symptoms. And all of the symptoms are stress/fear related, including extreme fatigue, digestive and hormone issues, as well as ANS symptoms.
  • @demolaj1
    question for both of you ... do you or did you feel better in evenings ?
  • @dommccaffry3802
    love these two. i would love to work with rebecca but being on welfare it is impossible. i am even going to have to give up my wifi in august as uk fuel bills are literally doubling as is food. i have started jim prussack's somatic tracking videos on youtube, but in august i will no longer have home access to youtibe. Does anyone know of any good somatic tracking audios that i can purchase to download ? that way i will be able to continue when i lose my wifi in august. Many thanks x
  • @johnheueisenIII
    This one is a bit too new agey for me. There are practices Rebecca employed that are not options for Christians. Tried to take some of the overarching mind/ body connections lessons she learned and reapply them in a way that feels safer to me without risking opening demonic portals into my life.