The Devil's Tactics - Bill Johnson (Full Sermon) | Bethel Church

Published 2020-07-30
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In the latest sermon from Bethel Church Pastor Bill Johnson shares on discerning the devil's tactics and maintaining our focus on Christ.

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Scripture Reference:
Nehemiah 4

This message was originally shared on July 26, 2020, at Bethel Church, Redding.

All Comments (21)
  • Outstanding teacher! He’s so deep. Sometimes I have to reverse and replay a piece a couple of times, so that I can write it down, and digest it; it’s so profound.
  • @patsy-gp4rv
    Praise God!🙌 I somehow received this message from 3 years ago! How wonderful God is to put this very teaching AT THE EXACT TIME I NEEDED IT,,, OH HOW I LOVE OUR SAVIOR ❤❤❤❤
  • @zoodryg4327
    The Holy Spirit said to me, "Everybody is broken" ... the point being, that we see/hear out of our brokeness instead of seeing/hearing out of God's heart. YES!!! BILL!!!
  • @christalborn77
    A lot of people have came against the ministry, . But if God be for you, who can be against you!
  • @sonias7466
    Ask like Nehemiah, "Why should the great work I am doing stop, while paying attention to the enemies tactics. I dont have time for your negative reports!!"' - The word spoke clarity right into my situation. Wow!! Thank you so much for obeying God and bringing this word. Hallelujah!!
  • One of Pastor Bill's most POWERFUL messages!!! Speak it! We pray Your Kingdom come, Lord Jesus! 👍💯💪🙏🙏🙏
  • Thank you for this Word. It is a great reminder to NOT fall for the tactics of the enemy. Intimidation and fear and control are being used to keep us in bondage and our mouths silenced. May we believe the report of the Lord and hold fast to you, Father God, the author and finisher of our faith, the King of kings and Lord of lords. Yes, Father, your kingdom come, your will be done. Thank you, Bill Johnson, for speaking truth and speaking boldly. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for your anointing and grace on Bill as He shares your heart. And may we see the glory of the Lord cover this earth even as the waters cover the seas.
  • @lisakeys08
    Yes!!!!!!!!!!!! So much I glean from this
  • @bettymutwiri949
    Wow...bless you Papa Bill. I pray for a lifestyle of ongoing communion with God, with an affectionate attachment to the father and the sword always ready on the side through worship and praying in the spirit! There are too many demons dressed up as people 😳 I will not let the enemy distract me from my assignment and lead me from the area of my anointing, which is my sweet spot and where a sound is released on earth that echoes in heaven! Hallelujah!
  • Thank you for this powerful sermon, you’re spot on as Deception is prevalent everywhere , the enemy wants to seek and destroy. The enemy uses others and fear tactics to distract us daily. Pastor Bill, Your words are filled with Truth, to stay connected helps keep the fire Burning…To be Hope filled, to walk in Wisdom, to walk with the Lord we’re filled with Love and His Holy Spirit… very Grateful
  • Bill Johnson Ministries, I have LOVED this Bible story/Scriptures for years... but the things YOU brought out of it all were immensely helpful! Thank you all so much!
  • *The first sermon l have heard by this man And he is all together right in his faith in Almighty God, Jesus is Our only hope of faith in God for Our Salvation* please Read Your Bible for the Whole Truth about Yahshua /Salvation In God's Son Jesus Christ
  • @lovelife07o7
    This has got to be my fave teaching so far through all of this chaos. God willing, as soon as Bethel opens back up, im going to go and hear Bill live.
  • @girlygirlwoman
    This was an excellent exhortation. Years ago a teacher told us as a class that Satan will do everything he can to "interrupt our investigation of Christ". This message is exactly right!!! Truth. I've listened to it twice...even taking notes and going back several times to relisten to parts of it. Be aware...Satan is walking about seeking whom he may devourer.
  • @katdumore535
    Amen! thank you pastor Bill! Just what I needed to hear today. I let my guard down last night, I had too much wine, and then was spiritually attacked with nightmares through the night, they were absolutely dreadful. All my fault my doing. I let my guard down and didn’t make sure I was connected to God. Had I been I wouldn’t have even had a drink. I believe Demons are out in full force right now, but continuous connection to god keeps them away from us. Thank you for your teaching on the attacks of the enemy and Gods saving power! 🙏🏼
  • @danielahoje
    What’s a true powerful & necessary message ! Hallelujah