Government Genocide… Was it On Purpose? The Dark Side of Government Help

Published 2023-09-25
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The line between the U.S. Government and The Navajo Government is very thin. Was this by design?

When the treaty was signed there were many things that were promised. Those promises have turned into band aid solutions in the form of handouts.

This has led to a dangerous result… Navajo self-reliance is disappearing all together.

Instead the question our people ask is “Do it for me”. This runs against the traditional ways.

At the end of the day… is this all on purpose and is this where the rest of the country will head eventually?

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All Comments (21)
  • @dreadcthulhu5
    Remember folks: “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’”
  • @markpage7196
    “The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.” ― George Orwell.
  • @nanallen1
    I am an old grandmother - a white woman. We have also been betrayed by a “ government “ that only does for itself and brings us lies. Remembering the great Medicine men. May the Spirits of these great ones come forward and help.
  • @v.r.2834
    I live in Germany since 30 years and I learned : when anyone from Authorities say - we want to help you - I must RUN AWAY!
  • @warroom17
    We must listen. It started with native American Indians and now it is becoming a reality for others. Of course, US history as we were taught, had only been written to portray our government as supportive and necessary. We weren't taught the truth. We were served propaganda and we let our guard down, which becomes our demise
  • @Dorenej
    I can attest that I had NO IDEA how horribly our Government destroyed the Indian way of life, tortured them, murdered them, stole from them and still continue to do so! I’m a Baby Boomer. It wasn’t until 6 years ago that I started researching the true history of the horrific events that occurred on this subject!!! I am deeply sorry for this beautiful people! Stand up and fight against the Tyranny!🙏🏼💕🙏🏼
  • I grew up on the Flathead Reservation. The only time I saw my Father cry was when we went to the Jocko River and new signs had been placed that prohibited anyone from fishing or gathering. He cried as he ripped the signs off of the trees and pulled out the nails. I will always remember that. I was a small child. It touched me then and still makes me cry today.
  • @katden220
    I love listening to this man. He is so full of the truth. We are now seeing what our government is doing to us not for us.
  • I'm continously shocked by the tyranny of the federal government! All Americans should come together and take a stand against their Unconstitutional stunts.
  • @spherebean8136
    So great to hear a real native man speaking the truth and standing up for the old ways and true history.
  • @andreaandrea6716
    How BEAUTIFUL to hear the original language of this country!!!! It moved me to tears.
  • @CA10Z
    My heart and prayers go out for these people. I'm sick of government interference.
  • I am part Navajo and it is disgusting what “our” gubment did to my people and the rest of the Indians! Yes Indians!
  • @debravogt7139
    My father was Cajun, from Louisiana. He would not teach me French, but he taught all about water, especially the swamps. He wanted me to learn Parisian French. He told me he spoke French and Spanish before he went to school! They forced them to learn English, and would beat them for speaking French! It isn't the same, I know but it needs to stop! Your lands, our wetlands, are falling to political pressure! We all need to stand up to policy! We have people in every state! Maybe as a group we could stand together. My Cherokee name is White Wolf Woman, and I have Spoken my truth! All due respect!
  • In school I challenged history because it wasn't true in History. I would like to learn more about Cherokee people. I'm grateful more and more truths are coming out. Thank you
  • @ArunRaj-ol8wy
    Keep exposing the truth elder.Great respect from Malaysia.
  • @markklocek1280
    True. I am a native born American. I am white, 3rd generation, born in the Onondaga nation. I have great respect for all my native brothers and sisters. I learned from a very early age that the European settlers, then the US government traded and stole all the lands, by conquest, treaty or poor trade deals. Then, systematically eradicated the natives thru wars/ battles, and killing off the wildlife to either starve or force the natives off their lands. It was decided originally to commit genocide of all native Americans to open the continent to the settlers by what was named "Manifest Destiny". This was also attempted to take Mexico, but failed. Now the One World Order is trying to do the same thing to everyone not of the 1% around the world using "Agenda 21".
  • @ChristisKing117
    As William Casey, former head of a three letter agency, once said; “We will know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”
  • @Susileedean
    Thank you for sharing the history of the Navajo people. I’m sharing this with Twitter to make others more aware. My sister-in-law’s cousin’s grandmother was on the Trail of Tears. She escaped by running into the woods and hiding. Half of the people perished. It was a forced march in the wintertime and they didn’t have enough food or warm clothes to make the journey. If she had not escaped, that side of our family would not even exist.
  • @idaearl927
    I was in a college class and told the class about the Iroquois Confederacy. I explained how 'founding fathers' sought the information and used it in our Constitution. The professor struck me down. But, I didn't listen to her nonsense. I'm black in this country. I researched and read books written by Native Peoples in this country. I appreciate what you do.