Top 10 CONS to living in West Virginia

Published 2021-02-16
Hi! I'm Amanda and I'm so glad you've stopped by. Here on Homesteading West Virginia I share what I learn as a budding homesteader in the Mountain State. If you're interested in moving to WV or learning more about homesteading please subscribe and click the bell icon to stay up-to-date on new videos.

In this video, we are continuing with the basics. Is West Virginia even a place worth living in? I know I'm biased but I believe the answer is yes!! But it still has it's downsides. I'll explain some of the cons to living in WV, specifically for homesteaders. Other videos to look out for include Pros to living in WV, Cost of living in WV, and what to do BEFORE moving to WV. Be sure you're subscribed so you won't miss a beat.

I'm also getting things lined up to do a tour of the state. I'll be talking to as many local farmers and homesteaders as I can. You won't want to miss it!

If you're ready to take the next step in your journey and start looking for a place in West Virginia, please feel free to reach out to my friends at Picket Fences Realty.

Contact Info:
Picket Fences Realty, LLC
Heather Neill, Broker
Phone: 304-367-0543
Web Contact:
309 Cleveland Ave,
Suite 508
Fairmont WV 26554

I've also curated a great list of homesteaders both in WV and abroad in my featured channels section. These are great resources for learning more of the homesteading ins and outs.

Video sections:

10 - Weather
9 - Terrain
8 - Short Growing Season
7 - Soil (Quality)
6 - Mineral Rights
5 - Roads
4 - Poverty
3 - Drugs
2 - Spotty Cell and Unreliable Internet
1 - Bad Reputation

Featured Properties in this Video from:
Heritage Real Estate Co.:
Picket Fences Realty, LLC:
Sarah -

*Note: Links to specific listings shown are not provided as they may or may not be available when you watch this video. For more information on specifics or to start your own personal search check out my website and/or contact me here:

If you are a Realtor with listings that you think my viewers would be interested in, please give me a shout.

Where I Shop:

Are you like me and not quite to your perfect homesteadable property? Do you still want to feed your family as healthy as possible, for as little as possible... Preferably without leaving home? These are the companies I use and trust to feed my family.

Azure Standard:
Azure is a company that has grown from a family farm in Oregon to a large company providing wholesome food and FAR more to families all across the US. When I first found them they did not have any "drops" in my area and I was very sad to see what the shipping would be without one of these co-op type pick up locations. Since then Azure has expanded to cover the entire US and I couldn't be happier!

Misfits Market:
Misfits is a company that rescues "ugly" or surplus produce, mostly organic, and ships it at discount prices to your door. They also have a marketplace full of a la cart items that they sell at steep discounts to the store.

Butcher Box:
When you don't have land of your own, quality meat is always the hardest part. When local sources run short, I love to fill my freezers with an order from Butcher Box. Pasture raised, wild caught, grass fed, and delicious.

Sam's Club:
As much as I try not to support the "Big Box Stores", there are just some things that Sam's Club's prices can't be beat on. I find these few things (like KerryGold Butter and Gasoline) more than pay for the membership cost. They've also started carrying things like pure, organic maple syrup and orgainc PASTURE RAISED eggs at unbelievable prices for when my local supply runs low.

*Note: By using the links above to place your order you may get a special offer and I will get credits towards food for my family as well.


Intro Jingle:

Cinematic (Sting) by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.


All other Audio is taken from YouTube Studio music and is free to use.


Unless otherwise noted (i.e. listing photos), all images and video clips in this video are from one of three sources -

1) Personally taken photos and videos

All Comments (21)
  • I moved to the east coast a few years ago and I’m thinking of purchasing a single family home, but with real estate prices currently through the roof, is it still a good idea to buy a home or should I invest in stocks for now and just wait for a housing market correction? I heard Nvidia and AMD are strong buys.
  • @steffihusk8861
    20 years ago I visited WV and fell in love with this state. 8 years later I moved from Germany to WV. Best decision I ever made.
  • I have been here for 63 years, I'm not going anywhere soon and they can lay my bones here. I've dug coal under these mountains, fished the rivers, kayaked much of its whitewater, climbed most of its rock cliffs, hunted and trapped lots of wildlife, and seen most of its beautiful mountains. I have never been to a beach in my life, what would be the use?
  • @melserbophoto
    I escape Northern VA just about every weekend to WVA. If it wasn't for your State, I would lose my shit with the people in Northern VA. I am happy to spend my money in a wonderful state. The people are great and brutally honest (I respect that).
  • @tomjoad6270
    West Virginia is one of the most beautiful places in America !!!! 💯🇺🇸🦅🗽⚔️💖
  • @davidb9861
    Just a little reminder. The correct spelling is "West by God Virginia".
  • The # 1 con is truly aggravating and frustrating. My husband and I were visiting Pittsburgh, while on the Duquesne incline the couple beside us heard us talking and asked where we were from, obviously heard our accent. She literally asked me if my husband was my cousin then said “I’m surprised you have shoes on.” It was so rude and uncalled for and I’ll never forget it. I’m proud to be multigenerational mountaineer and I will continue to stand up for and defend our beautiful state!
  • I moved to WV in 2018 from Las Vegas. I worked there for a project for about a year and decided that WV is where I belong. I knew the work was scarce but since I always work in different states that didnt bother me. The cost of living is unbelievably cheap as well as the price of property. Also the people I befriended there were so kind and the scenery is beautiful. I will never live in another state.
  • @3ch1dna07
    My oldest son is currently in school to become a forest service member and has been told that West Virginia is the best place to go for this. He's pretty excited about the possibility.
  • This a nicely done video containing truth. I was born and raised in WV and was one of those who had to move away for a better career. 29 years later I am finally able to return to my beautiful home, WV. Living those many years in the south I have heard all the jokes, the stereotype opinion about my beloved home. I would always just smile and go about my day. Most can never understand what draws us to love WV, I won't even attempt to explain it. But will say what I missed the most. It's people. The best I have ever met. We are the sort of people to say good morning and mean it. When we say if you need anything, we mean that too. I can't wait to get back home. I'm packing at the time of this post and will be a mountaineer again next week. Thank God. I love WV.
  • I love my life in West Virginia. I have to take into account I have a well paying job as a college professor, and the lower cost of living here helps a lot. I'm a biologist, so I love the biodiversity (many species hanging on in spite of industrialization), and my periodically flooding garden does very well. I'll freely admit that our state has its problems. One is that people get beat down as something inferior. West Virginians are no worse off than New Yorkers, Californians, or any other state.
  • @RiverSprite30
    I'm from Chapmanville, West Virginia. From a holler, outside of town, so deep between 3 cliffs that we only got 3 hours of sunlight a day. Everyone worked in the mines. I was barefoot every day, washed my clothes in the creek. I loved it and miss it every day.
  • @boomdawg56
    I grew up just south of Fairmont, left for a career in the military, I have traveled and lived in many different parts of the US and WV is home. I will be retiring to WV in a few years and already spend about half of my time in WV on the piece of property I grew up on. When I die, I will be buried in WV, there are cons to any place but for me, I am looking forward to the permanent homecoming.
  • @jebbstrains2223
    Many Folks in West Virginia grow their own crops. Our Gardens do fine and produce great crops in West Virginia. We have plenty of good weather and time to do it in. Ask Me How I Know.
  • I moved to WV because of the beauty I’m from Tennessee and WV is my Now my home 💕
  • @dianebays5484
    I love west virginia. I've traveled around different places, but always come home.
  • In about 3 weeks I'm moving from South Florida to West Virginia. People act like I've lost my mind at first ... and then they kinda act like they wish they were coming with me. The one thing I have leaned in the months it took to get this far is that a vast majority of residents absolutely adore the state even with its faults. It's almost heaven for a reason. I hear her voice in the morning hour she calls me.
  • @peanutcampbell
    Own a sweet little vacation rental cottage in historic district of beautiful Fayetteville, WV. I have no CONS except wanting to retire there but too far away from family. Love this little town with longest arch bridge in western hemisphere !!