Fortnite Will Never Feel OG Again

Published 2024-03-11
Why do we want to relive past memories of OG Fortnite so badly, is it really that hard to create new moments to cherish, and why is it that we will never get to experience these nostalgic feelings again, all of that and more in this episode of Luminit taking weeks to write a essay video.

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All Comments (21)
  • No man ever steps on the same river twice, for its not the same river and he's not the same man - Heraclitus
  • If I had a Time Machine that only had one use, I wouldn’t go 500 years into the future, I would go back to September 2017 for the nostalgia.
  • @Pastelfloofi
    Fortnite was a staple of my teen years, I would always come home in early 2018 and hop on to season 4 with my friends. We made so many memories with chapter 1 but then Chapter 2 rolled around and I was the only one who stuck with the game, and to this day I still have. There's been many times where I've really felt like throwing in the towel with this game, but I never did. Chapter 5 Is honestly the most fun I've had since chapter 2 rolled out. I'm really excited to see the new direction Fortnite is taking!
  • @FuelFire
    50VS50 was the first LTM I ever played (Season 4 starter here) and I remember landing on the hill below Pleasant Park, opening the chest in the birch tree circle, getting a blue hunting rifle and headshotting someone after missing the first three shots because I never played a shooter before. LTM's were such a big part of the game man I miss them.
  • @quantum9964
    It wasn't the game, but the experiences we had with our friends
  • @Chapy1189
    I'm just happy I got to experience Fortnite in it's golden days I started early season 1 nothing beats those memories
  • @yazanyaseen10
    I played project era, and I loved how simple, light, yet beautiful it was. My computer played it like it was nothing. But mostly, I loved the cartoony style it had.
  • @Kennedici
    Nah the og map really felt like the old ass times 💯 I’ve been playing since like season 4
  • @dexchampion2128
    So happy with this video. Yes, Fortnite will never feel “OG” again, because WE aren’t the way we were in 2018. Season OG was a great trip down memory lane, but so many people felt that OG was boring. I say, make new memories. Have fun with how things are now, those memories will fall in with those “OG” memories eventually.
  • @TheMarioManiac
    God man I just want 50v50. We haven’t seen it in nearly 5 years.
  • OG Fortnite was a once in a lifetime experience. Be happy you were there when it happened
  • @cherries7734
    even fortnite:OG the one month event when they brought back the OG map, didn't even feel OG
  • @DamianAPO
    Ngl people didn't just get better at building, turbo build was slower when it first came out and somewhere later like season 7 epic buff the speed and people got way faster and better. epic realized that and tried to nerf it back to the original speed but the community got angry so they made it fast again. Now people being to fast at building is one of the biggest issues and ironically the people who complained about epic nerfing it either play zero builds or quit like myth.
  • @Muicheerio
    I remember always playing season 7 that was so fun I managed to reach lvl 81 and get all the rewards in the battle pass, plus when creative mode first released i had so much fun there too I just wanna relive it
  • @thewizard8772
    i think the style of your content is amazing, t od he cutaways, the jokes, not being too serious yet still getting a good point across. Very good video, and intriging thumbnbail!
  • @pt5728
    It’s simpler and more fun imo At the end of the day, we can’t ever have it back because the core thing is that building wasn’t advanced, so you could still have fun with building without it being such a chore.
  • @spectra_ops
    I find it sad how a lot of people who started chapter 1 hated chapter 2 because they felt like chapter 2 had killed chapter 1 and ruined the game, But when chapter 2 went away people started to realize what they had. we didn't know what good of a chapter we had until it was gone (i was one of those people). Also ur underrated af keep it up👍👍