Seth Godin on Successful Fundraising - Ask the Fundraising Expert

Seth Godin on Storytelling and Nonprofits - Ask the Fundraising Expert
Amy Eisenstein interviews Seth Godin. Seth explains how your nonprofit can use storytelling to spread your mission; he offers advice for nonprofit board members and millennials entering the field; he also shares an important tip from his 2015 AFP keynote address.

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コメント (21)
  • There are two ways to share knowledge with a prospective donor: you can (push) information at them or you can (pull) them in with a story!
  • This is such a great reminder to spend less time with marginal donors and more time with the ones who are truly committed to our organization! It's easy to get caught up with trying to be all things to all people. To be successful, we need to be focused on those who can do the most good for our organizations.
  • I am brand new at fundraising. I am not even finished with this video and I have to say it's moving me to tears! Thank you so much.
  • This is wonderful, Amy. I work with nonprofit organization in uganda which helps children and old people we've ended our second year, this information from Seth is helpful and may God bless you so much 🙏🙏
  • As we have been helping children in Haiti for the past 54 years changing lives one life at a time. I have heard many advise but this is by far the best. I believe this can help us help more lives in Haiti and hopefully around the world.
  • Holy a church planter (church entrepreneur) this is mind blowing. Probably the clearest I have heard this.
  • Perfect for me. This is my fourth year as a charity cyclist for Tour De Pink, Philly to Delaware this year. My fund raising is dragging and the advice is just what I needed. Riding is my way of finding peace. Partnering with the amazing community of Young Survival Coalition is my way of giving back. The survivors are a wonderful pool of subject matter experts that support, guide and educate each other on the options of work through living with cancer. Up till now I didn't need to say anything out loud...but my new life is away from the corporate structure of my past. I'm ready to do that : ) Thanks!!
  • This is fantastic, Amy. I work with nonprofits everyday and this information from Seth is simple, clear and hopeful.
  • This was fantastic! I work for a United Way and am part of a strategy to connect with all the "weird" people. Seth's insight was particularly relevant and so appreciated.
  • Hi I am a new risk taker I want to empower the world to do it better I have a plan that needs you .you are pure joy to listen and Seth Godin is heaven sent
  • Very useful (Both Seth Godin and Gail Perry). Six months out from announcing 4.5M Campaign for a beloved National Landmark Theatre in Vermont. Strong Board Team, supported by a killer ED who is a fund raising monster....who gets it. Felt all of our advance work is in strong shape....these two videos simply reinforced. Thank you for what you do. Here we go!!
  • Great chat with Seth. Loved the point that NP's need to demonstrate that "people like you support organizations like this."
  • Great show and thank you for what you do to make our world a better place for our children
  • @dirk3516
    Amy is speaking English so clearly, so that I was able to understand almost the full conversation. Unfortunately, I needed to listen Seth Godin's words sometimes four times, but it is okay. I just listen again right now...
  • I love this! It makes me to know that there are faithful people who are still seeing the better future and needs people around them to see through their lenses. Knowing such people always gladdens my heart! So we can both reach the world for Christ. Always remember TTS in your plans.
  • This was great information for my next Crowdfunded campaign - and I love the work and advice of Seth Godin too.