The Eighth Lesson From Upcoming Course on Real-World ML

The Eighth Lesson From Upcoming Course on Real-World ML

コメント (19)
  • My first taste of SQL as an intern told me that it wasn't some way thing that one just knows by osmosis. This is why I hate the advertisements on YouTube that say "learn machine learning in 8 months" or "become a data scientist in our 3 month class" like dude it don't work like that😂 even the applied stats part takes years to learn to apply (not just learn the math, learn to APPLY). The idea that this comes easy, to me, is an insult, and it's nice to hear others say it's bullshit
  • @ntran04299
    Hi Mike, I just want to let you know that I recently got offered a contract opportunity involving 50% ETL and 50% reporting work using Azure, SQL, and Power BI. They only offered me a 3-month contract though, as I have no relevant data experience, but they did say they will extend the contract and even potentially hire me as a permanent if I perform and prove myself. Of course, this is all words so only time will tell... I've been following your channel around August of last year and I want to say thanks to you because at least now I got a foot in the door and it's time to work really hard to prove myself.
  • @mrbob4104
    thnaks. Just a suggestion, cause I went on your website for a machine learning path but couldnt find it clearly. Like you have a lot of courses and knowing which to choose and the order to do the courses specific for machine learning is quite tedious unless people watch your videos about ML. So just as a suggestion, could you like create a bundle for ML with the courses in order within cause you have a lot of content and knowing which are the ones needed for a specific path can be challenging as a newcomer.
  • @mezzela00
    hey mike, quick question; im hearing a lot that data analyst role will be automated by ai very soon. so that role is the only way to enter ml roles as you say so how the hell will people get the experience that ml roles looking for. thanx in advance great content
  • @erik4444q
    What is your take on reality of AGI, meaning how close are we actually we given research and efforts? I don't have the knowledge to discern if everything that is being reported on the media by openai and similar companies is just bs marketing or they really are close to developing something apocalyptic like that.
  • @Cahangir
    SSMS + MySQL Workbench + This Video all open simultaneously. I am overdosing on data : )
  • Buy one of those tablets for writing/drawing, Mike. Your mouse-written things are unintelligible 😂😂😂 love your content and straight forwardness (not a word, I know)
  • @Linux4Life
    Is the future of data engineering to develop the data warehouse functionality, like setting up DBT and terraform and making sure that everything works (without writing queries and scripts) or will the main job in DE be writing queries and scripts?
  • Hello what do you think about DataCamp certification ? There is a test at the end.
  • @cuddy90210
    Thank you again for another great Video!.. I had a side question... for some companies I'm starting to see a need for "AI Engineers", is an AI Engineer the same as a "ML Engineer", if no, can you explain the difference?
  • Greetings, Mike! Can I ask an off-topic question, please? Mike, in general, I like your advice, because it seems very reasonable to me. Here is something I do not think you have addressed yet: AGEISM. Suppose I will start with foundations -- learning SQL and Power BI for entry-level data analyst role. As I learn on evenings and weekends, this learning curve will take time. Lets say, two years, maybe a year if I completely sacrifice all my free time. Sounds reasonable? By the time I start applying for entry-level jobs, I will be into my 40-ies. How do I compete with crowds of young people, seeking their first job and willing to work for peanuts? I can justify, why I want to get into data analytics allright (I was a researcher, handled a lot of data etc.). But how do I convince a hiring manager to hire me for a beginner job instead of cheaper student??? TY!
  • Hey Mike! I am a junior computer science major. I landed an internship for this summer as a data engineer that could potentially turn into a full time job. Could you please give me any advice or tips?
  • @Hackcastq
    Hi mike, are you going to make a video about AI replacing software or jobs in general anytime soon, it might actually be good to hear from you.
  • Is it ok for a beginner to learn Spark SQL as their first SQL flavor? Or will it be a detriment in SQL job interviews?
  • @LP-kw3kj
    I have a question junior, for the past two years i quit doing art due to never-ending news about ai art, i loved doing art and mourn when i used to do it, i stopped because i felt that ai art was going to get so advanced that there would be no point of continuing what i have been doing since i was a child. No other fields interest me at all and i missed being creative, since i know nothing about machine learning i wanted to know if it is even possible for something creative like art to be replaced by ai, or if ai is merely a tool and these machine learning tools cannot automate creative things like art.
  • Mike what do you think about old school guys Who say cloud is just puré hype?
  • @adrified9352
    I am a HS senior and I plan to pursue AI/Quantum ML. Math and Python are all I’ve known my entire life