Dragon's Dogma 2 Pawn Guide - Specializations, Inclinations, Dragonsplague, Romance, and MORE!

Published 2024-04-06
Dragon's Dogma 2 Pawn Guide - Specializations, Inclinations, Dragonsplague, Romance, and MORE!
In this Dragon's Dogma 2 video, we're gonna be talking about pawns, Everything you need to know about Pawns in Dragon's Dogma 2. Including Inclination, Specialization, how to get your pawn to fall in love with you, how to get rid of scars, what skills to use and commands. So if you've been wanting more information about Pawn then watch on to find out.

Wiki: dragonsdogma2.wiki.fextralife.com/Pawns

0:00 - Dragon's Dogma 2 Ultimate Pawn Guide
0:24 - Inclination
2:43 - Specialization
7:28 - Pawn Quest and Quest Info
10:35 - Pawn Affinity
11:31 - How to Get Rid o Pawn Scars
11:57 - Dragonsplague
13:42 - Augments and Skills
17:21 - Final Thoughts

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All Comments (21)
  • my favorite thing about pawns is them letting me know there is a ladder here
  • @lethargicwizard
    I had a logistician pawn in my party during a quest for which i needed to pick up 3 wildflowers. And as soon as i picked up the 3rd one, she took it out of my pack and turned it into a salubrious brew. I was so mad i chucked her into the brine.
  • @rasamasala
    The community has come up with a cool way to let you know if your pawn has dragonsplague. If your pawn comes back from the rift with rotten meat as a gift, thats how people have been letting others know you have dragonsplague
  • @ItheauthorityI
    My favorite for my main pawn is kindhearted no matter vocation. Mainly because the voice and voice lines are my favorite. I also like the idea of my main pawn being extra loyal. Straightforward is too posh lmao. Forager is also my favorite. Love that it practically shows boss locations too.
  • @dondondonjujuju
    good: - thief with plunder/implicate/helm splitter (fourth spot flex the maister skill or smokebomb/the parry counter... you just have to play with it and watch which one your pawn uses most, sometimes they just turn the maister skill on and off randomly). plunder is a free ferrystone generator even if you dont want the extra crafting mats. implicate is one of the most lowkey yet powerful skills in the game ("its just a fucking rope") but it crowd controls virtually every small enemy inc. flyers and it secures the full knockdown on flinching big enemies, cant pass it up. thief is pound for pound the fastest killer against most enemy types and the best big boy climber/stabber (and you can set it up as a fake tank with aggro augment/ring and the maister skill). edit: also one of the thief endgame weapons are holy element daggers, which allows your party to shitstomp an entire category of enemies without having to think about that dogshit empyrean spell on mage. - mage. dont think i need to explain here, but celerity and halidom at minimum are nice. levin, palladium, argent succor, and a weapon enchantment can flex the other two slots though i usually just hire ones with cel/hal/lev/pal as you dont need big burst heals by endgame and the weapon enchantments feel like they drop off in value. - sorcerer. again, mostly self explanatory. amazing crowd control w/ hagol, thundermine, and seism (and is able to cover 4 of the 5 main elements and 2 status effects, to boot). i wouldnt equip the maister spells for the reasons you mention, but i will hire one with maister skills if im playing Sorc myself due to the cast speed bonus with multiple sorcs; dumping a double load of meteors more quickly is hilarious (and the player casting meteor or tornado forces the pawn AI to start casting too, giving you a small measure of control) ok: - fighter: the fighter will kill smaller enemies faster than you realize (the dodge counter skill is actually really good and the AI loves spamming it, virtually nothing will make it past a shield pummel, etc) and is okay for standing toe to toe with the big ones. the only issues i have is that even if you equip the cloud strike skill they still cant really do anything about harpies (so youll need to be taking care of them or have a thief/archer pawn as the caster pawns suck at taking them out), and while the shield bash is great esp on a full knockback spec, i havent really noticed fighter pawn AI spamming it against big enemies. overall, feels like a somewhat slower alternative to the thief pawn in endgame (and you can spec thief as a fake tank anyway) but it is better if you want to be absolutely certain they are holding aggro from everything on the screen. - archer: problem with archer pawn is same as on player, most of the non-consumable arrow skills are more or less boring variations of single target damage, and im not sure the special arrow skills are worth fully equipping a pawn for esp as the pawn feels really bad at getting utility out of them. thankfully, even with an awkward skillset, the archer pawn is good at constantly shitting out good damage more or less passively as long as they arent aggro'd, so there is some utility if want a ranged DPS that is much faster/more reactive than a Sorc. bad: - warrior. the problem with warrior on pawn is that its best skills are long casts. the fast ones are mostly redundant to what you can do on fighter/thief anyway (e.g. diluvian strike is good at punishing shielded enemies or saurians........ but so are implicate and shield pummel)... and the pawns mostly whiff on the long cast stuff due to goofy melee ai. the best utility i can think of is only equipping Mountain Breaker to the pawn so they are forced to spam it against big boys, but they still goofy with the timing. overall, its nice when it actually works but most of the time it isnt. much better class on the player because it requires a bit of intuition for spacing/timing/context for its highly specialized skills that the pawn AI just doesnt get right.
  • @EStephensII
    Dragons Dogma 3: your pawn texts you while you’re at work, insists you sleep with the controller next to your pillow, and denies cheating on you with another arisen. “It was just one trip to Vermund I swear.” 😅
  • @cht5001
    Best inclinations I’ve done nearly 60 hours of testing. STRAIGHTFORWARD: Fighter/Warrior/Thief CALM:Archer SIMPLE: any but they fight worse KINDHEARTED: Mage/Sorcerer Sorc may seem odd for kindhearted but they always stay near you and spam nukes. Idk if it’s bugged or not but kindhearted sorcs are like 20x smarter than straightforward or calm inclination . Calm archers are absolutely INSANE. They never get hit. They never miss. They almost always hit weak points. Straightforward warriors and fighters are absolutely vicious, they’ll charge ahead of you and just start slaughtering enemies you don’t even see. This also applies to calm archer.
  • @pride893
    From divinity 2 to this game, thanks for always coming out with these guides.
  • @sharinganuser23
    You been cranking out the guides right and left! I’m a seasoned gamer so I don’t need a ton of direction besides specific locations. But I’m so grateful for the super worthwhile for all the tips I didn’t know!
  • @pockystyx4087
    Having a Thief pawn with Plunder on has helped me quickly get extra upgrade materials so fast; that I never was really hurting for the stuff needed to enhance all my gear. Plus; for some reason.; the pawns seem to have way better luck at stealing wakestones and ferrystones than I ever have lol
  • @Catelynmeow
    This was the most helpful video on dragon's dogma 2 that I've seen. Thank you so much for all the amazing videos that you've created!
  • @thewise_1one856
    Dont forget to forge your Eternal Wake Stone, that way you can use it more than once.
  • @crazy-tommy
    If you have a mage pawn equipping them with Legion's Might is great (reward for 180 seeker tokens). It auto-revives your pawn if it goes down, which es great in combat. But even out of combat you can use this to your advantage by throwing your pawn down a cliff, down there the pawn dies on impact and auto-revives itself, then you can jump after them and let your pawn catch you.
  • @Pumpkin64337
    Thank you for explaining how to change the inclination. I couldn’t figure that out. ❤
  • @destoc5661
    Go near ore, press "GO", walk away, let pawn do the mining. Go to cable car, go near roller, press "GO". Go inside cable car, press "GO". GO.
  • @violetbliss4399
    Calm is my favourite: I started as simple and it's also a good one but, it's sometimes awkward when they destroy everything around so you can't use boxes to climb with, if you're not levitating.
  • @isaiahperry217
    You have one of the better videos on this game that I seen info wise.
  • @karltech1012
    Excellent guide, thank you very much. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼