The Only Man in Germany Who Gets Eurovision

Published 2024-04-11
There has never been a country that has sucked at Eurovision worse than Germany sucks now. And there’s only one person who can fix it. (For SEO purposes, I will now reveal it is Stefan Raab. STEFAN RAAB is the subject of this video, Google.)

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Overthinking It subjects the popular culture to a level of scrutiny it probably doesn't deserve.


All Comments (21)
  • @BramLastname
    Germany is known as "the unfunny pop clown" around these parts, Lord of the Lost had the right idea, It just happened to not go as well as people expected.
  • @fartreta
    Germany needs to wake up from the delusion that 'radio friendliness' is a recipe for success in Eurovision. It really isn't at all. Germany would have been a steady NQer hadn't it been for being a Big Five country. Michael Schulte in 2018 was an exception only because of the backstory and sincere delivery. And unfortunately Jendrik in 2021 was quirky but also too silly in a dated Eurovision 00's 'troll entry' way and a waste of opportunity to show his apparent talent.
  • @Xenia277
    Everything Stefan Raab touches turns to gold. So many TV shows, so many hits. Every Eurovision song he that he was a part of in some sort made the top 10. You still feel the gap he left in German TV since his departure. He just has a feeling for what works. Also the NDR which‘s now in charge of selectinh the ESC act, doesn‘t want to win. „Everything but first“… They need to get away from their radiofriendliness. Nowadays radio is something that plays in the background and nobody really actively listens to. Being radiofriendly is a bonus (like Tattoo) but not the main criteria to select your entry.
  • @KK19825
    Germany really should have sent Electric callboy in 2022.
  • @Tollkirschenkind
    As a German born in 1988, my first memory of Eurovision is indeed Guildo Horn. And Böörti Böörti Vogts brought me right back into my childhood, so thank you for that! I think the contest has changed, so I actually don't know how successful Raab would be nowadays. Then again, we're already at the bottom, can't get much worse, so I'd fully support another try. Having someone who's passionate about music and Eurovision might be the first step out of the dark. I don't expect Germany to be another Italy or Sweden, but some breadcrumbs would be nice, so let him try all right.
  • @questionmark3219
    Stefan Raab also was involved in the national selection 2012 when Roman Lob won and came 8th place in Baku.
  • @MyBroSux24
    One thing I would like to add to Stefan's legacy was the bundesvision song contest (or BuViSoCo for short) that was a yearly thing more or less until Stefans on-screen TV retirement, stepping back into the background and producing shows rather than hosting. I feel like this always was Stefans idea for a national final, as every state of the 16 federal states in Germany was to compete and the state winning had to be the next years host state. The lineup were quirky local newcomers AND some of Germany's hottest acts. And the venues were on eurovision level in size.
  • The state of affairs re: German Eurovision direly needs to change. However, I'm a bit wary of Stefan Raab being the savior ex machina that people make him out to be. His merits for German ESC between 1998 to 2011 asside, I think the contest itself has changed immensely (increasing quality for the past 8 - 10 years), as has the Zeitgeist and I'm doubtful Raab would be up to find the right tone for contemporary ESC. Like many other Germans, my pick would definitely be Jan Boehmermann, but due to him being contracted to ZDF, the second public broadcasting house in vicious competition with the ARD, it seems unlikely to happen. The ARD is like a toxic lover when it comes to ESC: they hate doing it, hate putting effort and investment in but they want to keep exclusively reaping the benefits of the high marketshares in viewership and the desirable age bracket of 14 - 29 yrs, both of which are rare commodities for rusty ´dusty ARD and offers them significant advantages in budget allocations and relevance arguments. And so they jealously hang on to keeping ESC under their exclusive umbrella while investing near naught into the overall production of the German NF and the German delegation. All that said and seeing that the ARD will continue to be very reluctant to let anyone from the outside, be it Raab or Boehmermann or me (honestly, this is one of my grandiose wet nightmares, hehe), I have to add that only a scenario of absolute ground zero could get things in motion towards change. I know that another federal regional broadcasting house is going to take over German delegation from the NDR next year, and while I wouldn't rule out that this might bring some improvement, I don't harbor much hope. As long as the ARD is in charge, the same systemic nonsense will continue, making it hard even for the best-intentioned regional broadcaster and even the highest motivated team on the German delegation to fight successfully the uphill battle against the ARD structures and mindset.
  • @johannes_floehr
    Perfect timing because it was just announced that Stefan Raab has new plans for the German national final. I support that although I rather have someone younger than him, his legacy is already big enough. In my generation, born around 1990, most of the people have Guildo Horn & Stefan Raab in mind when talking about Eurovision and what their first memory of it is. And did I understood the ending of the video right? Our only hope for Eurovision is our HUMOR? Europe, beware!
  • @DadgeCity
    Raab was the Stig Anderson of Germany - had a plan, executed it to perfection. I used to watch Raab's TV show when I lived in Hungary, he's such a funny, talented guy. Of course he was also lucky to find such a talented performer as Lena. Her Eurovision performance has always seemed a bit odd to us here in Britain, with its affected vocal style, but she has shown now through a long career that she was no flash in the pan.
  • Ahh I saw the news yesterday and you you’ve released a video, that makes me happy 🥰 also ty for acknowledging Lena’s largely forgotten impact!!
  • @muffimonkey5065
    The ESC has changed a lot in the 10 years since Raab was active, and his humour and entertainment ideas already wasnt doing great before he decided to retire. There was an attempt a couple years ago to make some sort of national songcontest („Free European Song Contest“), but that one was so filled with typical Raab era stereotype jokes that it was nothing but a cringefest. I do think fondly of the zeitgeist of that time, but the world changed and people already are cringing out and complain about the same type of much tamer jokes the NDR at current does. So "more funny" alone made by Stefan Raab wouldnt solve anything imo. I personally think the main issues germany has with placing, lies within the system of broadcaster editorial team and jury who pick just the most uncompetetive songs for the NF and insist that no one but them knows any better, reducing the selection to pop music only, as other genres are reported to not fit the personal taste of some of the decision makers. And oc that angers eurofans that see another contries entry being kicked out in the semis while germany hogs a guaranteed place in the final with something at best mediocre. The NF itself circles around the moderator gossiping with persons that are there as guests that have no relation to the ESC whatsoever. The artists are in the background until they have their song, and risk being joked upon right after their entry by the moderation. The stage is inadequate to show the relations of the actual ESC final, as its so much smaller and will not reflect to the big stage and audience that has to be filled with the song and performance to stick out. So in terms of production of the show, i do see hope in changing broadcasters, production and concept. Also having a musician as head of production might finally put the actual contestors and their songs into the focus of the show. Also this might finally offer a chance for actual popular genres like hiphop/rap, or open the door for anything rock/metal/punk, finally. It of course risks to lose more artistic approaches (like Ryk) as we know from for example serVia, but that would be something the public broadcasters could cover. As far as i have read, Raab offered a split show concept to 4 big german TV stations, the public broadcasters ARD(NDR) and ZDF, and two privates RTL and Pro7/Sat.1. The idea is to let each of them organize one semi-final and then have a national final with the winners of each of the 4 shows. The public broadcasters seem to be interested, while the privates are not sure what they would gain from this cause ARD would sent the NF as well as the ESC in any case. So its to see on where this might go. (source:, At all the contract with the NDR will run out in 2025, and i HOPE WITH ALL OF MY HEART, that german entertainer and moderator Jan Böhmermann for the ZDF will take the show in his hands. Hes already commenting the contest for radio, and made a satiric song about germanys constant last placement ("Allemagne Zero Points (Official Release)" - Jan Böhmermann | ZDF Magazin Royale: ). He has a very good editoral team for music and as a singer himself im convinced he will fit the CURRENT zeitgeist in creating a show and picking or writing good music for the CURRENT ESC. 🙏 Sorry for the essay, thanks for reading! If you made it this far please know that you are the most amazing person ever <
  • @d-dognulli6216
    You definitely should watch Traumschiff Surprise! 😅
  • Germany should do like The Netherlands and select a song that could do good in the final. They have a problem with their broadcaster for the selection of the song for the final and the selection for the act that wins. The final is on a friday late night for a radio friendly song in Germany. The time is too late and on a friday gives a different feeling instead of a saturday.
  • I still remeber the time where the big youth radio stations did campaign for Gulido Horn, it was a massive campaign. Before Guildo Horn the ESC was perceived in Germany as a contest exclusively for "old people's" Schlager ( it was a bit before the dominance of the so called "Ballerman-Schlager" made Schlager more accessible for younger audiences), so Stefan Raab used all his Media Presence and Influence on younger audiences and mobilised this people for Guildo Horn. So I think Stefan Raabs sucess in Germany was, at least in the beginning, mostly due to his massive presence on tv (his own show) and radio ( which wad still very important in the late 90ies in Germany) and the fact that he made the contest interesting for younger people.
  • @MariaCarabin
    Thx for making me feel ancient (playing the Bertie Vogts song). I’m Swiss (adopted) and Raab was everywhere for a while!
  • @crow22zero
    lol dayeinu I love your humor guys 🙏
  • @lauramai422
    Oh yesy you should definitely watch Dreamship Surprise!