How I Helped Ludwig Cheat In His Nuzlocke

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コメント (21)
  • @remebeau
    Ludwig's strat of "they will never believe I thought of pre-para, but they'll definitely laugh and forget about it if they think I've made a mistake" was honestly so big brain, I can't get over it
  • @asterion5145
    This is the epitome of the really popular kid getting the smart guy to cheat on his test for him. I'm all for it.
  • @alexc8332
    “You’re gonna have to convince your chat you pre-paralyzed the Linoone.” “Okay, so poison the Linoone.” 😂😂😂
  • @gentleseal1778
    PChal attempting to not cheat in the face of temptation from cat boy (impossible)
  • @xTobsecretx
    The next level move is to cleverly edit a video like this for every upcoming run of Lud’s whether he cheated or not.
  • @PtylerBeats
    “My chat would never believe I intentionally paralyzed a linoone. But they WOULD believe that I accidentally ran into the E4 unprepared” lol brilliant
  • @Sponsie1000
    Honestly kinda impressed by how Ludwig could have Jan tell him what play to make in real time and just sell it convincingly as his own thought process on stream for over an hour and a half. It takes some real skill to hold up that level of facade for that long in front of such a huge live audience without letting it slip once during the final bosses of a difficult game you've been playing for a month,, what a gamer
  • @Einfalsslos
    for everyone who´s not german "Ich bin brutal Schwul "translates to "I´m brutally gay."
  • @smallgator
    This should be a series called "Nuzlocke Doctor" where Jan goes in and saves "doomed" runs.
  • @Chelarino
    the fact how PERFECTLY within his character lud acted out that "oops walked in" situation actually terrified me like, for a moment it absolutely shattered the credibility of every single thing he ever said
  • This might be your best video I've seen. The whole structure of doing a preplanning section, where you try to make a working team with the pieces you have, seeing Ludwig's reaction to the plan after you've explained it a bunch so we're on your side hoping that he understands it well, and ending with you whispering in his ear while he tries to bullshit his chat that he came up with it all is a super good almost 3 act movie.
  • @glumreaper8885
    holy shit - Jan literally just used ludwig's doxxed ballsack as a segue. i'm speechless.
  • @bigplantfan630
    Me trying my absolute hardest not to imagine pcs shaved balls after his 4000th manscaped ad
  • @NoracSelen
    Yo this was as good as any heist movie. You came up with a plan, explain it to the new guy, give instructions to the man on the scene and he encounters an unexpected problem in the final act.
  • @Pollieanna
    I can’t believe you cheated in Pokemon, I trusted you Jan
  • @TheOneRhythm
    i never believed for a second that ludwig tried to theory craft or work through the elite four himself - my hats off to PChal for taking on the super mountain that is Ludwig.
  • This just makes seeing the chat trying to backseat (particularly people spamming JUST USE SHADOW BALL on the banette) that much funnier