Unmasking Narcissism: The Evolution of a Troubled Soul and Why It Matters to know this.

Welcome to Clear Vision! In this video, I, Simon, a psychotherapist, discuss the intriguing evolution of a narcissist and how they come to be. Understanding the process of narcissistic development can be valuable when dealing with them in personal or professional relationships.

We explore the root causes of extreme behaviors exhibited by narcissists when faced with challenges. By gaining insight into their behavior, you can approach interactions with them more effectively, finding ways to protect yourself without avoiding triggers.

Discover why narcissists have difficulty accepting love and genuine connection. Unravel the layers of their false self, which shields a vulnerable inner child. By comprehending this, you'll understand why reasoning with a narcissist is often futile as you're engaging with their defensive façade, not their true self.

We analyze two common paths to narcissism - one originating from over-loving parents inflating their self-worth, and the other from a hostile and neglectful environment forcing them to build a grandiose self-image.

Stay tuned for upcoming videos where we'll delve into narcissistic tactics like love bombing, stonewalling, and manipulation employed in relationships.

Please feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments section and remember to subscribe.

00:00:05 - Introduction
00:00:17 - Introduction to Narcissism
00:00:28 - Evolution of a Narcissist
00:00:33 - Importance of Understanding Narcissism
00:00:44 - Dealing with Narcissists in Relationships
00:00:53 - The Inability of Narcissists to Accept Love
00:01:03 - Strategies for Interacting with Narcissists
00:01:08 - Protecting Yourself from Narcissistic Wrath
00:01:25 - The Sad Reality of Loving a Narcissist
00:01:47 - The Creation of Narcissists: Environmental Factors
00:02:58 - The False Self of a Narcissist
00:03:00 - Narcissists' Reaction to Criticism and Rejection
00:03:37 - The Two Ways Narcissists Are Created
00:04:50 - The Role of Parenting in Developing Narcissism
00:05:42 - The Impact of Neglect and Abuse
00:06:12 - The Development of the False Self
00:07:06 - The Search for Narcissistic Supply
00:07:49 - The Fragility of the Narcissist's False Self
00:08:33 - The Unconscious Nature of Narcissism
00:09:00 - The Inevitability of Narcissistic Behaviors
00:09:58 - The Importance of Understanding Narcissism for Self-Protection

コメント (11)
  • @ladyvirgo9514
    4:34 THIS is exactly what created my soon ex husband of 12 years, his mother, grandmother ruined him by idolizing him. Now that im out, i can see it All clearly. I turned my empathy off for him because he was killing me slowly. This Wisdom is priceless
  • @messpilo
    Yes it makes so much sense based on my experience. So a narcisistic person is a false image of their true self created by the person to protect its vulnerable side!
  • 10:14 I feel like this at times I go through times I feel very important and other times I feel very very low about myself I'm trying to sort out my triggers that put me too low maybe look at the inflated good too because no one is perfect Sometimes I try to strive for this to get the good attention that covers up the bad...
  • @NYbashaw3
    The description of a child having one caregiver overdoing the praise and the other caregiver being realistic sounds like the situation I had at age 16 when raising my daughter while living in my parents home. My mother would always interfere and yell at me in front of my daughter whenever I would tell her to do normal things, like pick up her toys before going to bed. Your explaination affirms my belief that the constant belittlement toward me & interferance by my own mother is why my 47 yr old daughter, as an adult, gets very rude with me or my husband when we try talking to her about things. Thank you so much for this video & for your channel on YouTube!
  • Ya that was my last straw with my ex too much lieing with abuse you can't help them you can't truly love them it's fake a lie They need to want to change and they need to really want to feel empathy they can't without changing
  • @tram105
    Very thorough explanation. Thank you.
  • @Crunchy_Dragon
    This is the best understanding of narcissism I have heard on YouTube. Most channels employ drama and suggestions to ignore the narcissist which is destructive - especially in a family situation. Can a narcissist change with correct treatment? If so, what would that consist of? Thank you.
  • Oh so spoiled children given everything and told they are perfect... My ex had this but was also put down alot No wonder he turned out to be a lier all the time even about stupid stuff It's good to understand that some
  • Very informative. Can there be a narcissist to have both scenarios? An incident where a narcissist had both neglect from their narcissist parent and over exaggerating their persona at the same time? Once the narcissist became successful in the public eye, the narcissist parent claimed credit by telling the child she saw his name in lights (believes she has psychic powers). Also, the narcissist parent themselves has arrest development, promiscuous behavior in front of the children growing up and still in her elderly (in late 80s) days sees herself attractive to men especially young. Abandoned her children and leaving them with their father while she lived with boyfriends and frequented bars, then came back and tells different story and now attached to all her children throughout their whole adulthood love bombing, guilting, and sabotaging their marriages. Now both parent and narcissist is living together. All the children have deep and disturbing behavior. Only one seems to be in truth and getting help. The successful child states has no memory of childhood. I believe the public successful child is a covid narcissist and more. What further damage could this have caused if so?
  • @Diana-eq8ko
    EGADS!!! Stop talking with your hands! Sooooo distracting!!!!