What does it mean to be born of water? | GotQuestions.org

What does being "born of water" mean? When Jesus told Nicodemus that he “must be born again,” what does that mean? In this video we answer your question: What does it mean to be born of water?

Source: www.gotquestions.org/born-of-water.html

コメント (21)
  • Read Ephesians 5:26 to make her holy and clean, washed by the cleansing of God’s word. It refers to cleansing through obedience to God's word
  • The symbolism of water in the Bible is immense and numerous. The four streams flowing from the tree of life in eden. The waters below representing chaos but also potentiality. The great flood. Crossing the Jordan. The water coming out from Christ's side when he's pierced.
  • @briaschr
    Context is King Nicodemus asked how he could go into his mother‘s woman be born again, so Jesus said you must be born of water and up spirit. The context proves that Jesus was talking about the physical birth versus the spiritual birth.
  • @dank2476
    No need to ask if a person is saved or not. Ask if they have been reborn in the spirit, as all reborn in the spirit are saved.
  • @RichardM1366
    We are born in water in the womb. When we are born again we are reborn thru The Holy Spirit.
  • @rev3182
    Blessings all, may we all feel His peace. It has been brought to mind to encourage all to ask Father, in Jesus's name for His living water. When we receive this it is a powerful supernatural experience that actually feels like two mighty rivers of waters gushing into our bellies. With this water comes the spirit of the Lion of Judah and we become known to Jesus as He watches through our eyes and hears through our ears. His spirit comes within us, separate from us and is awesomely powerful. He is also there in a heartbeat should we need Him. Please please ask Him as it's real. Hallelujah! This is what it means to be born of water.
  • In order to get a good, balanced view on relation between the Water Baptism and Gospel, Salvation please read the following 9 passages from the Bible in the order provided so you can give your honest answer NOT to men who create denominations, but to God Who is the Master of order and harmony. 2 Thessalonians 1:7-9; Romans 1:16; Galatians 1:6-9; 1 Corinthians 15:1-4; Romans 6:3-6; Colossians 2:12; Matthew 22:11-13; Galatians 3:26-27; Acts 22:16.
  • @GodsView1
    Born of water means the 2nd perspective though moreso represents the death/burial of sin (the old unregenerated life/man) which the representative baptiser places under the ground/water in reflection of the new life given by Jesus' own death, burial and resurrection in realising this new resurrected life for us through the Holy Spirit because of genuine repentance and the sincere decision to live for Christ by God's grace Eph 2:8-9.
  • @AL-ri6bk
    Bro. Can u do audible bible. I like this voice.
  • @Ezekiel7th
    Jesus Christ was Baptised by John the Baptist so all those who are Born again in Christ Jesus lives inside us so we are sealed with the Holy Spirit through Jesus Baptism that is in all of us who are Born again' Jesus said Verily i tell you to be Born again and Baptised in water' is a form of Obedience to Christ
  • @jensen220
    Excellent explanation. In the womb we're surrounded by "water", and then when we're born, we break through the birth canal a new being This in no way nullifies the fact that a baby is a human life from the moment of conception but, when we're born again we "break forth" a new being (creature). I'm of the mindset that Jesus was speaking of the first example, although any of them could be true and I don't believe He will hold it against me that I believe one over the other. As long as we understand the concept of two births.
  • I beg to differ: "to be born of water" DOES appoint to the water baptism more than to anything else. What it does NOT point to for sure is the man-invented and man-prescribed Sinner's Prayer which is nowhere found in the Bible.
  • Pls be informed that born of water and Spirit is one time event or happens at the same time. Spirit gives birth to spirit, the same as flesh gives birth to flesh. But in both births there is "water" because water is life...
  • @Beans-he3xi
    We are born physically of water (for example, before birth the water breaks), spiritually we are born again when we are saved (receiving the Lord Christ Jesus as our Saviour, trusting in His death, burial and resurrection, in faith alone) by the Holy Spirit. Water baptism has nothing to do with being regenerated and born again, the new birth is a spiritual birth.
  • A follower of Jesus who is “born from water” is one who has turned away from his former course of life, repented of his sins, and been baptized in water. Those born from both “water and spirit” are begotten, or brought forth by God to be sons of God with the promise of spirt life in the heavens and with the prospect of ruling in the Kingdom of God. (Luke 22:30)
  • @BibleWisdomYE
    Born of water is interesting especially when you see them creating robots. Jesus is saying you have to be human to make it to heaven 😂