Dr. Paul Mason - 'The corrupt history of the food pyramid'

Published 2023-10-28
Dr James Muecke, 2020 Australian of the Year, has been instrumental in lobbying for the current Australian Parliamentary Inquiry into diabetes. This is currently underway, the membership containing several non-practicing doctors. While formal submissions have now closed, we encourage everyone with concerns regarding the Australian Dietary Guidelines to make contact with one or several members of this inquiry. Their contact details can be found here; www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/H…

Dr Paul Mason's submission to the parliamentary inquiry can be found here (#402); www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/H…

The membership of the current Australian Dietary Guidelines expert committee (of which Dr James Muecke was blocked despite a public promise from the then Health Minister, Greg Hunt) can be found here; www.nhmrc.gov.au/health-advice/nutrition/australia…

The chair has previously conducted systematic reviews for the World Health Organisation and they continue to meet behind closed doors. We encourage you to express your concerns about potential bias in the process to committee members.

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All Comments (21)
  • I get sick just thinking of all the years that I fed my family according to the vile guidelines thrust upon us by our corrupt government.
  • @GuitarsAndSynths
    "When we mix science with politics, we get politics not science"- brilliant quote!
  • @nikitis13
    Just do the opposite of what "government" regulators and health authorities advice the public and you won't go far wrong.
  • @Marshallgill
    "When you mix science and politics, you get politics." This describes so many things!
  • @Namrevlis1938
    You neglected to mention that Ansel Keys received many large payments of money from the American Sugar Alliance. Ref: Rob Lustig MD. Best regards, David Silverman
  • I ate this way for six decades. I’m lucky to be alive. Never too old to learn and change. Added: which I did and feel and look good.
  • @kassrripples3659
    I keep thinking about how many of the 4-11 year old children in today’s schools are being managed due to behavioral issues that could well be related to red meat deficiency…
  • @ianc1498
    I ate ridiculous amounts of cereal and skim milk as a kid. It's no wonder kids have so many mental and physical issues these days.
  • I was born in 1965. My older siblings pre 1957. My darling mother fervently adopted the healthy heart guidelines of the 70’s, and I received the products of her “heartfelt healthy endeavours”, since then, I have battled with my weight for 50 odd years, since I was 7. My older siblings not so much, I believe because they probably had more saturated fat in their diet. Sadly I also went on to become a coronary care nurse and in that role further purported the so called healthy NZ heart foundation food pyramid. It totally sickens me to think what I told people post heart attack in the 1990’s. 18 months ago I adopted a low carb higher protein lifestyle and hey presto my weight came down. However year of restrictions and dieting have left their mark both physically and mentally. It’s not something you just shut off after 50 years, sugar addiction is real and the offending food is everywhere. Thank you Dr Paul Mason, presentations like this reinforce to me that I’m on the right track now, so informative and enlightening, the history of these lies must be shared everywhere.
  • @toni4729
    The whole world should hear this. I'm surprised the US government hasn't had this removed.
  • @pelqel9893
    I shake my head thinking back to the 80s when I was daily counting every gram of fat... while eating tons of those dry rice- and popcorn-cakes washed down by banana smoothies... all the while struggling to lose weight.
  • @anthonychaffeemd
    Fantastic lecture as always! Really unfortunate that this isn't common knowledge. We will just have to try and make it so.
  • @m2on8
    Dr. Paul Mason is the gold standard of doctors and scientists.
  • @bfelten1
    Thank you so very much! 🤩 In Sweden in the 1970s, we had a recommendation from the government about eating 6-8 slices of bread per day. Now I know where this came from. I've linked to this video on a Swedish Facebook channel dedicated to stopping false recommendations from our government, it'll sure give us more fuel. I've been on an LCHF diet for 10+ years now, and I feel like 40 again, rather than my 75.
  • @godsdozer
    As an American, now known as merica................. I am totally embarrassed. Our government is and has been totally corrupt for decades. Sickening
  • @noncompliant4316
    Nearly a year as a carnivore and feel much better physically, mentally, and emotionally. Lost over 15 kg, skin and gums cleared up within a week or two (nails took a little longer), liver and kidney function radically improved, and more. No cravings. This has been an extremely positive move and improvement in lifestyle.
  • @katiehammond7845
    I am a 46 year old Australian woman who wouldn't be far off dead if I'd listened to the government health guidelines.