Biden and Trump Campaign 2024: Maggie Haberman and Alex Burns with Jeff Greenfield

Biden and Trump Campaign 2024: Maggie Haberman and Alex Burns with Jeff Greenfield

The dynamic duo of The New York Times’ Maggie Haberman and Politico’s Alex Burns return with moderator Jeff Greenfield for uniquely illuminating talk on Campaign 2024: the candidates, the issues, the potential consequences.

This promises to be campaign unlike any other, and few journalists are better placed to guide us through it than Haberman and Burns. Maggie Haberman (Confidence Man) has covered the inner workings of the Trump campaign and presidency more assiduously than any other journalist. Now, with the current polls, she and Alex Burns (This Will Not Pass) are sure to shed new light on the candidates and their campaigns.

Recorded April 14, 2024 at 92nd Street Y, New York.

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コメント (21)
  • @lkfs55
    I wish the national media would stop normalizing Trump and discuss the real threat he imposes along with Project 2025 and the ramifications of that. I’d also hope we can get rid of the electoral college and have the majority win. I believe Biden has been a very good president and I don’t understand how there is any comparison. 😩
  • @sylvanslave
    i wish you woiuld talk about the process we can anticipate if trump loses and the turmoil tesulting in his denial of his loss. This really needs to be discussed along with how close or not close the race is to be.
  • @nena8692
    I disagree that anyone, even the left of center, thinks there will be a "gotcha" moment. We do hope that those who make decisions in courts, will hold him responsible for as many offenses as possible. He is obviously above the law. Saying that he isn't above the law is incorrect, because we've seen it. Just please acknowledge his guilt. Maybe you are too afraid to incarcerate him, just acknowledge it please.
  • Biden should do what Obama did about racism in his first campaign: take the bull by the horns and 1. Compassionately explain the dilemma; 2. Reiterate commitment to America's allies; 3. Reiterate and insist on practical and honorable use of American weaponry; and 4. Begin negotiations on the way to monitor both that and the influx of humanitarian aid. Biden should point out that in this conflict of beliefs and convictions, compassion for human suffering is the common ground, and therefore the obvious place to begin.
  • @rayc7192
    Ho boy can we stop calling him "Bobby Kennedy"? He's no Bobby Kennedy and does not deserve to be called this by the media.
  • So much drama and attention on one man since 2015. Ultimate definition of white privilege 😢.
  • @_Glorie_
    I am just SO thankful of the work you do. Putting science-backed advice in a format that is so clean, well structured, easy to follow. Even the fact that you give a downloadable sheet with the recommended treatment... I am just floored by the user experience. Looking forward to Remedy !!! 🖤
  • @dlcs1406
    The bill has been passed, the money distributed, the aid distributed, and the media has dropped the issue and moved on. There has been no external coverage, none, zero!
  • Maggie! not call RFK Jr. "Bobby" it is an assault to the beloved first name of his father.
  • How could this election Not be close? If the droolers suddenly woke up and Biden makes the best case as to why he is our best chance to keep democracy? Really? Unbelievable to me this election is even close Vote Blue!
  • @dlcs1406
    Too bad this was recorded 2 weeks ago. Much has changed
  • @TheGuinever
    I'm FURIOUS with the NINCOMPOOPS who ignore everything Trump has destroyed and take his candidacy seriously.
  • wow, kind of ironic the feeble, fumbling bumbling Jeff Greenfield talking about Joe Biden's age?
  • Brains are exploding, and these "cool heads" frustrate me. Netawahwho has to go. It's not anti Sematic to want to see Netanyahoo dumped.
  • @dlcs1406
    Maggie Haberman can be seen almost every day all over YouTube
  • All 3 of these folks are excellent but they have no clue, no real understanding, of how voters think in America beyond the Acela corridor