Capcom needs to do something about this

The Rise of the Machines is upon us! Months later, cheating continues to be a problem in Street Fighter 6 - and may be getting worse than ever! While some are having fun spotting (and defeating) these obvious cheaters, surely Capcom is going to have to step in and put a stop to this...

Juri illustration from Capcom


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コメント (21)
  • It really sucks too because it turns what should be an exciting pop-off moment into suspicion. someone getting 3 perfect parries in a row should be a really cool moment, instead this type of thing will ellicit distrust.
  • The Broski/Brian F extended universe keeps gettting bigger
  • @osprey_06
    honestly the hopping bison is the funniest fucking shit ive ever seen lmao look at him keep trying
  • Imagine using cheats in a fighting game, a genre with the sole purpose of getting better by yourself.
  • @Suspinded
    Can we get a universal Google doc to track these people's UID so we can all block them without having to constantly scrape cheat threads to find them? Enough blocks and they're not going to have a fun time.
  • I loss. A lot. I'll probably stay in Bronze forever. But I can't imagine feeling good about myself if I started cheating.
  • @terbs_
    “Dynamic controls in training mode, for lab purposes” I’m WHEEZING bro what is there to lab???? C’mon man
  • @ReMeDy_TV
    What concerns me isn't the full-on bots that use a bunch of scripts, but rather a person who ONLY turns on a simple script, like an auto-throw to match a throw while they play legit on everything else. That's a huge advantage, because they can basically ignore defensive throw tech.
  • @xeikai
    This reminds me of how they used to program the CPU in fighting games in the 90's. Input reads like a mofo,, now we have to start pattern finding again like we used to in the 90's to beat the CPU
  • give it a week and dynamax Zangief will be back in ranked
  • @CosmicRPG
    Already this cheater incident happén in WW Middle East and now is happen in one of "Neo Judai" events, this cheater problems is becoming more annoying to dealt.
  • @Monokai
    In japan, accounts have been banned - Mago has encountered cheaters and they were banned the next day. It's a Capcom doesn't care unless it effects Japan type thing yet again. Capcom need to implement some sort of anti-cheat or, implement Steam VAC into SF6 PC. As for the replays, if you block the user, they can't look at your replays. There are also exploits with Battle Hub and Ranked to do with falsified packets and also a block account exploit but I'd rather not post them publicly until someone at Capcom responds to my email... Also these accounts sometimes also have scripts to auto block you if they lose to you (likely what happened to Sayff)
  • @RemiriFGC
    I fought this same Cammy in the 1500-1600 bracket, it was so painfully obvious they were cheating. Such a shame to see them rise to 2000+.
  • @Gnolle082
    These cheaters can make their cheats as obvious or as secretive as they want. Most of these examples are people reacting to things that are unreactable, which is always pretty easy to detect, however, if somebody really wanted to, they could adjust these variables to make this stuff virtually undetectable. If you have an 80-90% chance to auto counter-DI, that’s not something that can be detected, because most good players can already do that. Even auto DP on jump ins, or cross cuts, all of this stuff is virtually undetectable by even the best of players. If Capcom doesn’t step in now, things are going to get out of hand, VERY fast.
  • Cheaters should have shame? You expect too much from cheaters.
  • @Blackage2
    Y'all need Max man, at times it feels like he's the only one with the reach to make Capcom take action.
  • Its scary to see this. Because unless you are a veteran or a high level player you cannot tell who is cheating and who isnt. And if your wrong people will write it off as a scrubquote and your credibility goes into the abyss. I hope capcom fixes this and it doesnt come to the NA.
  • Dude has the name "bison is cheap" like the character is the issue when the cheating scrub is also running an auto PP script.
  • 4:06 I respect this person stating that he doesn't know HOW Capcom can fix this instead of talking negatively about the company for possibly not being able to do something about it