AP Score Reaction 2023

My first reaction to my 2023 AP scores (Junior year).

コメント (13)
  • Great Job !!! I’m proud, I got a 1 on Ap Lang 😢 Also, I love you guys to share the truth with you: The Bible says that no one on this earth is good. Not one person who has ever walked this earth is good (except Jesus). In fact, “If we say we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us” (1 John 1:8 NASB). Therefore we, being bound by the Ten Commandments, have broken them. “You shall not steal”, “You shall not lie”, “You shall not covet”, and “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain” are some commandments to name. We have violated at least one of these, if not most, and consequently, we must face God’s justice: death and hell. How can we be saved from that? There is only one explanation, and that is Jesus Christ. 2,000 years ago, God was merciful enough to send His Son to suffer the wrath of God (the Bible says He became sin for us). Just before He died, He cried out, “It is finished.” That means He paid the fine so we could be free. No longer are we condemned when we trust that what God did on the cross was sufficient for our salvation, nor are there any more charges held against us for our sins. There are two things you must do to be saved: you must repent (that is, confess and forsake your sins and perpetually turn from them), and trust alone in Jesus for your salvation (accept the free gift of eternal life and don’t trust that your own good works can save you from what you’re guilty of). After all, eternal life is a free gift from God and the work has already been done on the cross. All we have to do is believe and trust that He paid the full price for forgiveness of sin so that you and I could be reconciled back to God in heaven. You will then be transformed and be born again with a new heart with new desires so you love that which is righteous. Isn’t that wonderful? Act now, for tomorrow is not guaranteed. You could die tonight or in the next hour, so please, with loving consideration, please turn to God. He is willing nobody should perish but that all should come to repentance. ❤❤❤