I quit sugar for 30 days

Published 2019-02-12

All Comments (21)
  • it’s so much easier when you don’t have a family that’s also addicted.
  • @Hao06
    I quit sugar only for 7 days and I think the most difficult part was to find food with no sugar at all.
  • @thesteeles
    I’m recovering from B.E.D (Binge eating disorder) and sugar addiction. Today is day 8#. Going strong. Wish me luck.
  • I kicked sugar years ago. I’ll only eat something with added sugar maybe once a month. Once you quit sugar, you realize how big of a problem it is. My food cravings are almost nonexistent because a lot of the time when you think you’re hungry, you’re really just craving sugar.
  • @tumourfreetim
    I was forced to quit added and refined sugar when I was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and given 3 months to live in feb 2017. I was concerned excess sugar in my system would feed Tumours in my lungs that were moving towards my bones and spine. Today I am happily tumourfreetim
  • @cmotto.1
    I started walking 2 miles a day.....It's now been 3 months and I'm miles from home and have no idea where I am !
  • @misshaya5701
    I cut down sugar during Ramadan, it was difficult as i am addicted and could eat a meal of junk food containing just sugar. After 30 days of fasting I can’t believe how good my skin looks, how energetic I feel and how much weight I’ve lost.
  • @chrisrele6643
    I’ve been crushing this fairly well. No unnecessary cravings anymore. Great energy all day. I can coast through the day with ease, off of one solid meal if i really want to. It makes you realize how people have been manipulated into excessively gorging on sickening “food”.
  • @shaelybjorn5889
    I’m 17, and my family eats horribly. It’s a real issue. When I’m old enough to support myself, I can’t wait to get out and start eating affordable, healthy food that fuels my body.
  • @TheMichelex20
    Cutting out sugar changed my life. Lost 40 pounds, sleep better, less energy fluctuations and more mental clarity. It can make a huuuuge difference.
  • For me, your surroundings does play a huge role if you wanna start this kind of challenge. Reading the comments, I realized I wasn't the only one with this problem. I'm a 94kg 19 year old female and eating sugary foods becomes a bad habit of mine. My family does not maintain a healthy lifestyle which if I were to start eating healthy, they'll be like "Ohh so you wanna eat healthy now huh?" And start teasing me about it. Idk but it's pretty much damaging my mental health and destroying my self esteem. The way I look will always be judged when I meet an old friend or family.. "you've gotten big!" Is what they always say to me😅 this is why I'm not comfortable going out to public places and meeting new people when the people close to me are the one body shaming me :)
  • @ily5540
    I’ve been wanting to quit eating sugar, for a whole month. I have fast metabolism, always hungry, and binging sugary/junky foods without gaining weight, affected my diet moods, and skin a lot. I don’t have $ or family support to help me but I will attempt to challenge myself a whole month to see differences and consume more higher protein foods/snacks.
  • @dawsondenman997
    this guys discipline is unmatched....“I quit breathing for 30 days”
  • @gracenkahn888
    Quit eating sugar and lost SO much unhealthy weight within 4 months. I was a size 14 and went down to a size 6 in jeans. In 4 months just because of removing sugar. I feel so much better and have had my skin clear up.
  • Who’s still here 3 years later?? This type of video is the open exploration that we need as people! Seeing how the products we intake actually affect us and learning how to use them as tools! Thanks you for sharing ❤️🙏 peace and much love
  • @clairehall9820
    I quit sugar 3 months ago. The change is unbelievable. I will have a random “cheat” day now and then and honestly the sugary food doesn’t taste as good and it makes me feel awful so I don’t even want to have any more. It really is something everyone should try at some point. I’m just amazed at what sugar really does to you.
  • @gulpin3429
    Day 104 without sugar: I can see through walls and levitate small objects
  • @CT-vm4gf
    “It’s not like I do this every day, until I started to do it every day” So true.