(Spoilers) BEST REMAKE OF 2023!? | RE4 Remake Review

Published 2023-04-25

All Comments (2)
  • @DaComrade
    Some misfortunes are for the good of those they happen to, just as much as some things which are praised and sought after are harmful to those who enjoy them, like indigestion and drunkenness and other matters which kill us through pleasure. No one, to me, seems more unhappy than the person who has had no misfortune ever befall them. They have never had the opportunity to test themselves, though everything has happened to them according to their wishes, nay even before they have formed a wish, yet the gods have judged them unfavorably. Fortune has never deemed them worthy to conquer adversity, which avoids the greatest cowards. It’s as if fortune has said, “Why should I take them as my antagonist? They will straightway lay down their arms and I shall not need all my strength against them. They will be put to flight by a mere menace, they dare not even face me. Let me look for some other with whom I may fight hand to hand. I blush to join battle with one who is prepared to be beaten.” As to win without danger is to win without glory. Leon is the type of person fortune longs to test and do battle with.