Is Halo Going Into Another Content Drought...

Published 2024-03-27
I have been thinking a lot about the future of Halo Infinite and the franchise in general, and i may be a little scared of what could be the Great Second Content Drought if Infinite is truly left behind and sunset...

Mr Gruntington for the Spartan Render:

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All Comments (21)
  • @soulvoices7228
    I always come back every Tuesday and events and updates .
  • @Fi_Sci_
    Sandbox has just gotten too stale. New Maps and modes are no good if the core layout is the same. Halo has many weapons and vehicles spanning from classics like fuel rod to newer stuff like the Saw. If we got a Community update focused on sandbox overhauls that would be infinites greatest hit. I know things are dialing down, but 343 should know full well how successful a sandbox expansion would be.
  • @joshsmith6995
    The lack of campaign content is such a blow, hopefully they announce something new soon.
  • @XxOGSnIPesxX
    I’m still loving Infinite especially with the new physics update I start with Squad battle do 3 matches then Husky raid about 4-5 and end it with Firefight
  • @XxOGSnIPesxX
    Do community game nights and capture those as video content
  • @rm25088
    I only play MCC. More content will be available sooner or later once Halo 7 starts coming around.
  • @gabesleeping
    I play multiple times a week since release and love your channel! If you need another video to do, you should touch on all the forgotten features of Halo Infinite like: AIs,Stances, and Vehicle attachments/models(why did they stop releasing these?), pause menu challenge progress(weren’t they suppose to improve this, so it shows live updates?), Academy training( why aren’t campaign variants and Bandit Evo there?) Forge features( why don’t we have lava or change the color of water, round glass objects and breakable glass, missing banished objects like weapon rack, communication tower, ect) if 343 ever watches your videos it would be nice for them to know people still care about these features and want more!
  • @rowey7522
    I feel ya, I’ve played religiously for the last 2 years. After going 5 and 24 in ranked the last week I’ve started to play other games. The matchmaking is just broken for me.
  • @TheIMulligan
    I’m still playing occasionally but feeling really burned since the announcement of seasons ending in favour of operations, felt like the game was finally getting on a roll for 343 to essentially tell us “don’t expect much more going forward”. Plus the fact that the new networking model that took a year to launch has had a split reception at best, makes me feel even more that there is no hope for anything new and exciting for this game.
  • @XxOGSnIPesxX
    Hope you’re not too bad and starting to recover 😎 it’d be cool to see your thoughts on the finale whenever you’re ready we’ll be here.
  • New weapons and vehicles is a big ask especially since the community is asking for another halo game and campaign DLC as well people need to be reasonable. I understand what you mean but maps and cosmetics isn’t a big enough update. Like I said stuff like new vehicles and weapons is a big ask when the demand is for a new game anyway. So It seems like the best option is based that logic to do what cod does(ofc but better). Drop the game release content at a steady rate, and then when people get bored just drop next game. I’m curious how you feel about that.
  • @Biodragon882
    The thing is from leaks we know a good portion of classic weapons and new weapons are in the game just barely Unfinished. I've seen the Spiker, Fuel Rod Cannon, even new stuff like the Armament Blaster or that hammer shotgun. We know the Falcon is in here. Why does it feel like these things are just pushed into a corner and forgotten? The most Sandbox added stuff in this game that was added was the Forklift which is much appreciated.
  • @MyNameKeys
    I’m not pleased that season battle passes have been thrown out, and I am eager for new weapons and vehicles. That said, the game has come a long way, and it’s the best halo multiplayer experience ever. I love it. I play almost everyday, and rarely feel bored as I sometimes did in Season 2.
  • I figure I'll play a lot less after finishing max rank, but still keep an eye on updates. I'd grind any good challenge or event cosmetics that come up, or the exchange-like feature they described on the last livestream to unlock old missed challenges or promo's, but 'good' means "good enough to bump something else I've equipped off" at this point. Otherwise it would take a big new mode or multiple weapons. TBH I'm not that into the falcon or the hammer shotgun anyway even if they do finish those.
  • @CMcSchwifty
    I feel like we’ve been in a drought for a while now. None of these “events” interest me. I play from time to time still, but I’m there for my friends, I don’t play the game solo anymore. It doesn’t help that there’s so many new games out that I’d prefer to play.
  • @lucabertoldi5242
    I play as much as possible, I really want to hit Hero. I'm super close. Infinite despite all its bad stuff has been my favorite halo so far, probably my most played game ever in my life. I'm 24 years old, living in Italy, and I love halo, also love any of your videos that come out. Make whatever you want, I love watching you gaming in general and playing!
  • I play once a week on tuesdays with my friends. 1-2 hours. And that’s it. We have enough fun but there’s no engagement beyond that. I’ve stopped engaging with the cosmetic events and weeklies entirely.
  • @SonOfTheSand
    You should go back and do the spin the wheel challenge, that was fun to watch and something different.
  • @nickp9058
    Talk about what this game needs or should of added and what the next halo game should look like at launch