Publicado 2024-04-19

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • I owed a lot to my man Deadwood. For a long time, I've been reaping all of CB's benefits every day. Started with a low-budget unkillable squad and has evolved into Myth-Heir-Fu-Seeker-Jintoro, capable of playing all affinities and difficulties.
  • @steve11b29
    This is great guys! You guys pair well with each other. You guys make using the CB calculator seem so easy (it’s not that easy - a bit of a learning curve). Great energy from you two! Thanks for video!
  • @Slimo74
    @Deadwood : you're having fun using expressions you won't be allowed to once Colred becomes a respectable Dad 😀
  • @kropcioGames
    Very useful video and for sure will use this knowledge :)
  • @PopcornNZ
    Thanks guys great content that will help me as an early game player! Have been looking at Deadwood's CB calculator and this has given more insight on how to use it.
  • DWJ's facial expression when asked about Aeshma 😂He could have remained silent and we would still understand everything.
  • Cant believe I have to wait until tomorrow to fully take it on the chin. 🤠
  • @dgirard4
    Congrats on getting more CCs on your channel
  • @Colred could you show this team after your build please? Want to see the final speeds, bit difficult to see with all the changes.
  • @Slimo74
    Once I understood I should look for compositions with champions I have but don't use anywhere, I could build a good Deadwood unkillable team. If you focus only on the speed, you will get your unkillable team, but it wont perform that well. Because your champs wont be attack-focused. I saw a Deadwood video where he did a takeover and built a Myth-Rabbit team for a guy (almost 2-key UNM). He was limited because the guy did not have good gear. I thought : ok, I have all these champs, I dont use them (except for the block debuff one). So I built all the champs completely crazy attack in Lethal gear, with no HP and no defense (Razelvarg, Anax and Seeker in Lethal, full attack, are awesome), and now the same team now does 110-120 UNM. Formerly I used to rely on champs I was using in other areas of the game, it was not a good idea
  • @Dharin.
    Suck it up and take it on the chin lmoa. Great Collab, looking forward to part 2.
  • @Turtleshellon
    I have a question. Is the reason you would specifically gear a champ for clan boss over other builds for other content based on waves? It’s that’s the case.. I can build everybody for single target because Armanz takes care of all waves… Or is there a specific skill reason?
  • "suck up and take on the chin" -DWJ LOL that was great guys made me laugh so hard :)
  • @Turtleshellon
    I realize the speeds on my champs are awful! Can’t believe I have advanced as far as I have