Nubian Kings: Who Were Ancient Egypt's Black Pharaohs? | Mystery Of The African Pharaohs | Odyssey

Sudan is one of the world’s last frontiers. Once though this vast desert land was the home of an advanced & mysterious civilisation. An ancient kingdom that was the glory of Africa. A kingdom that once ruled Egypt. A kingdom known as Kush. David Adams travels down the Nile from Lake Nasser to Khartoum in search of the mysterious kingdom of pyramid builders and sun worshippers on a journey into the land of the Black Pharaohs.

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コメント (21)
  • The ancient Egyptians didn't look at them as 'Black Pharaohs". They were simply Pharaohs. The concept of Black and white was created by Europeans.
  • @RasMosera
    Why he says African Pharaohs? Like Egypt is not in Africa .
  • Interesting but one correction needs to be made. He talks about the Nubians adopting the Egyptian culture. A fact that you never hear of (I wonder why), is that when Nubian artifacts were being collected before the construction of the Aswan dam, after which they would have been under water, they found that the roots of Egyptian culture existed in Nubia 600 years before the first Egyptian dynasty.
  • Great to see Sudanese rich history being shown. Sudan is a very underrated country in terms of ancient history/civilization. Love from Ethiopia!
  • Don't ever let someone else tell your history. They don't know it, so they tell it the way they want it to be, not the way it really was. Sometimes they even push you out of your history and claim it for themselves.
  • They look so happy, so stress-free at that wrestling match! No cellphones, no cars, very little automation! The people and the earth that's all. How refreshing!
  • Thanks David. You have explored well and disclosed to the globe the buried history of the ancient Nubian Kingdom civilizations.
  • There are more Pyramids in the Kingdom of Kush than there are in Egypt. A Kingdom referenced severally in the bible, of a people tall and dark. A Powerful Kingdom.
  • @nycg801
    It’s sad that we people of African descent constantly have to fight for respect and acknowledgment of our cultures and ancient traditions. Notice how it’s soo easy for any other culture or race on the planet are respected for their Ancestors work But us Black peoples have to fight hard and sometimes we still don’t get recognized on a big scale smh.
  • Thank you for sharing this with us because we need to know this.
  • Amazing. I really enjoyed this 💕Thank you. So much history I never knew about
  • The people of Sudan and Africa at large are so beautiful. I'm a Ugandan Nilotic with ancient ancestral origins believed to have been from Sudan/ancient Egypt. History says we migrated following the Nile River. Proudly African.
  • @kzhou5839
    Eurocentric researchers always try and isolate Egypt from the rest of Africa, (hence most of their conclusions purposely do not make a lot of sense). You cannot fully understand a great ancient civilization like Egypt until you have acknowledged and understood how people migrated across Africa. Knowledge of geometry, rituals, and architecture was not randomly formed in Egypt but was a result of a lot of cultures across Africa crossing paths and learning from each other. I am from Southern Africa and we grew up on stories of how our forefathers would be sent to different African Kingdoms, not just to trade but to teach and also learn. There is an ancient city discovered in Southern Africa and using a method of (calculating the rate of Dolerite erosion) which the city walls are made of, researchers came to the conclusion that the ancient city is around 200 000 years old. On the city walls they found an Anka - symbol of an Egyptian god, this place is the oldest site its been found on so far. It's not a lot of things puzzling about Egypt or any other ancient African civilizations, confusion is brought about by researchers who want to twist African history and insert their non existent contributions to ancient African civilizations. Eurocentrics would rather have us believe that extra-terrestials (something they have zero proof of) built the pyramids before they can acknowledge that Africans built Africa.
  • @MudlipV
    What an amazing documentary. I am jealous of this adventure
  • As a Nubian Cush , I am always sad why they want to separate this one great history.. greetings from Dongola..
  • I loved the way the houses in the village looked in the beginning: great art.
  • I love the videooooo!!!! thank you so much for such great content