Isonzo - Tips to get GOOD, FAST

Publicado 2022-09-21

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @CrypticCode97
    I'd like to add that while your teammate is defusing a bomb you should definitely try to Mr. President them and just eat the bullet from camping attackers by standing Infront of the defusing guy. It's worth it getting the defuse through
  • @AustinAOkay
    Yo rearming mortar positions is game changing thank you
  • @sjhof9559
    Just did my first two matches and a half, I love it. I come from mainly Enlisted and HLL, I think Isonzo is the best balance between hardcore realism and fun gameplay, wow. Plus I died 42 times at Caporetto, as an Italian I FELT that 🤣
  • @danmorgan3685
    I can't agree enough regarding pistols. In the actual war trench raiders would often leave their rifles behind in favor of pistols and grenades.
  • @themeat70
    I knew I should slow down. After watching the video I started to get alot more stationary until my team starts advancing. It really did change the game for me. Still die a ton but thats the game. Atleast im getting kills now too.
  • @_paradr0id
    I think this is the first actually helpful bit of content made for the game. Well done. Please keep it up man.
  • @EpicJoshua314
    Slowing down is a big one. Made the same mistake as others by charging forwards only to find 4 enemy guys who shoot at me when if I stayed where I was I would have gotten them.
  • @deeznoots6241
    7:47 creeping barrage shouldn’t be used like that, you want it going from your team to the enemy team since the whole point of a creeping barrage is that it allows your team to advance directly behind the creep of artillery blasts into enemy positions cleared by the blasts. Its actually really effective when used well and can make some attacking maps trivial when used correctly
  • @MarcBlanka
    Thanks for the tips, didn't know about the ability to place fortifications on objectives beforehand so good to know ! I'm on the PS5 and actually had no idea this game even existed until it came out, so it was a pleasant surprise after the disappointment of BF2042 (I'm a big battlefield fan but didn't pick the latest one up) and hopefully the player base sticks around for a while. One thing I have to say on console at least is that the aiming seems quite clunky, I'm not the best at shooters anyway, but I'm really finding it difficult to get my shots on target, and this is from someone who also plays Hell Let Loose on console (your series of videos on that game were great to watch when I was starting out). Any more videos you can make on Isonzo would be very much appreciated !
  • @TeamSneakBE
    Man im so in love with this game. Nice video Mono!
  • @mrdogytoy6242
    Thanks for the video, it really help me on getting way better at ISONZO
  • @DaveD_223
    Awesome video with some great tips, thank you!
  • @Pablo-qo2hm
    Looking to pick this game up soon, glad I’ll have a head start! Thanks!
  • I did the bit tips by accident before watching this. Now context, I had no Xbox live 2 days after it came out and just grinded for ages against bots, the weapon unlocks were done easily like you said. Also officer class can easily be maxed by just versing bots because a lot of them don’t register gas attacks and it racks up kills towards ranks.
  • @B4c0nDrummer
    A note on revolvers Their reload can be interrupted, an advantage over most weapons
  • Great tips I had a 4/36 kd ratio in the first hour of play, and I considered deleting. Game is crazy difficult to see anything. I'll take these into consideration and hopefully we can get a better play
  • @zebdawson3687
    Dang, brother. I’m new to the game and have been shopping around for guides. Having seen quite a few at this point, I felt the need to leave some feedback after seeing yours. Most guides I see are made by “content creators”. They see a new game and “ope, gotta make a guide for that and get some views out of it”. They play for a handful of hours and spread some admittedly well-intentioned misinformation in their half-baked guides. You actually made this guide from the stance of actual experience playing the game, as well as reflecting on that experience to help us less experienced players get into the game faster. You shared stuff that you only get to know by putting boots on the ground, so to speak. A few highlights I found helpful, aside from the all-important SLOW DOWN!: as a newbie engineer, learning you can build on objectives before they’re objectives is HUGE! Also, how many defensive items you can build. How to use and resupply mortars, effective HMG usage (vs grabbing it and just getting shot immediately), benefits of revolvers vs. pistols, etc. You had a great take on tunnel vision challenges (“I think we would all rather have players that are not really focused on the game be playing on their own” most definitely). Couldn’t agree more. I also found your “call to action”, as YouTube calls it (encouraging viewers to engage, “like, comment, subscribe” etc.), to be very classy. You segued from engineer tips to “I’m gonna make a guide for engineer building, subscribe if you want to notified when that happens”. Great approach, to the point, relevant, helpful, and classy. Later mentioning a like would help the channel, that one always gets me to like if I haven’t yet. In conclusion, you just made me write a 5 paragraph essay on your video. Super helpful guide! Absolute props, man!
  • Here is a big thing for console players, pay attention to your mini maps, corners and audio cues If you are defending and hans down the trench line gets domed and your sitting on your ass zoned in on a single dude you are not helping, one guy is not worth an entire breakthrough of a defensive line. React and kill the attackers before you worry about Mario up on a hill! When you are running around the map as attackers or defenders look around at your surroundings especially the bushes and the corners of a rock or trench, I can’t tell you how many times a teammate just ran past a enemy and let that guy kill half the defensive line because they couldn’t be bothered to look to the massive trench line to their left! Audio is important, most of the time footsteps won’t be heard either do to the environment/fighting or do to the game. You need to rely on the mini map and listen for the rifle or pistol fire! If you see a small skull pop up after hearing a man go ham with a pistol it’s safe to assume it’s not safe and to throw a grenade or get ready for a fight! Also, please stop running towards the machine gun that just gunned down 5+ guys, shoot the damn person.