Growing Green Globe Artichokes

Published 2022-03-16
I am growing artichokes for the first time this year. My seeds are Green Globe Artichoke from Baker Creek.

I did not cold stratify my seeds, but I have read that that can help with germination rates in artichoke seeds. I planted 3 seeds per container and was amazed when 5 of 6 seeds sprouted. I had heard that they could be tricky little fellas. In this video, you can watch as I pot on my almost 4 week old artichoke seedlings.... and slightly mangle one of them... don't worry, he has since recovered... mostly.

Artichoke prefer full sun and rich, well draining soil.

Artichoke require a cold period above freezing, but under 45 degrees Fahrenheit in order to produce the large edible flower bud that we call an "artichoke heart." Buds should be harvested when the first few scales at the base of the bud start to loosen away from the remaining tight bunch of scales. If left on the plant, it produce a bloom similar to that of a thistle flower (artichokes and thistles are related). Artichokes are known to attract aphids and are often used as a trap crop... so don't be surprised if you have to fend the little buggies off in order to get a harvest.

My area is just a little bit too cold in the winter for artichoke to be a perennial, but I think I am going to give it a shot and plant these guys in the ground. At the end of this growing season I plan to cut the stems back to about 10 inches tall and then heavily mulch... I might even offer some other kind of protection, since I know they won't be happy in the cold.

I hope you enjoy this video and will stick around to see how my artichoke plants do throughout the growing season.

#gardening #greenglobeartichoke #growingartichokefromseed #growingartichoke #bakercreekseed

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