Matthew McConaughey Shares his Trick for Getting What You Want

Published 2020-11-10
Restart Your Life in 7 Days

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In life, what is it that pushes us to discover our true self-identities? Who are we truly and how can we begin to know ourselves on the deepest level possible so that we can push through life’s greatest failures and relish in life’s greatest successes? By chasing fear, taking on challenges, and learning to live in discomfort, we can uncover who it is we truly are. On this episode of Impact Theory, Academy Award-winning actor Matthew McConaughey joins Tom Bilyeu to discuss such matters and more as they explore the stories and lessons Matthew has accumulated throughout his life that defines his drive, purpose, and his true self-identity. They discuss the lessons in Matthew’s new book ‘Greenlights,’ why you need to discover your true self, how needing puts you in a position to not be yourself, how to truly develop confidence, why resistance in life reveals who we truly are, why reinventing yourself through life is key to growth, how chasing fear keeps your drive alive, and what values are important to leading a life of freedom.

Order Matthew’s new book, ‘Greenlights’:


Intro | Tom introduces and welcomes Matthew McConaughey to today’s show. [0:03]
Origin | Matthew discusses the origin behind writing his new book, 'Greenlights.’ [1:02]
Knowing Yourself | Matthew shares the importance of knowing yourself on a deep level. [3:10 ]
Stop Needing | Matthew shares how desperation removes us from being truly ourselves. [7:07]
Confidence | Matthew reveals the power of truly not giving a damn. [10:10]
Resistance | Matthew shares an incredible story of truly discovering himself in Australia. [13:42]
Alone | Matthew discusses the power of sitting alone with yourself. [21:10]
Journeys | Matthew shares how uncomfortable journeys always provide life lessons. [23:34 ]
Identity | Matthew reveals what forms our identity as we walk through life. [27:46]
Re-Invent Yourself | Matthew discusses how he didn’t let fame trap him from growing. [34:03]
Chase Fear | Matthew shares why you should pursue things that scare you. [37:11]
Challenge | Matthew shares a story of chasing a recurring dream of a journey in Africa. [40:12 ]
Just Go | Matthew reveals the power of making a choice and committing to it. [54:01]
Values | Matthew shares the values you should embrace for a life of freedom. [55:45]
Lessons | Matthew shares the lessons he seeks to pass on to his children. [1:01:25]
Closing | Tom shares the inspiration found in Matthew’s new book, ‘Greenlights.’ [1:04:02]


“What better subject to study than ourselves? What better subject to interrogate and investigate daily? What’s the one character that we are never going to get, that we should never get bored with chasing to figure out? But also, what’s the one character that we can’t get away from? Ourselves. It’s the one person that we can’t get rid of.” [3:07]

“…there’s a responsibility to freedom and that there is freedom in responsibility.” [55:41]

“If you live hating and feeling like you can’t do stuff or lying, you’re not going to create green lights in your future for yourself.” [1:03:43]



All Comments (21)
  • @Froglet1968
    Tom is one those interviewers who REALLY listens and gives people the space to say and explore what they want to share...thanks Tom! Great interview...
  • The part of depression that they don’t talk about is how memories turn negative when we review them. Sometimes it feels like I have more negative or uncomfortable memories than I really do...this is why it’s important to journal joyous moments, moments when you performed well, when you were confident, when you were loved and when you proved capable of loving others unconditionally. If you get stuck in bad memories, or start feeling bad about yourself, who you are, or what level of success you have, you then can go to your journal to remember, it’s not all bad. You are the one you’ve been waiting for ♥️
  • I don't know who Needs to Hear This but " Greatness is often built when no one is watching ". So don't give up and keep going
  • @LeksVucko
    "I'd rather be a good man than a nice guy" this is for everyone I'd def rather be a good person than a nice one.
  • @jzen1455
    A large part of my life has been spent trying to escape myself and become a totally different person with hopes of being as successful that dude or as confident and charismatic like so and so. I was just rarely comfortable in my own skin. Moving, traveling, turning one new leaf after another, rebirth, enlightenment, etc. I was constantly in flux shedding my skin as I attempted to escape and replace myself with a different better self that never seemed to materialize no matter how hard I tried. But lately, I've just been content being whomever I may be at the moment regardless of state I may be in. I'm still constantly trying to improve myself, but I'm also learning to appreciate who I am in the moment without anxiously searching and waiting for that elusive future better self to replace me.
  • @cristybello
    Tom, what I enjoy the most about your interviews is that not only do you come well prepared to it but you also dig into details people are really interested knowing about. Great interview! I can realize that Matthew also like it because your questions are all so relevant and your spontaneity makes the conversation exciting and engrossing! Thank you Tom
  • @rachelle.gillis
    I just ADORE Matthew!!! He’s so wise & literally everything he’s saying is GOLD ✨🙌🏼
  • @BossManSays
    This might be the best interview I've seen with McConaughey with his book tour.
  • @BeyondResist
    “Tearing down the rest of the world won't make you happy. Look inside yourself. Because finding who you were meant to be? What you were put into this world to do? That's what fills the emptiness. It's the only things that can.” ― A.G. Howard
  • @cindisowder2182
    Makes me realize how my every days are pretty much the same thing and about pleasing others. I’m always wondering why I’m so exhausted with zero enthusiasm.
  • Fantastic interview, great questions, McConaughey is one of the few actors who seems like a real person.
  • I am from Atlanta, Texas. Love the values you are writing and speaking about. Thankful to see it.
  • @LifeChapter1
    "I've been tip-toeing around here for so damn long not committing to anything. I'm missing out!"- well said
  • Hey Tom, you are one of the best interviewers that I’ve heard so far! Always very attentive, intuitive and great at asking the best questions to get the interviewer to give the most amount of value. Thank you for doing such a great job at getting others to be their true self and help impact others as much as they could in such a short time.
  • @LulaS
    You have unlimited potential. You have unlimited power. And it all lies in your brain. Train your brain every day for discipline, train your brain for perseverance, train your brain for success. 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽🔥🔥🔥
  • Matthew wants to fix the issue and move on, so he works on himself! This is the way I am!!!
  • @marcoponts8942
    The being forced to do interviews like this during corona is actually a huge positive I think! Usually, when you (Tom) do Impact Theory there's all the cameras and angles and shots that make you and the interviewee look "perfect". But like this, seeing people in a normal room, without lighting effects and whatever gives it something real and I really do love that! I mean, that's what impact theory is ultimately about, right? To give people something real. And this makes it so much more relatable. Seeing these celebrities sitting in their homes just like me, that's real. That's a reminder that we are all in the same boat. We are all in this together. Not only with corona but with life. Thanks Tom for keeping up this incredible work! I might not be able to give you personally something back but I think that's okay, because I can do my best and pay it forward. And the people I hopefully touch can do the same. :)