Publicado 2015-07-21
(15 Jun 1975) Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the Liberation of the Channel Islands, Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother visits the Holiday Isles. ® ® The Islands were the only part of Britain to be occupied by the Germans during the Second World War, and from Movietone's archives we bring you some of the historical scenes of the German Occupation. ® ® The late King George VI accompanied by Queen Elizabeth were among the first to visit the Islands after the Liberation in 1945 - how fitting that now, in 1975, she makes a return visit.

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @davebrayfb
    My father was one of the soldiers who liberated the islands, he said it was an open secret that a large number of islanders were collaborators,, everyone knew it, but it was thought best to forget it
  • Due to the Covid 19, we will not this 75th anniversary be having the planned arrangements. however those like myself who where here in 1945. do not forget.May 9th.
  • Germans marching through town in 1940. British marching through all of Germany in 1945. Meaning it ain't who marches first, it's who marches last that counts.
  • @alancollins2516
    i love going to the under ground base on jersey and seeing all the fortifications
  • British Spitfires didn't come at night to neutralise the Stukas, probably because of the civilians.
  • @Daniel-ux5up
    3:51 I'm pretty sure the commander of the German occupation did not have a picture of Sophie Scholl in his quarters.
  • The German 319th Infantry as stationed there the whole war and was one of the largest . Tanks and aircraft wee stationed there also. The island grew tomatoes and as supplies were cut off they eat nothing but. Major Hider was a village commander and I bought his wartime portrait at a second hand store in California. Has it for years until I saw a documentary about the island and heard about him. Made arrangements to return the oil painting back to the islands museum and did.
  • @JoeGomes
    The Queen's Mother's visit to Guernsey in 1975, I was working at the Royal Hotel and we can see her brief appearance at the Royal balcony in company of the former Governor and the Bailiff of Guernsey.
  • @enveenva5584
    Many thousands of guernsey and jersey men served with the royal hampshire regiment contributing to the war effort
  • @colindoherty1891
    It's weird to see the German troops marching past English signs and shops
  • This ITV channel TV program from the 70s is also now part of history especially seeing the British Airways Vickers Viscount brings back memories of my first flight at the age of nine to the Isle of Man in a Cambrian Airways Viscount from Speke now John Lennon Airport Liverpool.
  • @xavierkreiss8394
    An interesting point: at then 3'50" mark, when the narrator says that "for the doctor in charge there were all the comforts of home" we're shown a room, with a photograph on a desk. Then we see it close-up. It's a portrait photograph of Sophie Scholl, one of the student leaders of the White Rose resistance movement in Germany. She was arrested, condemned to death, and executed by guillotine.
  • @Goodiesfanful
    Look no further than the Channel Islands to know what Britain would have become if Operation Sea Lion had succeeded.
  • Authentic taxi driver statement in 1997 just after I had first landed in Guernsey coming from Dinard, : "Germans are welcomed in the island.... As tourists" .!
  • @meg8859
    It took so long for the islands to all be liberated that sark was liberated the day after
  • @andymargison8884
    Us channel islanders we are a special breed . I’m a Guernsey man born and bread . No one today would know what it’s like to have their freedom take away . A very good friend of my family whom like part of mine stayed . She said a person told the English forces we’ve waited so long . We are so glad you’ve come
  • @Kalaswalia
    Where did supplies of food and essentials come from during the period 6th June 1944 to 9th May 1945?
    Amazing to see just the quality of the older footage to what we have now! Or maybe the world was dull and gloomy like this and it's evolving to HD and clearer pixels!.oh wait wrong video that's them Who think we live in a simulation lol