Channeled Cosmic Messages For The Decade - Part 1 ~ Podcast

Publicado 2020-10-12
Channeled insights about the overall energies of the decade, with a look at the bigger astrology cycles that will be unfolding between 2022 to 2027.

Thank you for watching! I appreciate all of your high vibes and what you have contributed to my new YT channel! Many blessings~~ Molly

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • OMG....I cannot believe this resonate and thank you for this channeling...I am moving abroad in January...leaving the US perhaps for good to teach English and really to connect with international people who are more like-minded...I have left a corporate job...I have accepted and dealt with my dysfunctional family and I am done and moving on...I do feel no one fully understands me...I have been through a two-decade-long awakening and I am ready to live a more spiritually meaningful life.
  • Yes Molly, YESSSSSS. This is what I have channeled as well, and what I am revealing with the natal chart I call, Pi. This is a time where we understand the blood is sacred and how we are to heal one another and forget a governing body. We have to balance. We are free from Saturn, we just have to act to make this a reality. It's already done. Patterns since the beginning of Epochs on this Planet are remembered and we are here to set it right. Genetic research has come to a tipping point, hence all the shifting that is taking place in the cosmos and human body. We are the people of the Earth, her cells, and we are going to make another choice this time. We as a collective will take a new direction. Balance is happening, even though it doesn't fee like it and wont, there is light at the end of the tunnel.
  • To my understanding, Lemuria is indeed older than Atlantis and has connections to a people of fire. I live in Australia so I am aware that Indigenous Australian's are very much a fire people who deeply value personal freedom, social relationships, and living in harmony with the earth.... so you know...I got my suspicions on whose descendants they are :P I have spent my last 1 year sitting deeply in Lemuria energy and it has taken me to some beautiful places but I see some of the planlessness that comes from it and how that isn't good in excess. However, I loved that episode. That gave me such warm insights, opened my perspective in new ways and confirmed some things I was feeling myself. Actually a bit excited for the decade! Looking forward to seeing what it brings, especially that healing and replanting work.
  • @shirljay8234
    Molly, all of your work is beneficial. I consider you one of my spiritual teachers and I honestly feel like I know you; like you are a God sent guide assisting me in my learning and growth. I listen in awe and with complete trust and am so thankful for your wisdom. I seriously listen over and over again. Thank for always being truthful, fearless and a shining light of hope and love. xo
  • @LoppieLove
    I kid you not, as I was listening, I was randomly doodling a Christmas tree...and Molly then referenced how remembering who we are is like finding presents under a Christmas tree 😲😲😲😊💗💗💗
  • @shelter9236
    A Starseed/volunteer here, have had many feelings of not belonging here but knew I had a job to do and it had to be as a human. We had to bring in the energy for the shift to happen but I also feel our work is just starting. We will be looked on to help others through the shift and waking up. So want the old crap out of here along with the elements controlling it. We had to lead the way in all of this because we're the largest free country on the planet. I think that doing the shadow work has been very intense as well but we had to do it. I feel like I'm very old and helped seed this planet, and I have all of this knowledge shoved into a body and it's waking up as time goes on and I'll also learn new skills along the way. I've been a sacrifice before, was told it was an honor, but no, it was on purpose, and yes, feel like the "white" sheep in the family. I talk with my guides all the time, see visions when I need to, have asked that I see what who is with my third eye/gut (as in evil people) and I'm doing that and have always been an empath. Yes on the dark energy (they are creating clones now and using directed energy weapons on the earth and weather) and the Nazis are still around and part of it as well as other groups. Yes on all of this. Planet X on the outside planet? Different than Ni-bi-ru which is said as 3 syllables, it's more of an energy and not a planet. So spot-on with all of this Molly! You're so good and love getting info from you! -Mollie 💙
  • @Nobodyisalone
    Perfect timing. Thank you🧲🧲🧲🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🗝🗝🗝
  • @ManDuhPanDuh3506
    Thank you Molly! As someone who dove head first into spirituality in March 2020 - I’m so grateful for this community. The pressure feels a little less intense knowing that we chose this life/path. However, I still feel a block/disconnect with trying to “remember” myself. My intuition also isn’t as clear as I’d like but I’m focusing on the growth and the light. I know that my gifts will come in time. 🙏🏼❤️ Love, blessings and peace to all!
  • @manupi17
    Powerful healing journey for Earth*and Awakening for people 🙏💗🤍💚🌟🌸😇
  • @sharone9842
    So excited to have come across this. So much information that helps make sense or trust whats going on. As well as staying aware and ready for it. Thanks Molly. Can’t wait to hear Part 2
  • @4theloveof1111
    Wow!!! I’m so early, and it was only posted 21 seconds ago. Must be the good energy I’m receiving for my birthday today 💙💫🙏🏼✨💙
  • @reverb13thh
    Everything about this channeled cosmic message was magickal, enlightening & profound. I'm buzzing from this especially when you confirmed my experience of being a Starseed and went through my whole life of not fitting in and being the outcast for seeing things different was serving a greater purpose now. So prepared for the next decade! Love & appreciate you Molly and all my fellow lightworkers & starseeds!
  • @olasylvia1
    Well, Molly, I think we're in the same "channel", because just a few hrs ago I was walking in a forest and I had the urge to stand between two big trees ,like in a gate, and I felt like saying out loud "beam me up Scotty !". Every podcast I jump when I hear something I had just been thinking about or doing. Lovely!
  • I am ready to realise the lower frequencies of ♓ and escapism mindset. Found this podcast 14/05/2021 as jupiter enters ♓ and Pluto goes retrograde. 🙏🏻 Blessed am I thank you molly. 🌏💞✨
  • @leekelly4757
    Wonderful, it feels like I have been waiting to hear this, waiting for this time my entire life (lives). Thankyou and bless.