How To Get Into The Flow State | Steven Kotler

Published 2019-02-19
Steven Kotler, author of Mindvalley's 'The Habit of Ferocity' talks at A-Fest Jamaica about flow and how it can create peak performers. Ignite your highest potential in your work and passions with Steven Kotler's FREE masterclass šŸ‘‰

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All Comments (21)
  • Haha crazy, I simply worked on myself and realized that all the meditations made me understand that I have to live in the now and see things objectively, no judgment. Basically killing anxiety and emotional reactions, made me forget about my ego, feeling like a big part of something, observing a lot more. This was a month ago and that was two days in an a crazy state, absolute peace of mind, happiness and creativity. I was honestly sad after it ended wanted it to last, never felt that way. Wrote everything down, focusing on learning about it more. Well and now I am here.
  • @belyakov87
    In Russia, we drink 200 g of vodka in the morning and then the whole day turns into a beautiful flow
  • @redbutter8474
    I think another way of getting into the flow state is when a friend calls you and pulls you to the state. be friends with good, hardworking people so sometimes they can push you forward.
  • @debunkitnow
    The best "FLOW" state i came across and always work for me is, 1. Reading through youtube comment. 2.Clicking through Youtube "Recommendation" list until you get off the wrong side of youtube and realized your day was gone. Did i forget something?
  • The best flow state is achieved by working with your hands. Woodworking, pottery, gardening, etc. It's in your genes.
  • @markisho8978
    I felt this flow a few times after cutting hair for 13 hours straight. When I tapped into the flow it felt like every movement I did was the correct one.
  • I am not an athlete or artist, nor do I do anything extreme. Iā€™m a paraprofessional and teaching a child with autism and watching them learn and succeed is what gets me into that flow state. Itā€™s the concentrated one-on-one time and seeing them respond that gets my brain fired on all cylinders, the ideas flow with ease, and the pure excitement and joy I feel with even one small success is everything to me! Sometimes I tear up. I donā€™t know, itā€™s indescribable really. I find my flow in doing what I love.
  • + 4:55 : Where You Perform Our Best and Feel Our Best, Moments Of Wrapped Attention, Everything Else Disappear. + 7:50 : Overall Life Satisfaction Comes from Flow. + 11:04 : We are Using Less Of The Brain In Flow, Transient Hypo Frontality. + 14:54 : Flow is the only time we get all the pleasure neurochemicals at once. + 18:00 : Flow States have triggers, Important Flow Follows Focus, Triggers drives attention into the here and now. 18:13 : Flow Follows Focus + 22:30 : 90-120 mins block of interrupted concentration, Concentration is the foundation of Flow. + Live Around Flow Triggers, Flow Is Trainable + 32:31: 30yrs of Meditation waves similar to flow states, 6 weeks of meditation / 4 days of focused meditation is enough. + 33:40 : 4 days of Meditation is enough + 33:53 : Useful Sites + 34:47 : Knowledge work and flow.
  • @08wolfeyes
    As an artist, it's a state i love getting into. With the world we live in today though it's difficult to get into that state because society/ work puts so much pressure on us which can hinder that state.
  • When I ran track in college I had hit a peak in my training where This energy would kick in or take over and I seemed like I wasnā€™t expending any energy I looked at my legs and arms moving and I thought to myself, ā€œwow Iā€™m not even running hardā€ when we finished the race my coach said to me, you had perfect form and boy were you moving that is your best 200m time yet.
  • @cheriewi7874
    To cut it short...Flow follows the I am, the now moment, the Greater Self... thank you for sharing
  • @abej9790
    Flow state is our natural state, we get out of it as we are judged by others for 'daydreaming, not paying attention etc'. Modern world is obsessed with productivity and success, so they don't let you just flow, which would naturally bring way more productivity and success if you just let it.
  • @jeffglaza8318
    The how is available to those who believe and hear. You may have to listen a few times if you are unfamiliar. If you are trying to achieve a state of flow, it can help if: You have a specific goal and plan of action It is an activity that you enjoy or are passionate about There is an element of challenge You are able to stretch your current skill level
  • @GroovismOrg
    We need to incorporate this "Flow" knowledge into curriculum fir our young. Having grown up playing the drums. I had been entrained in a "flow" state through my adolescent years. This "Zen" state eased my adolescent foibles. As a regular state, Flowing populations entrained with The One Groove will Be the instigation of the foreseen unification. This is the beliefs of Groovists. Technology now enables globalization of our musical instincts. This is our purpose for Being one of billions!!
  • this is brilliant. People that we know and say he or she is in their own world, they are in the state of flow. The point from when your a kid and then you "wake up" and become more self aware, that is slowly awakening from the flow state. Its almost like being sedated in a positive way. I have been trying to get back to the flow state for years, but am holding on to something I need to workout before I can give in.
  • This is Gold. Yesterday I expirienced a flow state and the feedback I got from colleagues for the piece of work I did was phenominal
  • Alpha state knocks out inner critic. Emotions have vibrational resonance that are most powerful and are fed by our thoughts so keep in mind God is our faithful imagination, heaven is harmony. Frequencies matter. Being able to adaptively switch between sympathetic (alarm) and parasympathetic (calm down) CNS, merging brain hemispheres, using non-attachment and heart-mind-gut coherence free us up to reason better and be more productive. Wonderful and inspiring information, thank you for sharing! šŸ’ž