Is There Such a Thing as a Soulmate?

Kim explains how we are each our own soulmate.

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Kim Eng is the creator of Presence through Movement (PTM), a unique, powerful, and practical approach to accessing the present moment through the body and through movement. This meditative movement practice was inspired by and draws from the ancient mystical teachings of qigong, t’ai chi, yoga, as well as the spiritual insights of Eckhart Tolle—yet it is not affiliated with any particular religion, culture, or form of yoga.

As a facilitator of Presence through Movement, Kim travels and works extensively with her teaching partner Eckhart Tolle, the author of the best selling books The Power of Now and A New Earth. Kim has developed a teaching approach that incorporates and complements Eckhart’s teachings. Her work translates these teachings into a structured, embodied practice to support the arising of presence and the awakening of consciousness.

Kim has offered retreats and workshops in North America, Europe, and Australia. She is the author of two instructional DVDs on Presence through Movement—Qi Flow Yoga and Yin Yoga—and of two audio-learning programs, Meditations for A New Earth and Resist Nothing, featuring practical ways to overcome our inner obstacles to presence.

Kim was born in Vancouver, Canada. Her spiritual search began in the early 1980s. She met Eckhart in 1998, and soon after underwent a transformational spiritual experience while attending one of his retreats. This was followed by seven years of intense spiritual training, after which she began counseling and teaching.

Kim sees our true nature—our essence—as living in and through our human bodies. Through movement and through our bodies, we can return to and awaken to pure presence and oneness—to who we are beyond the thinking mind and egoic sense of self—accessing infinite power and creativity.

“When we are connected to Source, and body-mind-spirit are aligned—when we realize who we are at the core of our being—we blossom into our life purpose,” she says. “We cannot help but do so. And that is how we create what Eckhart Tolle calls ‘a new earth."

コメント (21)
  • Yes, I agree. Love is seeing yourself in another person, physically, mentally, emotionally etc. 'I love you because you remind me of me.'
  • I was just broken up with by somebody who called me her soulmate for the past 6 years... Turns out our relationship was really toxic - I've hurt her immensely and she's hurt me immensely. Now I have to love being alone again. I have to work on loving my true soulmate - myself.
  • Eckhart and kim is absolute relationship goals. I see my relationship with my fiancé in them.
  • @Caim6311
    Love yourself before loving others.
  • It's natural to think as we listen to Kim speaking "Oh! I want that too! I wonder if I'll ever find something like that" But then it's just the mind showing up once again. Hahahahaha I laugh at it sometimes, bc deep down these paradoxes are indeed funny. And now is awesome.
  • @scottcw31
    Thank you, I've never heard this idea before, it rings truth and has helped me
  • @JosannaMonik
    Probably the better we know ourselves the better chance of attracting the right "soul mate" partner for us.
  • Thank you. This is something I feel. I have wondered. You have given me new insight.