How To Disappear Completely and Never Be Found

Published 2021-05-07
Let’s imagine that, one day, you decide to delete all traces of yourself from the internet. Would this even be possible in today’s world?

In 2021, it’s a lot harder to disappear than, say, a quarter century ago. Nowadays, we leave digital footprints with every passing second.

Of course, being online all the time certainly has its benefits — whether it’s shopping from the comfort of your bed, video-chatting with loved ones, or binge-watching Netflix. But at the same time, we’re constantly in the crosshairs of fraudsters who seek to use our personal data against us.

In this video, you’ll learn about the databases where you can — and cannot —delete your personal data, how smartphones constantly spy on us, which cities have the most security cameras, and much more. We hope you enjoy.

Useful links:

1 To check the publicly available data about yourself:

2 Data brokers: 

3 Neural networks to generate a photo and name of the person:

4 The instructions from Privacy Angel how to delete yourself:…

5 A directory of direct links to delete your account from web services:

6 Browser test to see how well you are protected from tracking and fingerprinting:

7 VPN service to secure your data:

Sumsub — empowering compliance and anti-fraud teams to fight money laundering, terrorist financing, and online fraud.

More about us:

00:00 Intro
01:06 Rules of the game
02:27 What to do with my social media
05:53 What to do with my laptop
08:14 What to do with my smartphone
11:46 Saying goodbye to the bank
13:27 Conclusion

#DigitalFootprint #OnlineFootprint #sumsub #personaldata

All Comments (21)
  • @Sumsubcom
    Hey guys, we just released a part two – we'll teach you how to re-appear in a new life. I'm talking new documents, work and even appearances. Check it out:
  • @deleali9724
    Tries to disappear Ends up on everyone's recommendation. Task failed successfully
  • @en_vy
    Plot twist: The FBI is recommending this to people and whoever clicks it is automatically on a watch list...
  • @soundhealingbygene
    I quit social media 4 years ago due to information overload. I feel less stressed, more happy , less anxious, and more at peace with my mindfulness practice. people post about everything under the sun. best life choice ever!
  • @Mateo482
    I love the idea of deleting all social media and starting over, it's on my bucket list! I want to leave the internet and just reappear one day as a completely new person. I might miss the people I've met along the way of this horrible experience on social media but I will soon learn to forget and I will realize how much better it is just not being on the internet, in a weird way, starting a new account that you will not do anything on seems so much better than feeling scared to comment or talk to anyone. I don't want strangers on the internet who might not even be who they say they are trying to validate my life. So, yeah, it's on my bucket life.
  • @diyayadav5890
    "*What to do if you are depressed?*" Google: Get a therapist! Bing:
  • @sjla2009
    Shocking that it's so hard to just disappear. I've really got nothing to hide but I'm appalled by the degree to which we have lost our sense of self, our own private life. I tried to resist getting smart phones when everyone else did, but eventually I relented. I didn't want to be literally shoved into a box like everyone else. I miss the old days 😢
  • @rajanyasen1914
    Its not always about disappearing it's about finding inner peace without needing anyone to validate your existence.
  • @noname-bv1dq
    I do not use instagram and facebook since around 2016. Use regular messages and phone calls, well, only youtube. This was interesting for me. The only bad thing is that sometimes people do not take you seriously (esp new people that come in your life) because you do not have social apps. Some think you are lying because you don't want to communicate with them (well, you still can call me, wtf). But if they hate me for being me, it's ok. The first part about being invisible and not taken seriously though was hard for my first couple of years. It led me into thinking that our society indeed changed.
  • @miapdx503
    I did this years ago. I was in an abusive relationship, and he would tell me, if you ever try to leave me, you better go underground, because I'll hunt you like a dog. Well, I showed him some underground! I moved 1500 miles away, to a city I'd never been to, and didn't know anyone. I reinvented myself and lived quite well. After a few years I was able to come home. (He was no longer a threat) No one, not even my mother knew where I'd been til I came back.
  • @danko5866
    To be honest, it sucks when a website doesn't give a choice to delete the account.
  • @WrathSkele
    honestly, sometimes i get the intrusive though of just "what if i just completely just leave the internet and never come back, ever." this is one of those moments that lead me here. this is really interesting, thank you for uploading this Sumsub!
  • @Hy-Brasil
    Disappearing is easy. Staying disappeared is the hard part many will face. You're talking about breaking lifelong habits. Some people have been "online" for 30 years. Others within 15 or 20 (whatever the date is for social media meets smart phone) For people like me, we long for the days when a phone was tied to the house, along with the computer (or sometimes no computer at all) I love having access to information because i am one of those freaks who stays up late reading about the origins of glue or how much baby bottles have impacted our society's psychological well being. When you were going through the list of ways to muddy the water i was thinking.... dude... i was just looking at the prices of apartments in Inglewood and Beverly Hills just for fun. I even did some virtual driving tours of LA county. And then i went on to check out some freight train schedules.... along with watching a ton of videos by Hobo Shoestring and Stobe. I'm not planning an escape, i just have severe ADHD!! (My kids however see all of this random content and are worried i might do a runner😂.... i have threatened to do just that but ain't happening. All my stuff is here and I'm not abandoning my goats!) But that's beside the point. It took me about a year and a half to break my social media addiction. And six months to break the phone addiction. It was easier and easier the more i realized how little people actually care about you the second you switch off. 365 "friends" on fb the day i deactivated in feb 2021. And only TWO still keep in touch. That includes family and friends in my physical reach. There is very little i need from any stores, i hate google, amazon, and all social media. I turned off reply notifications in youtube so i can spam comments and never hear back (it reduces the urge to argue over the internet) If i can't drive to it or reach out and touch it then i probably don't need it. And THAT is when inner peace begins to manifest. The only vice I've picked up is my burning desire to collect all the books. Reference, history, encyclopedias, photography, thesaurus, foreign language, Mythology..... i have a huge private library (i even have vinyl records l, cassette tapes and CDs 😂 I've gone back to 1998 living.... my creativity has improved and so has my physical and mental health. The thought of returning to digital society makes me feel physically ill and my anxiety skyrockets. Literally feels like i would be returning to an abusive relationship. (I've escaped those too. Strategy is the same!)
  • @FeyerMusic
    Admit it: we've all wanted to do this at some point
  • @tombrunila2695
    Don't be so sure that your family would hire private detectives to find you.
  • @akihikohirawa