White Diamond: The Illusion of Perfection

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A lot of characters and plot points in Steven Universe got screwerd over when Cartoon Network cancelled the original series and only gave them 6 episodes to wrap things up. But nothing or no one got screwed over more than White Diamond. The ruler of Homeworld, the leader of the Great Diamond Authority, the final antagonist of the series, the biggest challenge Steven has ever faced! White Diamond carried so much weight, a lot was riding on her character for many fans of the show back in the day. Unfortunately, it felt like the conflict with her was resolved before we could even get the chance to know her. Like Pink Diamond, she’s a cautionary tale. One that warns viewers of what happens when you constantly live inside your own head, isolating yourself from others and believing your perspective is the only one that matters, even when your actions affect not just the people around you, but the entire universe. It's time to breakdown the gem who could've been one of Cartoon Network’s greatest villains, if Steven Universe was given more time to flesh out its ending! This is White Diamond: The Illusion of Perfection!


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Written, Hosted and Co-Edited by AwestruckVox
Co-edited by ‪@JoshuaCriger‬

This video, including all pictures and clips used is a critique and is covered under "fair use" under section 107 of the US Copyright Act 1976. If you would like to see the shows and episodes in full. Purchase them online or the DVD sets by their respective owners.

0:00 - Intro
2:25 - Inspiration
7:50 - A Perfect Empire
15:29 - Battle of Heart and Mind
27:16 - Welcome to Era 3
36:06 - Change?

コメント (21)
  • seeing steven universe have this completely random but beautiful resurgence in fanmade content in 2024 is making me so emotional, i love this show so much
  • Actually in the End of an Era book it’s stated that White was physically unable to physically harm Pink because of her shield. So instead she’d use Yellow and Blue to harm her instead which really plays into the whole grandmother using her children as a weapon.
  • Fun gemology fact: White and pink diamonds have the same crystal structure. The pink coloration comes from the intense compression of the structure instead of the presence of chemical impurities found in blue and yellow diamonds. It really gives a new spin on why White blushes pink instead of something more her color. Pink is a part of her. The pressure she put on the littlest diamond is the same pressure she puts in herself.
  • So the corruption beam was just the other diamonds stripping the gems of their defining traits and leaving only Pinks impulse. The worst, base form of themselves without governance of their own impulses and emotions. Like a newborn, with only the ability to scream and tantrum but not communicate through higher thinking.
  • I honestly blame CN for cancelling the show. Rebecca wanted to add like two more seasons and CN ruined it, which gave the crewniverse no choice but to squeeze as much as they could, even by not giving white diamond enough screen time
  • I love how when White says "Judging anything based on appearance is WRONG" Steven has a face that says "B*tch really ? You're really trying to be the High and Mighty person right now ?"
  • You know one thing that never once crossed my mind was the fact the White knew Pink was Rose Quartz but now that I have heard about it it makes a lot of sense.
  • @SMM5
    A theory I still have is that the big Diamond attack, or “the great annihilation light” as I’m calling it, corrupting gems instead of annihilating them wasn’t an accident, White influenced it to do that on purpose so Pink would have a reason to come home, and this added onto why Pink never tried to go to space to begin with
  • It's true, White Diamond definitely should've been given more screen time and development. In fact when it came to being an antagonist WD didn't get nearly as much attention, Not even after she almost killed Steven by removing his gem.
  • @wynnt1
    Man, that almost primal "SHE'S GONE!!" being yelled while pink-steven remains stone-faced still hits so hard. Very much like a kid hiding their feeling behind a mask. Gotta look perfect and palatable while just absolutely screaming inside
  • "I've stopped waging space wars... for now!" "I've stopped killing people!" "I've been saying please and thank you to the peasants!" That's a very convincing argument, ladies. Very convincing. That will certainly win him over.
  • We Need to Talk About the Diamond Blue! I think Blue is an exception to this. While I wouldn't say she's redeemed, it's clear she's definitely changed her attitude towards things. When she talks about having not shattered and not made anyone cry she sounds genuinely proud of the fact, rather than like she's being forced to do something unpleasant, like Yellow and White. Obviously this isn't something to be super proud of, but for someone in her position it is something that would be a big step. She is also the first one to admit the problems with their empire, as well as the first to embrace change. On top of that she knows that "lower lifeforms" (humans) are not as simplistic or so far below them as originally thought. She does refer to Spinel as "one of Pink's treasures", but it's worth nothing her first reaction to hearing about her plight is one of sympathy. Her attitude has developed drastically after Pink "died." The events of the Diamond Days Arc and Steven's attitude were the catalyst to finally push her in that direction fully. Having actually faced her grief and embraced it seems to have cultivated a level of empathy in her. Aside from a one or two hiccups, she pretty much accepts Steven's way of life and ideas immediately.
  • I'm happy people finally get over the "Pink is the true evil in the entire show" mentality. I know she had done some bad things but she learned. She learned and matured to become Rose Quart. I know that doesn't make the bad things she done goes away but it show that she is a good person but was misled.
  • @matti.8465
    I don't think White Diamond suspected Pink was Rose, I think she was just in denial. White supresses all of her feelings, including grief, so she would delude herself into thinking Pink is just messing with them and she'll come back eventually. Because the alternative would be too much to handle while mantaining her facade.
  • @Mangacide
    I'm going back to my original headcanon (with a tweak). The diamonds were all one being and their "birth" was them splitting apart. Also might contribute to their disgust towards fusion.
  • @aretoadish
    The menstruation story is really quite interesting. The reflection doesn't even bother trying to comfort themselves or pick themselves back up, just floats into the false reflection world.
  • I am so glad the podcast and End of an Era exist. There was so much that didn't make it into the show, and giving Rebecca the chance to elaborate on what they didn't get to show us tied together so many different loose threads, especially White since she was the biggest casualty of the show's cancellation
  • @Spookworm
    Didn't think I'd run into a parallel between white diamond and Greg universe's parents, but uh, here we are now. Love this show and all the little connections and details. Amazing.
  • Until the day comes where Steven Universe continues, I did my own version of White's improvement through a fanfic