Artificer - Dream Sequences

Published 2023-01-21
I think those are all the possible dream sequences, I might be wrong though

Fun fact for players that have not gotten to experience the later dreams, you get to control a scavenger which is... Disorienting to say the least


All Comments (21)
  • It's so odd not seeing the karma move in the shelters but it makes sense. Every day Artie wakes up and chooses violence... and that's the other thing, everyone else hibernates, Artie just naps until morning
  • When I found a slug pup, I lost it to leeches similarly, even swam down to try to save it, no use, it was cruel, man.
  • @rissmebesce71
    Slowly the dreams become nightmares, the last ones are more like the fantasies on how she is obsessed on kill the scavengers.
  • @coffeeris
    In mine, in the dream with the squidcadas, a vulture came down and nicked one of the pups. This wouldn't be so bad if it didn't proceed to NEVER PLAY THE REST OF THE DREAMS so the entire time I was confused as to why Artificer hated scavs so much
  • one sad thing i noticed is that in the dream where her second slugpup dies, Artificer wouldn't have originally made that jump without the grenade boosting her she feels guilty that she didn't die with her slugpup, that she lived
  • The fact that the sound that plays when you are going into a dream gets even more and more distorted and uncanny adds to Artificier's sadness from the death of her slugpups and her rage against the scavengers.
  • The dream music getting deeper and darker just send a shiver down my spine, I knew that her story would have been sad but I wasn't prepared for those nightmares... Poor mother, just wanted a happy life with her pup's
  • @holysnails
    Oh my God I never got to see all the scenes and i thought it ended whenever they got to the scavenger toll. So the little baby stole a pearl because it was shiny and the scavengers started attacking them? God, no wonder artificer wants all scavengers dead so bad, the way her babies passed away and how she was forced to leave one behind was so heart wrenching I can't stand it. Also is the final cut scene how she got her scar too?? And with how she seems to have dreams of different rooms with a single scavenger almost feels like recurring nightmares. Almost like she's punishing herself or she's so angry she can't help but dream about murdering scavengers.
  • @leafydonn309
    If you ever tried to fight scavengers in arena mode this is the hatred you get for them:
  • @Neppiko
    I never got the full story of why the artificer hated the scavs since I only had the first 2 dreams through my playthrough, I'd assumed it was because of losing the pups but I didn't know how. Now I know. And I'm even more satisfied with the ending now that I know.
  • In the first dream after the dreams of the deaths, I didn't realize you could move the scavenger, so I just watched artificer moving around manically, occasionally violently shaking back and forth, while there was like some creepy scavenger face hiding in the darkness watching. This whole story was traumatizing.
  • The dream sound that plays before each one gets more distorted each time as the dreams get dark in tone
  • you can actually control the characters in these dreams. i dont know how exactly but i managed to do it on accident
  • @sodreir.8666
    The Artificer is like Rain World’s Guts, left with nothing but with it’s rage and bloodlust
  • @ravenstar1397
    The dreams getting progressively more distorted is horrifying
  • Good to see the cutscenes play out the way they should. A lot of them were bugged on my end and I could control random things or the characters would stand still after a little One of them I was controlling the scavenger in the scene it was so confusing at first
  • @ExposingOreo
    2:24 The moment I saw the little guy look up, I knew something was about to go wrong
  • @merc_lord
    I like how the dream noise gets deeper as artie's memories become ptsd nightmares
  • @IIdot
    i feel so bad for artificer now :'[ now i am sad for both hunter and artificer
  • @Fanatator
    Aka: Small pup sparks up a genocidal cross-species war