"Population Collapse Is Coming" - How The US Is Destroying Our Economy | Raoul Pal & Peter Schiff

Published 2024-05-17

All Comments (21)
  • @TomBilyeu
    WARNING: I will never ask for your contact info in the comments section, that is someone impersonating me!
  • Millions of people do not own assets and it’s getting harder and harder!
  • We are not destroying our economy. The people who own this company( not country) are doing this. Let's get that straight first
  • "The Federal Reserve System is not Federal; it has no reserves, and is not even a system at all. But rather an international criminal syndicate."- Eustace Mullins.
  • @hesuschrist9527
    The problem in the US is, the people who make the goods and services can't afford to purchase them. You can't have a functional economy or society if the system is rigged to only support the suppliers and completely restricts the consumers.
  • @stevebishop3796
    Pretty basic cycle of empire collapsing at 250 yrs of existence. Simple stuff
  • @daniglesias3997
    Stop wasteful spending. Stop funding wars. Get rid of IRS, get rid of the Fed. Make the government accountable of their wasteful spending instead of tax payers. Tax was supposed to be for our own economy. Bridges, schools and other in country issues.
  • @peredavi
    These guys don’t have the answers. They think they do because they’re wealthy but they don’t.
  • @marsfire8281
    Do you see how INSANE this is. We worry about money and nonsense when what matters is LIFE, people, living, loving. But no, we brainwashed that MONEY is life. It is NOT. OMG WTF have we become.
  • @Medley3000
    I can't see any problem here. You have created a society in which people no longer want to have families. This is the only thing left to show the powerful that we no longer want to serve you.
  • @gergelyfinr1
    This is how the land of dreams becomes the land of nightmares!!!
  • @Kim-Yo-jong
    We don't agree politically but Peter Schiff is a smart guy and everything an economist should be.
  • People should remember: poverty is not an accident, a coincidence or an inevitability. It is something which is manufactured by the ruling class, but investment has been confirmed to be a sure means in gaining financial stability, i pray that anyone who reads this will be successful in life too 🙏🙏🙏
  • @BigWickTraders
    Never trust anyone who says 1 thing will be the solution.
  • @Lucas-wn5wm
    Few years back we heard many people saying globe is too overpopulated.
  • The us population is increasing yet the amount of citizens is decreasing. Pretty sketchy.
  • @user-gn8er8ju3q
    If the government is so concerned about population decline then they should make it a priority to give people incentive to start families. Because nobody is even considering having kids when they a) can’t afford housing, b) can’t afford groceries for more than one person, c) don’t feel secure in their employment, and d) can barely afford healthcare for routine doctor visits for themselves nevermind the massive bill from the hospital after a baby is born and the myriad of doctor visits for baby that come after. Who in their right mind would want to increase their financial burden when they are already stretched so thin as is?? It’s not that people don’t want kids, but they don’t want kids that they CAN NOT afford! Nobody wants to raise a child into poverty. Period.
  • @merridius2006
    Never forget you are listening to the guy who was advising you to buy jpegs of monkeys because they will be more valuable in the future