Game of Thrones Actor Finally Reveals The Truth About The Show's Bad Ending!

Welcome back for another Game of Thrones Season 8 video. In this video, I will be talking about the most recent interview with Game of Thrones actor, Conleth Hill, who was portrayed as Lord Varys "The Master of Whisperers" in the HBO's hit series. In his new interview, Game of Thrones' Conleth Hill reveals he was 'frustrated' with show's 'rushed' final seasons!

The shadow of Game of Thrones' divisive final season still hangs over the franchise, remaining a point of contention not just among its fans, but also its stars. Game of Thrones actor, Conleth Hill, who played Varys on all eight seasons of the series, said in a new interview with The Times that he believes disagreements between HBO and showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss led to confusing plot developments in the show's final stretch.

"Right up until the last two series, I had no complaints at all," Hill told The Times. "I just felt frustrated with the last couple of [seasons] because Varys wasn't the all-knowing character he had been. I think the writers wanted to do one thing to end it and the studio HBO wanted to do another. I felt that last [season] was a bit rushed. I was inconsolable, but now I'm fine about it."

Hill's not lying about being "inconsolable." After Varys was executed in Thrones' penultimate episode, "The Bells," the actor told EW in an in-depth interview that "nothing could console" him after learning the fate of his character. This confirms what many of us Game of Thrones fans already suspected after watching the show's documentary. Conleth Hill was visibly upset after reading the show's script during the final table read. He's added to a long list of Game of Thrones actors who have spoken out against the show's final season.

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Source: Entertainment Weekly…

コメント (21)
  • My apologies for the blurred screen at the beginning. HBO claimed the video. I had to do that in order for it to get released.
  • @seldomsane5278
    Varys was one of my favorite characters from both the books and show. The actor did a great job with his portrayal.
  • @livechilllife
    The writers definitely dropped the ball with varys. He was so well written, and at the end it was almost like he was an afterthought.
  • @LordMayonnaise
    He did such a good job playing Varys, and D&D butchered him :(
  • @Darthbaldmouse
    They really blew what could easily have been the best TV series in cinematic history.
  • @mattadams933
    My thing is this, why would they lose their job for speaking out now 4 years later? We all know that David and Dan wanted to get the show over with hence the rush and it was supposed to reach 10+ seasons. David and Dan will never be forgiven for ruining the ending to this hit.
  • @PowerPlantSpots
    The last two seasons lobotomized every major character. As if they had forgotten 90% of the experiences that made them who they were. While the early seasons provided some of the best dialogue ever heard on the small screen, the last two had previously intelligent characters repeating Hanna Barbera cartoon catch-phrases. Even with all this, Conleth was magnificent in his role.
  • @malifex9922
    Varys was definitely mishandled in the final season. His character is famous for surviving every dynasty because he makes himself invaluable. He survived the Targaryen reign. He survived Robert's Rebellion and the usurpation. He survived Ned Stark's near-takeover. Joffrey. Tywin. Tommen. He only left because he could be implicated in the death of Tywin. To see him promise Dany that he would be up front with her but then go back on his word seems very 'off' for him. Despite being the spider and spymaster, he spoke a lot of truth when talking with Ned, Tyrion, and others. The fact that he's not with Dany in the books also speaks to the idea that the showrunners just didn't know what to do with him. They gave his plot to Qyburn in 6x10. Imagine how wild it would have been if HE had shown up in the undercity with a flock of children on a murder spree. That would have been WILD!
  • @caraolson3891
    I think Conleth Hill was very justified in feeling the way he did. It’s like the writers forgot about his character in the last two seasons, and I really liked scenes with Varys and Littlefinger. Honestly, I think D+D did the majority of the GOT characters wrong. And I hope no one lets them forget it, either.
  • @Uller1967
    It was awful how they took two of the smartest and most cunning people (Varys and Tyrion) and made them into bumbling fools who constantly made mistakes. So for 7 seasons, Varys was the one always 'in the know' who then was portrayed as clueless. Tyrion who was always portrayed as not only book smart, but also an excellent judge of people and their motivations who single-handedly saved King's Landing in the battle of the Blackwater, goes on to make error after error in the final seasons. Danny goes from being the 'breaker of chains' to the immolater of children in less than a year?
  • He did a Awesome job as Varys. It's understandable that he would be upset and disappointed. Especially when you give it your all bringing a character to life. Putting your heart into by truly embracing the character. Varys definitely should have been there for the death of little finger. I wanted him to make it to the end so bad. I am still upset about his death lol
  • @jacob4920
    Love that Emelia Clarke reaction, toward the end of the video. The look on her face says it all: "Sure, I loved it! (Somebody save me from the mediocrity this is going to stain my career with!!)"
  • @kongwaguk8337
    The actor of Varys, Conleth Hill, was also one of the few actors who actually read the entire book series, and it showed in great portray of Varys. D&D or any other writer for that matter, would have not been able to write the later seasons like George himself could have done if the books were completed. However, it's utterly disgraceful they didn't give it their all and just cut it short because they wanted to move onto other projects.
  • @keelyclevenger
    I felt horrible for him after seeing him read the final season. He had every reason to feel disappointed and upset that the last few seasons were rushed. I think everyone felt that way. We Know by what many of the other actors have said that they did not enjoy the rest last two seasons and that they didn't enjoy how their character ended. The entire thing was a mess and we can all blame Dan and Dave for trying to hurry up and get to the next project as fast as I possibly could.
  • It's been so many years after the final season, but the mess up was so bad that it will never be forgotten.
  • @raymondsims7042
    Varys was always one of my favorite characters on the show!!! Sake they went out their way to ruin him later in the series🤦‍♂️
  • @catwoman0828
    Omg, this definitely stirs up all of my rage at how the series was ended. Such a miserable debacle.
  • @xoler2167
    Meanwhile Peter Dinklage and Sophia are whining us fans are in the wrong and we should just accept that horrendous ending. Good to know people like Varys and Daenerys are on our side