Puberty Blockers Can Powerfully TRANSFORM a Body - Zhenya Abbruzzese

Zhenya Abbruzzese helped co-found the Society for Evidence Based Gender Medicine (SEGM). In this talk, she explains the origins of medical transition for minors and highlights the flaws in the research that was used to mainstream the practice.


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コメント (21)
  • @nikkid4890
    I am a neuroscientist. The prepuberty brain NEEDS to go through puberty and all the hormones to mature! That includes cognitive maturing, social maturing, and isn’t limited to gonads. This is horrific
  • I was taking a woman’s workshop last summer. My youngest daughter was 9. Every day was a different topic. One day it was LGBTQ and we had a guest speaker. This guest speaker was F to M trans and the owner of a place called out loud. Out loud is a place for kids to hang out and feel safe. Many vulnerable children go there. I thought it was great! Until I met the owner and ask him a question. His answer left me in shock. I had told him that my 9 year old came home from school one day and told me she didn’t know if she was a boy or a girl. I told her that she is à girl but can dress how ever she wants. If you want to dress boyish some days and girlish some days she could do that. I told her that who she is perfect. . So I told this guest speaker what my response to my daughter was and ask if I had answered her correctly in his view. He said that I should have her see a dr and possibly put her on puberty blockers!! What I’m the actual F*ck?! I was flabbergasted and lost all respect for him. And now I fear for all kids who go to him for advice :( by the way, my daughter loves to do girly things. She is very et feminine. If I was a stupid parent I would have followed the advice I was given by someone with an agenda. My daughter would probably still be confused a year later. She’s fine now and all she needed to know what that she was loved and could express herself in her choice of clothes anytime. She sometimes will wear “boyish” clothes but not often.
  • @giselec.7806
    It's not just about "sterility", this reason means nothing for them, it's about being sexually nullified, being incapable of achieving orgasm or sexual pleasure....teens that never had even their first sexual relationship, never even had their first orgasm...and they will never have....this is the most important topic and nobody talks about
  • @timkelly6985
    These mad scientists would make Joseph Mengela blush.😮
  • @2Ryled
    Western Europe, where governments and medical authorities in at least five countries that once led the way on gender-affirming treatments for children and adolescents are now reversing course, arguing that the science undergirding these treatments is unproven, and their benefits unclear...
  • @MMMS75
    It amazes me so much time and money was invested into something that any rational minded adult realizes is abjectly stupid and harmful. MD not required to figure this out.
  • "What percentage regret it afterwards," should have always been the focus.
  • @wrmlm37
    Imagine thinking a lack of breast development equalled mental health for this patient "zero!" So "impressive" in her masculine presentation as if she is just a sack of body part...JFC, the lack of depth in this leap astounds me. Doc's losing the plot in such a huge way makes the entire field of medicine suspicious to me. Retired nurse who will never believe in SRS. I DO believe a tiny, tiny fraction of those who "feel" they are misgendered at any age under 22-25 yrs old, actually ARE. However, that should NEVER lead to worldwide medical experimentation on children.
  • Couldn't it be cognitive dissonance when a patient says that they are happier after the process? After going through all of this.. it seems it would be difficult to admit you had made a mistake. I am not sure how you get an answer to this question...
  • @thermalreboot
    What is really sick about our society is the push to us not to look at things and to not gather data around ideas the are held sacred by some people so that they can then tell us that there is no evidence of harm. It's the same sickness we see in some states that declare shoplifting isn't a crime unless the value of stolen goods is $900 or greater and then they tell us crime has gone down.
  • @alaakela
    Are those two Dutch doctors still alive? Practicing? What do they have to say in defence of their work?
  • @cdreyes81
    I like how I keep hearing "professionals" saying oh you can just put a pause on puberty. No, you can't. Once you miss that train, you've just messed up
  • @timkelly6985
    This is the worst medical crime against humanity in human history.
  • I think she was a good speaker, clear and organised. No hyperbole just the facts
  • @Amber4
    I wonder how much money these transitions have cost society?? And now the de-transition operations? Healthcare costs are sky high. How far can this go?
  • @lindafish2789
    Why would anyone try to interrupt normal development?
  • @jonahansen
    I have to admit that I can't relate to the idea that a person has so little else to think about than whether they are a man or a woman, and let it take over their consciousness.
  • ”Normalizing the deviant by demonizing the prevailing is the marginalized's method of self-justification”!