The ‘Stay At Home Girlfriend’ Scam

Publicado 2024-05-10
AI... Girlfriends?! The Scary Future
   • AI... Girlfriends?! The Scary Future  

The ‘Stay At Home Girlfriend’ Scam

00:00 Introduction
03:53 What is a SAHG
08:17 Day in the life
12:50 Maslow's hierachy
18:22 DV and safety
20:04 Case study 2
25:23 Outro

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Port Adelaide
South Australia

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @Sarlee06
    I would not want to be completely dependent on someone who I'm not even married to. They have no obligation to you.
  • @grownwomen6208
    I’m 73 years old & one thing I can definitively say is that you have to pay the piper. Nothing is free. The women I have seen in these relationships (and that includes married ones too) all too often pay by assuming a less-than role. Generally the one who has the money has the power.
  • @reinepoaty6747
    The woman at 1:17 is Haley Khalil, she’s a comedian. That clip is actually a skit.
  • @karengrimes6843
    My mother always said “If you marry for money, you earn every penny”. I chose an education and a career.
  • I’ll say I’ve never seen even one woman over 50+ EVER recommend the tradwife life. Not a single one. Even ones still married in their golden years say don’t do it. That should speak for itself
  • @TovaPaul
    As someone who was a SAHG/SAHwife in her 20s, this is the most dangerous trap for women. My boyfriend/husband was kind and supportive, and didn't want me to have to work a job I hated. But looking back in my 40s, I can never get those prime career building years back. And when my marriage ended, I was left at square one career wise. While I fortunately had a university degree to fall back on, big gaps in a resume are red flags that make you almost unemployable going forward, mean losing ground as your profession moves forward without you, and mean losing years of building your own independent financial nest egg for retirement and emergencies. I am fortunate to have built back up some of that, but will forever be behind where I could have been if I had made better choices when I was young.
  • @nuthingness
    My mom was a stay at home wife for most of her life. When my dad passed away she didn’t have any money and now I am responsible for taking care of her.she also doesn’t speak English so she depends on me for everything. I don’t want to be like her.
  • @buntyjoy1800
    "Im sat at home waiting to be replaced by a younger fitter model"
  • @Colourfulmelanin
    My mum always says "There is nothing more powerful than a woman with her own money."
  • @gmfan09
    Being a say at home wife is one thing but a stay at home girlfriend? How is that even a thing. You’re one breakup away from being homeless. And what human wants to be completely dependent on another when they don’t have to be? Good lord
  • My mom stayed at home but she didn’t like it. She had no education because she married so young which she regretted deeply. She told me from the beginning: never never never ever be financially dependent on your husband. 🙏
  • @lexigurlx
    I remember when UK blogger Summer Hawkins (Sumerica) was glamorising being a stay at home girlfriend, and looking after her boyfriend. Then she got pregnant soon afterwards the relationship broke down got kicked out and was more recently complaining that the ex boyfriend wasn’t visiting the child. Ladies don’t put all your trust into these men have your own independence!
  • @ottitudes1991
    Not having to work 40 hours a week seems like a dream but I would NEVER be an SAHG. I'd prefer knowing my back is covered at all times and my survival and well being not depending on another person, thank you very much.
  • @DDGforMJK
    The SAHG lifestyle is largely one of luxury for attractive women in their 20s. That’s all. And I know they can’t fathom it now, but their looks, body, “physical currency” will change significantly in the next 20-25 years. And then what? You think he’s gonna keep busting his ass working a job HE hates (women don’t own the market on hating their jobs) to support a middle-aged woman HE NEVER MARRIED whose looks aren’t what they used to be when there’s a newer, younger, hotter, more exciting one right down the street? (No shade to middle-aged women who don’t look 23 anymore…I am one!) A lot of young women would gladly wash his clothes and blend his smoothie in the morning in her place. It’s a such a short-sighted way to live. But I get it. Working sucks…
  • @prettybird367
    The girl complaining about being bored could volunteer if she’s looking to find meaningful occupation. Only boring people are bored, she has the opportunity to do so much in the creative/charitable/self development spheres that most people never have the time or financial stability to. Staying home isnt the problem, being lazy and have an underdeveloped interior life is.
  • We live in a man made world not a woman made world. Woman should always keep that in mind and protect themselves.
  • @iyasugames
    I dated a girl who wanted to be a stay at home girlfriend. She made crafts that she sold on ebay, then played video games and watched tv for most of the day. After a year, she decided to go back to school. I don't think it's a long term solution for many people
  • @x77punk77x
    The rich & educated women in my region who are SAHMs sometimes get gilded cage syndrome — not really fulfilled in the domestic sphere, desperate for intelligent engagement & endeavor. Glamorizing comfortable and dull idleness in economic times like this is more than odd.
  • @frumtheground
    I had a job where I'd sit in the parking lot to cry before entering the building to work nearly every day. My autoimmune disease was out of control because of the stress I was under so I was in and out of the hospital and right back to work constantly. My employment status was repeatedly under threat because of my disability. A bad job, seriously bad job, will shorten your life as much as a toxically unbalanced relationship. Wish we didn't have to pick between them at all. I didn't feel like I had any choice but to quit and be dependent for a time while my body recovered and it was still awful being trapped at home and "owe" someone for your basic needs. It was just as much hell.