Independent Baptist vs Church of Christ – What’s the Difference?

Published 2019-01-15
The Church of Christ says they are not a denomination – instead they are a restoration of Christ’s true churches. How do they differ from Independent Baptist Churches?

All Comments (21)
  • As a member of the church of Christ, I wanted to say thank you for your fair representation of our faith. If anyone here wants to know more about the church of Christ and why we believe what we believe, I am happy to answer.
  • I was born and raised church of Christ. Most people I tell about my experience think I’m exaggerating. My partner is catholic and he didn’t believe that church was 3 hours on Sunday morning and another 2-3 Sunday night. After the first hour when we had a break he got up and said it wasn’t as bad as I made it out to be and asked if I was ready to go. I smiled and said “we haven’t had church yet… that was Sunday school.” The look on his face was priceless.
  • I love how specific this video is cause it was exactly what I was looking for
  • @leehagewood9300
    This is a very informative video and, as someone who is part of churches of Christ, I can say that his depiction of us is quite accurate. The only things I would modify are 1) When he says that some wear head coverings, don't eat in a church building, insist on one cup for the Lord's Supper, etc., "some" should probably be understood as a small minority. Mainstream churches of Christ have no issue with most of the things mentioned in this portion of the video. Going along with this observation is 2) CENI is something that churches of Christ apply with varying degrees of flexibility. The most conservative churches are very stringent in making sure every practice can be labelled as either a command, example, or necessary inference. The most progressive churches probably do not seriously consider CENI at all when setting a policy. Some in mainstream churches of Christ likely do not realize they can apply CENI inconsistently, but others who nuance their understanding of it generally recognize that CENI is an important interpretive principle but not the overarching paradigm for how all Scripture should be read. Thank you for the video, and for the opportunity to learn some about Independent Baptist Churches!
  • @achomeonee4244
    Im so happy to finally understand the difference with the allurement. And yes I just subscribe to your channel. Keep me posted thanks😊😊⭐⭐⭐
  • @davejohnson419
    You are an extraordinarily intelligent and well-informed commentator on The Word.
  • @ronnym1977
    This is very accurate. The "some" (one cupper, one loafers, no Bible classes) are a very small minority. We speak where the Bible speaks and remain silent where the Bible is silent. We are members of the of the church of which Christ Jesus established Who is the Head of and will remain forever. We are not even close to the church of John Calvin nor do we adhere to the "gospel of John Calvin." It's funny you mention Thomas Campbell, I never knew who Thomas Campbell was until I was about 40 years old when I happened upon a book with his name on the cover in the church building library. The baptist know more about Thomas Campbell than we do and use a derogatory term in calling Christ's church members "Campbellites."
  • @sdthyng
    A real church of Christ will consist of members who believe and act as the first Christians did as recorded in the New Testament.
  • @redknightsr69
    Can you please do a comparison for Christian church disciples of Christ? Your videos are so informative!
  • Thank you so much for this video I'm very pleased for the information it was very helpful
  • @binmyrtmind
    Listening to this makes me even more grateful for my own Church of choice I belong to, and the restoration of Christ's gospel and his organization. Wow. These guys are all over the place with theologies. BUT, one thing is for Christians, we should all be more supportive and considerate of one another's choice of Church which we may decide to join or if we choose not to belong to a particular Church. We all believe in the saving grace of Christ and we are going to need one another. Just bring all the truths you know and rejoice in Jesus Christ as we follow him. I hope we will not fight and argue amongst ourselves and allow everyone to seek out and make their own choice of church without treating one another poorly.
  • @CalebMush
    I was raised baptist and went to a church of Christ high school. From my experience it seemed that wearing hats inside the church building at a CoC is not okay at anytime, even if there’s no events happening, whereas I’ve seen some people wear hats at my church, less often during the actual service than at other times, and people generally take their hat off during prayers no matter where they are. I don’t even wear hats, I just thought it was an interesting observation to add.
  • @sephst9618
    Very clear comparison and accurate information
  • t mills did you get my comment I sent you regarding the church of Christ you attended?