Ashley Olsen's Transformation Is Seriously Turning Heads

Ashley Olsen is famous for being one half of the Olsen Twins. Former child actors who created media and fashion empires while still in their teens, the Olsens are now insanely rich and almost reclusive, at least as far as the media is concerned. Ashley and her sister don't seem to care for an intensely visible life, pursued as they were during their childhood. Today, they're more content in the board room than in front of the camera, and we in the media are left to make our best guesses about their lives, their romantic relationships, and their specific plans for the future. Ashley, especially, ensures that these details remain off limits. Nonetheless, Ashley Olsen's transformation is seriously turning heads.

#AshleyOlsen #Transformation #Twins

Almost fired from Full House | 0:00
Dualstar Entertainment | 1:36
Parents' divorce | 2:53
Fell in love with fashion | 4:02
College experience | 4:42
The Row | 5:50
Why she left Hollywood | 6:42
Raised to be 'discreet' | 7:38
Is she married? | 8:23
Very close with Mary-Kate | 9:21
Close bond with sister Elizabeth | 10:11
The spoils of her acting career | 11:06

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コメント (21)
  • @TheList
    What do you think about the Olsen Twins?
  • I feel so bad for these girls. They’ve literally been in front of the camera before they could even speak full sentences and people criticize them for acting “strange”. They literally grew up in front of millions of people, let them enjoy their adulthood to make up for their lost childhood!!
  • I used to think that Elizabeth Olsen looked exactly like Mary Kate and Ashley but now I really think she looks like a mix between the twins and Scarlett Johansson
  • Why do their eyes look so empty? They look like they don't have souls!!! I was a HUGE fan when I was little and seeing them like this makes me so sad. 💔😔
  • @brvndxxxn
    They’re so fabulous. Not worried about the haters, living their best lives 💚 I’m so proud of what they’ve achieved
  • I'm a twin myself and the same age as the Olsens. My brother and I are not celebrities but the twin experience is similar. The both of you are seen as the cutest darlings among the people who know you as kids, but as you get older you want to break free of that. Me and my brother don't live with each other anymore (we don't even live in the same country) but we've become closer than ever being away from everyone else. Now we're planning a business together. Shout out to MK and Ash for pursuing their real love and moving on from their crazy childhood. Rock on, ladies.
  • Wtf they where forced to act since they where 9 months old?! That’s messed up
  • Give me a break. They didn't become self made millionaires at age 10. Their manager, Robert Thorne made them millionaires. By the time the girls were 14 their company was valued at 100 million. 💰💰💰💵
  • Ashley and Mary-Kate truly deserve the friendship and respect of everyone who has never let them down even when times have been tough. I wish the twins the best of the future, far from the hard past
  • @bobf7736
    I'm so sorry those girls were subjected to that guy who recently died and what I've read and heard he did to them. On behalf of good men everywhere, I'm so sorry. I hope you two lovely ladies live your best life.
  • My twin brother Richard died from AIDS 27 years ago. We were placed in different foster homes when we were four and didn't grow up together. I sought him out after turning 18 and we found each other again in August 1977. I really thought he was a smart ass punk and he thought I was boring. We had 18 years together and during that time he became the most significant person I ever knew. He taught me so much about life. Even though we had been separated so long we discovered that we shared the same taste in many things. We liked the same music and movies. In the mid 80s Richard started driving for Yellow Cab and started using speed to stay up nights. By 1989 he was shooting up crystal meth. That's how he got AIDS.
  • They looked less alike in the Full House? You couldn't recognise who is who till their teenage years
  • Ashley looks pretty much the same. MK is the one who looks different. They’ve both been through a lot. It’s good they have each other
  • I Love The Olsen Twins I would never Dislike them or Hate them I Love them lots I know there Life has problems but I'll always be by there Side and Care about them I Adore them Millions and they are the Best just Like Elizabeth Olsen:))^_^ Love U OLSEN GIRLS I got Ur back :))^_^
  • Some adults really let these girls down. That much is obvious.
  • When will the famous realize how ugly lip botox makes them?!
  • Siblings can have different sizes but I can't help to wonder if in this particular case the twins were stunted in the development due to stress. You see them close to their younger sister and the twins look like children next to a full grown woman
  • One of them the eyes look sad and closed and face is pushed in. The other one looks brighter big eyes and glow