Humans are Frugivores

Published 2018-12-15
A hominid’s primary food source is typically herbivorous/frugivorous, meaning that they eat leaves and fruits for the bulk of their food.

Humans are classed anatomically in the family known as Hominidae, which includes other primates such as the Eastern and Western gorillas, Bornean and Sumatran orangutans, common chimpanzees, and the pygmy chimpanzees, also known as bonobos. Humans are anatomically and physiologically similar to all of these animals, sharing as much as 99.6 percent (some scientists say we share a greater percentage) of the same genetic material. The species-specific diet of humans is therefore also herbivorous/frugivorous, as in nature all animals that are anatomically and physiologically similar thrive on similar foods.

This is an excerpt from Perpetual Health 365 *eBook, to read more purchase a copy.

Available here:

Looking for a plant based diet? Looking to meet your goals? Here is what you can get with The 80/10/10 Diet:
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The information in this video is intended for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended as medical or health care advice and should not be construed as such. The viewing of this video does not establish a doctor-patient relationship. Please seek the care of a qualified health care provider for guidance in making individual health care and dietary decisions. Viewing of this video confirms your acceptance of these terms.

Copyright statement: This video is my intellectual property. If you wish to use any part of it for any purpose, please contact me first for permission.

All Comments (10)
  • Yes. Raw fruitarians for more than 20 years are the most healthy vibrant and energetic people we know. Also eating some leafy greens as organic romaine lettuce and arugula. Great video by the way. Congrats!
  • @qigong1001
    Humans large intestines are 1/2 of our closest relatives; our small intestines are 2 to 3 times longer than many of our closest primate relatives.
  • @senses2000
    I lived wild as a child and I ate avocados, mangoes, bananas, berries, guava, guayaba, coffee beans, cacao, peaches, pineapples, and fish.
  • For those who do not react well to a fruit based diet with other vegetables, are their systems just compromised or what is the deal?
  • Can someone answer for me because the internet is not clear. What is the biggest difference between a frugivore and a herbivore? Like specific foods that are different. What can you eat on herbivore diet but not a herbivore diet?
  • Almost exclusively fruit. Most vegetables are not digestible for us such as cruciferous and cellulose we are not herbivores
  • @Mynameisgooood
    They are frugivores but they supplement it with animal protein, also salt! Way different than bs you promote