3 habits that kill your confidence | Shadé Zahrai | TEDxMonashUniversity

Published 2023-03-16
Habits are a double-edged sword – they can be the reason for our success, our happiness and our fulfilment… or the very things that undermine our confidence and sabotage us from progress. We know from volumes of research that there are specific behaviours that we unknowingly engage in that completely kill out confidence and block our advancement. Having spent countless hours with hundreds of teams from startups to Fortune 500s globally, Shadé Zahrai has observed clear behavioural and cognitive patterns that distinguish those who are successful (and happy) from those who aren’t… and most of the time it comes down to habits. This talk is an eye-opener designed to help you to recognise which self-destructive habits you’ve unknowingly succumbed to, and importantly to know how to climb out of the self-imposed self-doubt traps to reach your highest potential.

Shadé Zahrai is an award-winning leadership strategist and global peak performance consultant to Fortune 500s. A former commercial lawyer that transitioned to a successful career in banking and strategy consulting, now with her husband she runs Influenceo Global Inc., a leadership development, consulting & research firm that works with some of the world’s largest organisations. Widely respected for her thought leadership and actionable bite-sized personal and professional development content on social media, Shadé has amassed a global community of over 2.6 million followers across platforms and her content has been viewed over 60 Million times. Her and her husband Faysal are passionate about empowering individuals to overcome their self-limits and confidently create a life worth living. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

All Comments (21)
  • @bogdanb32
    Key points: 1. Failure to start/procrastination -> Just start, begin with the smallesr action possible towards your goal 2. Serial failure to finish -> Find the meaning/the why and use that to pull you towards your goal 3. Hedonic treadmill/never feeling like it's enough -> Understand that you are not your work. Meditate. Pause. Be grateful. Stop comparing yourself.
  • Confidence isn’t “I know they’ll like me”, it’s “I’m okay if they don’t”.
  • @domcity11
    Procrastinate due to fear of failure 😢😢 You pointed out very well.
  • OK I have to listen to this a few more times. I have entered a cycle of procrastination that has me feeling desperate and depressed. This is ridiculous because this is not who I used to be. This advice is extremely important. It’s just what I needed. Thank you.
  • @ShadeZahrai
    It’s wonderful to see that the analogy of the Three Mind Pits is hitting home. Thank you for the beautiful comments! 🙏 When Faysal (my husband) and I were brainstorming the topic we agreed that without overcoming self-doubt no one can truly live their full potential. We hope there’s something in this talk that connects with you and inspires you to get unstuck. Thank you to TEDx for the opportunity to share this message. In case you’re curious, here’s the research underpinning this talk: • Knowing-doing Gap (Pfeffer & Sutton, 2000). • Rumination and Overthinking (Joubert, Moulds, Werner‐Seidler, Sharrock, Popovic & Newby, 2022). • Upward Counterfactual Thinking (Broomhall, Phillips, Hine & Low, 2017; Hedgcock, Luangrath, & Webster, 2021; Medvec, Madey & Gilovich, 1995 Broomhall, Phillips, Hine & Loi, 2017). • Neural Impacts of Social Rejection (Eisenberger, Lieberman & Williams, 2003). • Cognitive Reframing (Crum, 2021). • Meaning-Motivation Link (Molden & Dweck, 2000). • Productivity Orientation (Keinan & Kivetz, 2008).
  • Self-doubt can be developed from parental or any significant others disapproval. Those people are the most important self-confidence builders.
  • @funnytv-1631
    While healthy relationships are a part of your journey, so is solitude. Have you created time to spend with yourself lately? Really tune in and just be? There is one relationship at the core of all others: you-to-you.
  • I have been in self doubt lately it's refreshing this came on my timeline,it definitely reminds I can change my narrative and I have the power to do it for true self
  • @yashduggal918
    I absolutely love Shadé and the way she explains concepts. I am truely inspired! Thank you Shadé!
  • @ChoicesGamez
    I love this. I use that analogy. Watching my son trying to walk 10 years ago,motivated me to never give up.
  • TEDx talks are smth which we always look for.. Thank you TEDx ❤️
  • @rishi2866
    This talk beautifully summarizes the reasons for me be hesitant and stuck. Thank you Shade for your guidance, its time to act now!!! 😎
  • @RichardNobel
    Summary with timestamps. ✏️ Three self-doubt mind pits that limit confidence: 2:31 Failure to Launch (the knowing-doing trap), rumination and overthinking. - "What if I fail?", "What if I'm underqualified?", "What if I've missed something?" 3:44 Treading Water (failing to finish what we start). - Hesitation, losing interest, seeking greener grass, getting bored. 4:54 Destination Obsession - You set an exciting goal; put in the work & discipline to achieve it. Only to derive a short burst of pleasure, followed by a lack of fulfilment. So you immediately set the next goal. - Feeling like you've never done enough. ============================== 💡 How do you free yourself and avoid falling in? ============================== 6:38 Failure to Launch + Shift your internal narrative (inner/mental chatter). Next time you catch yourself thinking: "I can't do this." => redirect to "How could I make this happen?" + Shift "I should do this" or "I have to do that" to: "I get to do this" or "I choose to do that". + Instead of combating disempowering thoughts, redirect your mind to empowering language that reflects personal control. 💪 + Finally, move from "why" to "what": instead of "Why don't I feel motivated?" ask yourself "What can I do to get excited about getting this done?" + ⚠ It's vital that the reframing is immediately followed by action! 9:10 Treading Water + If you find yourself stuck in this mind pit, schedule time to reflect on WHY you're doing what you're doing. ("For the sake of what?") 9:38 Destination Obsession + When you're aware of this unhealthy doubt-driven behavior, remind yourself of the irrefutable truths that: > You are not your work. > Your worth is not entirely a reflection of your achievements. and > You're not going to find lasting contentment on the hedonic treadmill of achievement. + Instead, set boundaries for yourself. Lastly, if you notice yourself feeling inadequate due to comparing your current reality to someone else's? Shift the narrative. Say: "I'm happy for this person. What can I learn from their Journey?" 🧠 You can unlearn [self-doubt] through creating new, healthier habits and tapping into the power of neuroplasticity that rewires your bra
  • This is one of the video i have watched that has refused to leave my mind. It keeps playing over and over in my mind. I saw where i have been getting it wrong and thst has made my life crawling. Thanks for this
  • @jadidhaque9778
    Failure to launch has been my bane all my life. Thank you for pointing this out, hopefully even after failing many times later in life. I can start, continue and reach my target successfully 🙌
  • @httv8677
    it's happen to me now and thanks God I watch this. Alhamdulillah
  • That's great to know why I feel exhausted sometimes. I always think that it could never enough for me and I have to make myself spend more time on my studying. Your video gives me a lot positive energy. I have learnt that I should "just do it" and stop thinking too much or comparing my journey to anyone. As you said "Excellece then is not an act but a habit" Thank you for inspiring me💗
  • I love her as the way she deliver the knowledge and talk.. nd voice
  • Oh, wow, it was the best talk about self doubt and how to manage it. All I needed today. Thank you so much Shade ❤️