Sony has officially abandoned PSVR 2

Published 2024-06-01
It has been a rough year for PSVR 2 owners and yesterday could have been the worst... lets find out why

All Comments (21)
  • @JoTokutora
    Meh, I mainly got the PSVR 2 for Gran Tourismo only, so im ok
  • @Ginger_Time_Lord
    To add insult to injury there's a part in in the Astrobot trailer where our little mascot is wearing a PSVR headset
  • @myscorebig
    Sony is terrible about supporting their own products. I learned my lesson back in the psp/vita/ move era
  • @TheIndulgers
    Another common Sony L. All the PSN on PC fiasco and region locking their games. Shutting down studios. Abandoning their hardware. No porting of psvr1 games to psvr2. Semake on remakes of the same games. PsPortal having no cloud gaming, netflix, browser, or app support, all with +80ms of additional latency. Sony is a trash company.
  • @deuswulf6193
    All they had to do was make it a PC compatible device, and support it. They already saw a surge in players with some PC releases, such as Helldivers 2and Ghost of Tsushima. Their stubbornness at being a console focused platform is only hurting them and their hardware.
  • @PapaBradsGaming
    Great video kevgret. I went with the Quest 3. I like the way you back up what you are saying with facts.
  • @ivana6141
    The registered trademark for the new astrobot includes downloadable virtual reality game. This will come in the form of dlc.
  • @BinkyTheToaster
    I think you're wrong; were this the case, they'd not have Behemoth and Alien Incursion coming this year. Sony's fixing the biggest competitive issue with the Quest in that now it'll do PCVR, and it's more like the other way around, it's a top-tier PCVR headset and controllers that is the only one with PS5 compatibility.
  • I'm also disappointed for the lack of 1st party support in new titles. It took several years for PSVR1 to catch on (some will argue it never did) and in 2024 there are still new 3rd party PSVR1 games being released in Japan for PS4 so hopefully that is a good sign for 3rd party support potential for years to come. I'm excited for PC support so at the very least the expensive hardware we purchased in PSVR2 is not locked behind the limited releases available on PS5. The truth is people just seem to prefer the Quest business model and not being straddled by cables and the need to own two $400+ devices for it to run.
  • @BrooklynMenace
    Blasphemy! PSVR2 has some of the best current VR Titles like RE4 & 6, Horizon, & Gran Turismo & a bunch of top tier titles coming this year and is the next best thing to a high end PC VR experience with some of the best Black levels on a VR headset due to it's OLED Screens. More huge titles from SONY would be awesome though and they are crazy for not bringing Astro Bot to the PSVR2, but I am very excited for the huge titles coming from other developers this year like Wanderer Fragments of Fate & Behemoth. But you do make valid points 😁
  • I'd still buy it. I wouldn't trip either way. I'd still have fun regardless of what they do, just like the Vita. It's still my second favorite handheld of all time, despite it flaws. Multiple headsets, cool.
  • @Darkuni
    You get a thumbs up just for using the Greatest American Hero logo. I jumped ship on VR when Facebook bought and owned VR outright. I won't be party to a hobby that Facebook is using as a harvesting tool.
  • @Mepper.
    The lack of 1st party VR games or even ads from Sony is very telling. We have some very good 3rd party VR games, but if Sony doesn't properly support the platform then why would 3rd party studios take the huge financial risk of developing future games for it? The most likely path forward is that most new PSVR2 games will be Quest ports.
  • Of course, it's over for the PSVR 2. A new Astro Bot game has been released without VR support, not even as an option. You can't expect first-party games for the PSVR 2 anymore. If the flagship title Astro Bot Rescue Mission made its debut successfully with PSVR as an exclusive VR game, and now the sequel doesn't even offer VR as an option despite Sony releasing PSVR 2 a year ago, we can assume that Sony is burying PSVR 2. There will still be releases from third-party developers, but no major games—maybe a few triple-A games with a VR option like RE4 Remake, but that seems to be it. The PC support is likely to help clear out remaining stock, as there’s no other reason for it, given that Sony doesn’t have its own launcher on PC to make money from VR games and hasn’t announced any VR games for Steam VR either. RIP PSVR2. This is almost a betrayal to those who bought a PSVR 2. Great job, Sony. Oh, and the Sony fanboys are, of course, silent on the matter. What a surprise.
  • @SargonDragon
    I think Sony's overall strategy regarding VR has been to cautiously watch and wait for it to take off rather than taking a risk on driving it themselves. They made an initial experimental push with the PSVR1. They committed less on the PSVR2. Sony does seem to realize that VR is going to become a big thing at some point, so they're keeping their toes dipped into the pond so that they don't risk being left behind when it takes off, but little more than that. Sony clearly doesn't see the time as now. Meanwhile, Meta has been lighting large amounts of money on fire for several years and not getting a lot of return for it compared to the money spent. In my opinion, this poor rate of return has more to do with company mismanagement than the state of the VR industry, but watching Meta lose billions has had a chilling effect on other companies when evaluating their own stance on VR. And I believe this has everything to do with Sony's current stance. They could have pushed with the PSVR2, and I think they were well positioned to do so, but a truly honest assessment would conclude that this would have been high risk for likely low reward.
  • @EagleFntm
    PS5 State of Play is the biggest nail in the coffin for the PSVR2 headset. 😭 RIP PSVR2 2023 - 2024
  • @itwsntme
    This is sad, but I still don't regret my purchase. RE 4 and 8 made it worth it for me.
  • @mikemiles3077
    Thanks for the info. I have a Quest 3, which I love. I just ordered a PSVR2 Friday through Sony. Should I send it back kevgret? Thanks for your hard work!
  • @Gamerprice40
    It’s crazy to think that Sony has proven they can deliver decent products that are well made yet they always end up being abandoned because they choose not to follow it up with new games and full support. This is practically what happened to the PSVita console which is generally considered one of the best portable consoles of all time because it had great hardware and was ahead of its time, but they only released a few games for it then completely stopped. Never addressed the only real issue with the Vita which was the storage. With that being said, I hope the PSVR2 doesn’t end up being another great piece of hardware that is lost over the years because it wasn’t supported